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Indian troops for Iraq?

Knowing about the Ghatak commandos a bit more than most posters here, they would slaughter these jihadis en masse. It wouldnt even be funny.

Pound for pound one of the most lethal fighting force in the world and probably one of very few which can stand shoulder to shoulder with our Spetsnaz.

Even medieval savages like ISIS will have more sense than to engage them.
Cells you meant??
I completely agree. Lolzz
Blame my cell phone lol

Underestimating is the worst thing one can do.
OurPM is not peaceful ManMohan Singh and our NSA is not a IFS dove like Shiv Shankar Menon.
You may get what I mean.
Our minister 'shouldnt speculate'.
So it seems all options are in table.
Internet macko man.
Indian troops for Iraq?
Won't speculate, Arun Jaitley says

NEW DELHI: Defence minister Arun Jaitley on Tuesday refused to "speculate" when asked if India planned to send troops to Iraq to rescue Indians trapped there.

"I am not going to speculate," the minister told the media.

Nearly 120 Indians are stranded and 39 have been abducted in Iraq in areas overrun by Sunni insurgents. There are more than 10,000 Indians in Iraq overall, according to the external affairs ministry.

Expedite military purchases'

Describing the slow pact of military purchases "a major concern", Arun Jaitley said several decisions in the pipeline need to be expedited.

"Key matter of concern is the slow pace of acquisition of equipment and assets that are required," the minister told the media here.

"Several decisions in the pipeline are good cases for these processes to be expedited," he added.

"The entire resources of the country, notwithstanding various pressures, have to be made available in significant amount for those in defence of the country," said Jaitley.

Indian troops for Iraq? Won't speculate, Arun Jaitley says - The Times of India
Am not too late to join the party , am I????

dear you need to understand one thing -- that might put them on the odds with Iraqi govt.
what india should do is, use the back channels with ISIS and try to recover them.....
It might not be as easy as it sounds, because then Israel will have to be contacted through RAW and then they can use the sheeps in ISIS to rescue the kidnapped Indians.....
I direct action or engagement with ISIS will put India right in the sights of ISIS and AQ....
Do not forget, ISIS is just a puppet in the game, the hand at the back is different.....
Knowing about the Ghatak commandos a bit more than most posters here, they would slaughter these jihadis en masse. It wouldnt even be funny.

Pound for pound one of the most lethal fighting force in the world and probably the only one of very few which can stand shoulder to shoulder with our Spetsnaz.

Even medieval savages like ISIS will have more sense than to engage them.
wut, ghatak are light infantry SOF troops, Indian equivalent to the US rangers.. indian SF (marcos, paraSF, garud) are better trained than ghatak

SF would be more suited for street fighting in Iraq but yeah, Ghatak would slaughter these crazies easily.. they are trained to a very high level as well

I am not talking about a mass invasion- terrorists never had the power to invade a country-
Please be informed =such Jihadi organizations cannot directly attack amrika but are a clear danger to amrikas interests- going forward on this i know the vulnerability india has- specially after 26/11 where a fishing boat can land terrorists to your shores- add some local extremists to the mix- and i am sure the way these terrorists operate they will not target you directly but indians spread around the world will not be safe- anything indian would be a target and seeing how super power amrika and its allies are failing to control this indirect threat i am sure you will also fail miserably-

so live peacefully while you can and deal with such situations how it should be dealt with- Diplomacy- i am sure some Arab state will be more than happy to broker a deal with ISIS to release your countrymen- such like amrika used to release its POW- Bravado in such cases can lead to self destruction- specially considering your inability to deal with the repercussions-

As far as the US is concerned, the US has managed to achieve all it's objectives. The prime objective was to bring the war to the enemies before they could bring the war to the US homeland (no repeat of 9/11). If not convinced, just see who is killing and who is getting killed in the middle east these days. US' policy is an extension of British and French policy of keeping the ME boiling, keep the fighters busy.

I am sure that our security establishment has learned it's lessons from 26/11. No stable government worth it's salt will allow any indiscriminate attack against any specific targets by a "non-state actor" within it's territory. Hence any attack on Indians will come as a bad news for the foreign governments as well.

Also, remember why we have got a standing Army, that is because when diplomacy fails then we must be prepared to use the blunt side of the hammer. I am sure that we are not gonna reach that stage and things will get resolved peacefully. In short, this talk about Military intervention sounds premature and impractical at this stage.
Military options/boots on the ground should be the last option the GoI employs, first let negotiations and discussions fail THEN consider military options.

Looking at a military operation one has to say it is going to be VERY tricky and would put not just the hostages but the Operators going in to rescue them at great risk. Realistically speaking there is only one nation on earth with the kind of expeditionary Special Operations capability to launch such a rescue and that is the US. They have dedicated and extensive infrastructure around just this. India has a very limited expeditionary military (let alone Special Operations) capability. Think of the logistics of it- scores of civilians needing to be first saved by the SOFs then transported to safe locations- ho does one do that? Air- the Iraqis aren't going to lend any of their air assets so India would have to bring her own, so let's say they bring ALHs in C-17s whilst the IA maintains 2 dedicated Spec Ops SQDs these are for JK and the pilots whilst experts in JK have little to no expeditionary flying capability. India still has nothing like the US Army's 160th SOAR. Road- very very risky.

Biggest question- would the Iraqi Govt even okay Indian military intervention on their soil?
People talking nonsense here and trying to teach the ministers. FYI those people know more about the situation And about those jihadists you'll know in your whole life. So let the officials do the mind gaming.
Military options/boots on the ground should be the last option the GoI employs, first let negotiations and discussions fail THEN consider military options.

Looking at a military operation one has to say it is going to be VERY tricky and would put not just the hostages but the Operators going in to rescue them at great risk. Realistically speaking there is only one nation on earth with the kind of expeditionary Special Operations capability to launch such a rescue and that is the US. They have dedicated and extensive infrastructure around just this. India has a very limited expeditionary military (let alone Special Operations) capability. Think of the logistics of it- scores of civilians needing to be first saved by the SOFs then transported to safe locations- ho does one do that? Air- the Iraqis aren't going to lend any of their air assets so India would have to bring her own, so let's say they bring ALHs in C-17s whilst the IA maintains 2 dedicated Spec Ops SQDs these are for JK and the pilots whilst experts in JK have little to no expeditionary flying capability. India still has nothing like the US Army's 160th SOAR. Road- very very risky.

Biggest question- would the Iraqi Govt even okay Indian military intervention on their soil?

Forget about Iraq's stand, the question was asked by a reporter and the defence minister refused to speculate. It is highly unlikely that India will go for the military option. Too risky.
Forget about Iraq's stand, the question was asked by a reporter and the defence minister refused to speculate. It is highly unlikely that India will go for the military option. Too risky.
The Def Min did what any politician would do in that situation- ducked the question and rightly so no point in ruling out any options in these situations.

I think it is very important to consult with the Iraqis, any such mission would need their go ahead and their assistance to a certain degree, without their permission such a mission can't even be considered.
Military options/boots on the ground should be the last option the GoI employs, first let negotiations and discussions fail THEN consider military options.

Looking at a military operation one has to say it is going to be VERY tricky and would put not just the hostages but the Operators going in to rescue them at great risk. Realistically speaking there is only one nation on earth with the kind of expeditionary Special Operations capability to launch such a rescue and that is the US. They have dedicated and extensive infrastructure around just this. India has a very limited expeditionary military (let alone Special Operations) capability. Think of the logistics of it- scores of civilians needing to be first saved by the SOFs then transported to safe locations- ho does one do that? Air- the Iraqis aren't going to lend any of their air assets so India would have to bring her own, so let's say they bring ALHs in C-17s whilst the IA maintains 2 dedicated Spec Ops SQDs these are for JK and the pilots whilst experts in JK have little to no expeditionary flying capability. India still has nothing like the US Army's 160th SOAR. Road- very very risky.

Biggest question- would the Iraqi Govt even okay Indian military intervention on their soil?

Israelis can do that .Probably better than US.
But before going for the all the procedures you mentioned.We need solid intelligence either through US or others.For the RAW it will be a tedious task.Our former idiotic govts dont allow such capability for RAW.
Otherwise any type of ops will ended in a disaster.

Wait I got one for ur retarded brain. U r right, and watch ya back bitch cause I am coming for ya. bwhahahahahahahahahahahaha

And while I am at it I might take ur pm with me.

Ya Ya key board warrior.
Your brave former leaders try something against India several timestill 1971.And after
1971 except small 1999 we can heard some noise nothing more than that.
If you cant point any realiable facts then please shut up.
Wait I got one for ur retarded brain. U r right, and watch ya back bitch cause I am coming for ya. bwhahahahahahahahahahahaha

And while I am at it I might take ur pm with me.

Are you planning to elope with our Bachelor PM? Interesting....
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