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Indian troops’ vehicle ‘deliberately’ mows down man hurling stones in occupied Kashmir (Video) Three

Doesn't really seem deliberate at all. This stonepelter got over excited with the spirit of Jihad and willingly came in front of a moving vehicle to attack it.
If he got mowed down, that is all on him. nothing to do with the security forces who were just trying to get out of the area.

The only thing deliberate I see is this idiot pelting stones security forces and coming in the way of their advance.

Lesson for this kid: If you're afraid of fire, don't play with the matchstick

During the Tiananmen square incident in 1989, the infamous "Tank Man" also ran in front of a moving vehicle (a tank). The tank stopped though.

Should it have not?
During the Tiananmen square incident in 1989, the infamous "Tank Man" also ran in front of a moving vehicle (a tank). The tank stopped though.

Should it have not?

Was the man throwing stones and trying to hurt people inside another (unprotectable/unarmored) vehicle?
Further more than 3000 people were killed in that incident, Should it have?
Was the man throwing stones and trying to hurt people inside another (unprotectable/unarmored) vehicle?

No, but if he was throwing stones, should it have run him over?

Or should he have been tied to the front of a jeep like a human shield?

See, the Indian members always say the Tianamen incident of 1989 was terrible, and the Chinese members agree with that. But then they justify what is happening in Kashmir today, not several decades ago?
Firstly that's not true, estimates have the number of dead in the hundreds, not thousands.

We are not talking about the Sikh Genocide of 1984 or Kashmir in 2018.

Comparing riots with extra judicial killings? How many people were killed by Mao during his revolutionary movement?
Indian Muslims may run over Hindus. We can claim it was self defence. I just prevented me from being run over by Hindus in future.

During the Tiananmen square incident in 1989, the infamous "Tank Man" also ran in front of a moving vehicle (a tank). The tank stopped though.

Should it have not?
I don't understand one thing. China is so powerful. Why does it not defeat the Hindu fascist state in its border? Don't want you to rule us but is a regime change beyond your capability?
@Horus @Irfan Baloch @waz @Zaki

This rabid Indian calling a freedom fighter pest....for us they are fighting for freedom and he is shaheed...kindly take strict action...

They will ban us ,Close our threads ,Send us warning ,
for speaking truth.

But will never BAN Hindu & Christian Terrorist.

Indian Muslims may run over Hindus. We can claim it was self defence. I just prevented me from being run over by Hindus in future.

I don't understand one thing. China is so powerful. Why does it not defeat the Hindu fascist state in its border? Don't want you to rule us but is a regime change beyond your capability?

China cant afford a war for next 40- 50 years ,
its still building its Economy .

The Major growth driven by globalisation ,has just started.
@Zuraib Qasit Khan

You talk too much on online forums ...why not you people start struggle like Kashmir where you live? Don't have self respect or you have only this much courage to speak only online?
Start freedom struggle...you will find us beside you.
Kashmiris stone your soldier's enmass because how these funerals are inciting the Kashmiris against india

Remember a funeral can bring our an entire locality to mourn and the discussions they have whilst mourning are central to destroying Kashmir as part of a indian union

Also Kashmiris have access to internet and they can just read the hindutva extremism

We carry a bigger stick.
That is all.

Seperatist minded Kashmiris can test our will if they need to, just be ready for more funerals if they attack the forces or pick up arms.
Kumbaya all you want to your hearts content and we won’t bother a Kashmiri.
Those are the rules of the game. Period!
Can India really do anything if Pakistan arms Kashmirs from Today and seriously?


Hindus have their sellout stooge RAW-CIA agent as PM of Pak,
called Sharif Mafia Family & Nawaz Sharif .
He is Hindu American Puppet ,just like Hasina ,

Irony is NAwaz Sharif from the same Indian occupied Kashmir ,
from Shopian , Kashmir.
@Zuraib Qasit Khan

You talk too much on online forums ...why not you people start struggle like Kashmir where you live? Don't have self respect or you have only this much courage to speak only online?
Start freedom struggle...you will find us beside you.

Please this thread is about Kashmir ,
lets discuss our issues on another thread.

If it wants to be a superpower it should stop banning beards and do more to help Muslims.

I completely agree,
But China wont .
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