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Indian Tejas jet's success leaves Western arms contractors worried

Wow 4 aircraft oh wow oh wow that all completed

Now add the Mig 29 UPG upgrade, Mirrage 2000-5 UPG upgrade, Jaguar Darin -3 Upgrade, SU-30 MKI - 1 squardon per year, LCH/Dhruv, Combat Hawk (Joint effort of HAL and BAe) with that.

You see the development took a while, because it needs a serious effort of all this below


Now You see its not just HAL, but all those developing so many subsystems have to coordination and it takes some time, till the real PACE picks up.

Better Google for how the production goes in a production lines.
no wonder Western F-35 project failed and now the worried west is lining up to procure Tejas after its startling performance in Bahrain.

even French are trying to get rid of their Rafales and will replace them with Tejas

Trolling and feel good statement without understanding the context? Or context was know but this was just trolling for the same of it?

Tejas has achieved important milestones for India which will make any foreign entity trying to sell arms of that nature to India will be worried.

I hope you understand it now this simple context.
Funny they dont have to worried about it since we are using GE engines in LCA .They also get a fair share .
But due to abundant HR resources we can sell defence stuffs with much less expense .
Trolling and feel good statement without understanding the context? Or context was know but this was just trolling for the same of it?

Tejas has achieved important milestones for India which will make any foreign entity trying to sell arms of that nature to India will be worried.

I hope you understand it now this simple context.

you miss the point here.
I am not talking from India as a customer .. point of view because India is already buying Russian, French and American planes..

I am talking from the point of view of Western manufacturers that fear the potential loss of customers due to Indian participation in this exclusive club.
Chinese Jets are already declared useless by Zee TV and Indian posters so your country has a free reign to capture the market and sell Tejas to anyone you want.
''The Tejas Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) is a supersonic, single-seat, single-engine multirole light fighter aircraft, which has been under development for the past three decades.''
it is a duel purpose plane because it can travel in the air and on the back of the truck

and can perform cobra maneuver while in the hanger. when on earth it spend most of its time on a truck otherwise it goes to Mars to engage the nasty aliens from "independence day 2"
Latest is that its delayed again and wont be operation till atleast 2019.
around 2010. in a website called Bharat Rakshak which is indian military consortium. They were comparing Teja with F22s
they are being modest.. and just to prove Tejas is best they will buy every 5th or 6th generation plane from the west in large numbers and pitch one single Tejas against them and then you and I will have nothing more to say
they are being modest.. and just to prove Tejas is best they will buy every 5th or 6th generation plane from the west in large numbers and pitch one single Tejas against them and then you and I will have nothing more to say

I am surprised that you are going after the LCA based on shoddy journalism and some over enthusiastic members. Indian views of capability, and shortfalls of the platform are quite known and on the sticky the entire discussion on projects status is quite well documented.

LCA serves as low cost solution for combating obsolescence of Mig21 and Mig27 platform and a launch platform for developing the fledgling aeronautical ecosystem for India. The strategic question though for Pakistan is quite complex, Suparco started in 1961 and the ISRO in 1969, despite a 8 year head start suparco did not develop it's indigenous capabilities, and in spite of slow development of technologies ISRO persisted with indigenous development and as it stands today the two entities are not even in the same ball park.

Now yes LCA as a program has had setbacks, shortfalls and delays, but is there a comparable program that Pakistan has or can invest in as of now, right now it might be a topic of humor for most here on the forum, but what do you think the pay off will be in coming years. Even if the technological benefits will be small in comparison to ISRO's accomplishments, my gut says that in next two decades, you will see stealth platforms, propulsion systems, and weapons platform being produced in India at a fraction of the price compared to other nations, just as the space and missile program of India. As of now, we have very little to show for in the sphere of indigenous development, but do not forget you have nothing. Zilch.
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I am surprised that you are going after the LCA based on shoddy journalism and some over enthusiastic members. Indian views of capability, and shortfalls of the platform are quite known and on the sticky the entire discussion on projects status is quite well documented.

LCA serves as low cost solution for combating obsolescence of Mig21 and Mig27 platform and a launch platform for developing the fledgling aeronautical ecosystem for India. The strategic question though for Pakistan is quite complex, Suparco started in 1961 and the ISRO in 1969, despite a 8 year head start suparco did not develop it's indigenous capabilities, and in spite of slow development of technologies ISRO persisted with indigenous development and as it stands today the two entities are not even in the same ball park.

Now yes LCA as a program has had setbacks, shortfalls and delays, but is there comparable program that Pakistan has or can invest in as of now, right now it might be a topic of humor for most here on the forum, but what do you think the pay off will be in coming years. Even if the technological benefits will be small, my gut says that in next two decades, you will see stealth platforms, propulsion systems, and weapons platform being produced in India at a fraction of the price compared to other nations, just as the space and missile program of India. As of now, we have very little to show for in the sphere of indigenous development, but do not forget you have nothing. Zilch.

Many Pakistani people used to make fun of India's space programme
but today cannot say a word

SImilarly in the area of missiles there was always an assertion of " equality or parity "
But look where we are today

Since India has always believed in technological self reliance ; we know
the VALUE and IMPORTANCE of even the smallest gain and progress

There is a fundamental difference between us and them

They always say " what have you achieved so far "
OR " In so many years you have achieved only this much "

We look at technological success as what more and what next
we can achieve from here on
Now add the Mig 29 UPG upgrade, Mirrage 2000-5 UPG upgrade, Jaguar Darin -3 Upgrade, SU-30 MKI - 1 squardon per year, LCH/Dhruv, Combat Hawk (Joint effort of HAL and BAe) with that.

You see the development took a while, because it needs a serious effort of all this below


Now You see its not just HAL, but all those developing so many subsystems have to coordination and it takes some time, till the real PACE picks up.

Better Google for how the production goes in a production lines.

I worked for manufacturing organization for 10 years I know how things worked oh in your case google can make you champion but in reality facts are when we see 4

Update yourself, the LCA is already in the production line. In June, the IAF will officially induct LCA in squardon service with 4 Aircraft.
Well congrats it only take you guys 30+ years
The Sri Lanka Air Force (SLAF) is reportedly looking to procure 18 to 24 new fighter aircraft to replace its obsolete fleet of Chinese license-built MIG-21 by 2017, and had recently rejected Pakistan`s JF-17 aircraft built with Chinese help.


Sri Lanka buying a weapon that has not even been deployed yet by a local air force! And rejecting a weapon which is actually flying.

I cant improve on this!
I am surprised that you are going after the LCA based on shoddy journalism and some over enthusiastic members. Indian views of capability, and shortfalls of the platform are quite known and on the sticky the entire discussion on projects status is quite well documented.

LCA serves as low cost solution for combating obsolescence of Mig21 and Mig27 platform and a launch platform for developing the fledgling aeronautical ecosystem for India. The strategic question though for Pakistan is quite complex, Suparco started in 1961 and the ISRO in 1969, despite a 8 year head start suparco did not develop it's indigenous capabilities, and in spite of slow development of technologies ISRO persisted with indigenous development and as it stands today the two entities are not even in the same ball park.

Now yes LCA as a program has had setbacks, shortfalls and delays, but is there a comparable program that Pakistan has or can invest in as of now, right now it might be a topic of humor for most here on the forum, but what do you think the pay off will be in coming years. Even if the technological benefits will be small in comparison to ISRO's accomplishments, my gut says that in next two decades, you will see stealth platforms, propulsion systems, and weapons platform being produced in India at a fraction of the price compared to other nations, just as the space and missile program of India. As of now, we have very little to show for in the sphere of indigenous development, but do not forget you have nothing. Zilch.
Firstly no one is ridiculing the aircraft as it yet has to enter and prove it's operational capabilities with squadron service, however it's the manner and mentality of Indian members and public that leaves much to be desired and please don't just blame shoddy journalism for this since it's only performing it's duties by feeding the Indian habits.
True that ISRO has made strides in it's field but that doesn't mean this was also a priority for Pakistan. Each country has it's own ambitions and goals. Just yesterday i was reading that in the last month alone, 116 Indian farmers committed suicide, how many died in Pakistan...Zilch.....
You see there are countries who go about quietly doing their business and there are those who like to make a song and dance about every minute detail. India seems one of those as it seems to demonstrate this at every opportunity, be it in some domestic product an international exercise or dealing with neighbours, Indian tend to box above weight only to be ridiculed and humiliated afterwards. Coming back to the subject, it's been in making for three decades, it hasn't even entered the squadron service yet, but we never hear the end of it, from being next generation to becoming a major player in the market. After it's first appearance at a second tier air show, you guys started chest thumping and ridiculing the JF-17....which has appeared at some half dozen real air shows. You see India in some ways reminds me of North Korea, who start gloating every time they turn a screw and make believe they have conquered the universe.
I am surprised that you are going after the LCA based on shoddy journalism and some over enthusiastic members. Indian views of capability, and shortfalls of the platform are quite known and on the sticky the entire discussion on projects status is quite well documented.


till you see my article in the members club. then you will understand my point of view.
you will not only agree with me but also thank me.
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