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Indian tea seller modi once again shows why he's called small man in big office

This actually shows that we dont care about religion at all. It doesn't matter if Hyderabad is Hindu majority or the Kashmir is Muslim majority.

Hindus or Muslims, integration of India will happen regardless. All Indians are one (at least that's what Majority of Indians believe).

Nope religion came into it for Hyderabad i.e. a Muslim ruler cannot decide for a majority Hindu population, which ironically you then used as a pretext to keep Kashmir.
What it does show you violated agreements and norms of diplomacy, not that all Indians are one.
Nope religion came into it for Hyderabad i.e. a Muslim ruler cannot decide for a majority Hindu population, which ironically you then used as a pretext to keep Kashmir.
What it does show you violated agreements and norms of diplomacy
On the contrary, this shows it has nothing to do with religion. Hindus or Muslims, we will integrate everyone.

Had it been about religion, we would've stopped at Hyderabad (like you said, it was Hindu majority with a Muslim ruler), but we didnt do it because we dont care about religion. Anyone and everyone can be an Indian, it's kinda simple.

not that all Indians are one
Okay if you - a non Indian - say so.
You are most welcome. My mother is Catholic so we have that thing cooked at home (though I dont eat that). We also have pork prepared at our place, hope you wont mind we eating that on the same table.

Pork has been eaten by Muslim soldiers during war, it's not our kryptonite, nor an insult to us. It actually makes us laugh think about it.
We don't mind at all.
Had it been about religion, we would've stopped at Hyderabad (like you said, it was Hindu majority with a Muslim ruler), but we didnt do it because we dont care about religion. Anyone and everyone can be an Indian, it's kinda simple.

Please read post# 79.
On the contrary, this shows it has nothing to do with religion. Hindus or Muslims, we will integrate everyone.

Had it been about religion, we would've stopped at Hyderabad (like you said, it was Hindu majority with a Muslim ruler), but we didnt do it because we dont care about religion. Anyone and everyone can be an Indian, it's kinda simple.

Okay if you - a non Indian - say so.

You treated the Muslims of Hyderabad differently from the Hindus. The Muslims were raped, murdered and looted when India took over. Many of your armed forces openly engaged in it. You might want to see the aftermath of operation Polo.
We all know what happened to the Muslims of Kashmir, who now live in the world's largest open air prison.

You do care about religion, Hindu nationalism runs your country.
60% of Lahore population was Muslim.
Maybe instead of taking cheap shots at Pakistan you should question whatever nonsense they are teaching you in India.

We need to open a trend hash tag " They are just Indians" and put the sub tittle underneath liars, manipulative and deceptive.
Pork has been eaten by Muslim soldiers during war, it's not our kryptonite, nor an insult to us. It actually makes us laugh think about it.
We don't mind at all.
Okay noted. It wasnt meant to be an insult (why would I insult anyone!), it was just an FYI thing.

You treated the Muslims of Hyderabad differently from the Hindus. The Muslims were raped, murdered and looted when India took over. Many of your armed forces openly engaged in it. You might want to see the aftermath of operation Polo.
Not that I support it, but if you say so, this may have happened.

And I never said India is saint, we have our fair share of bad deeds. And it happens everywhere. Just like Pakistan Army killed and raped her own citizens in East Pakistan in 1971, India may have done a similar thing.

I'm a very reasonable person, I wont blindly deny something that I cant defend.

We all know what happened to the Muslims of Kashmir, who now live in the world's largest open air prison.
Yeah I know, it's kinda sad. But you have to keep law and order you see. You are talking as if you dont know these things. It happens everywhere including China and Pakistan.

You do care about religion, Hindu nationalism runs your country.
I'm sorry if you feel that. There are Hindu Nationalists and Muslim Nationalists. Both idiots want to kill each other (and I really pray that they do). We also have Muslim leaders openly threatening Hindu civilians so yeah, we have some fucked up people here. But by and large, people dont care about religion. And I can say it because I stay here, I live here.
from alexander, to mughals to british, they didnt invade to rule, bengal, punjab or haryana...they came to rule india, story of whose riches spread globally, every civilisation has their name for india, not for her provinces...even during the times before the concept of nations states or when there were no unifying empire ruling the subcintinent. what binds india spiritually is something i dont expect a pakistani to understand...but india that is bharat is ancient...merely its political reorganisation has changed throughout millenias...besides british didint rule all of india either...current india is making of sardar patel not the british...to know that you need to study proper history...not those sanctioned at pak schools...there was a india before the mughals came from uzbekistan...there will be an india long after pakistan is history

You foking retard, there was no foking country named India in ancient times. Your foking country name was given to it by forigen colonials, rather it was used as reference to the region not to a country. Your bloody ancestors didnt call themselves "indians" , you the hindu extremists rats never existed as one country, you were created by british colonials on 15 august 1947 and that's where you collective miserable history starts. Before that you were subjects of "British Raj India" , and before that , subjects of muslim empire. All you did was to carry on using the term "india", a reference to slavery to forigen colonials, carrying on their legacy, which you till date, still hanging on by being a tout of western powers in this region.

You have no history sunshine, you history starts at 15th August 1947, your legacy is of only being good slaves. Pakistan on the other hand is the rebirth of our great civilisation that our ancestors build around our great Indus river, going back atleast 10000 years.
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What do you think?
You have 2 options:
1. People cant stay together if they follow different religion.
2. All people can stay together regardless of religion.

Which one do you think express inclusiveness?

Why does Bangladesh exist in the first place?

You are most welcome. My mother is Catholic so we have that thing cooked at home (though I dont eat that). We also have pork prepared at our place, hope you wont mind we eating that on the same table.

Its up to the people they want to stay together or not. You are no body to decide that responsibility of violence goes to those who do not want to stay together.

Separation of Bangladesh do tell us that religion is not the only factor to keep people together. There are other factors as well such as Geography, language, injustice, enemies, betrayal etc. But still religion is the main factor which did not make Bangladesh a part of India.
Just like Pakistan Army killed and raped her own citizens in East Pakistan in 1971
Pak army had never been involved in that henious crime. If it were, there will be more revelation before/after 71. Whereas, IA had multiple stories where senior molest female officers, under UN IA assaulted locals, wife swapping, raping kashmirirs, raping Assamese/Mizoram, Naxal's supporters. Heck, IA raped Biharis women in E.Pak in 1971.
Your Manekshaw had to warn his soldiers:
" To his soldiers during the 1971 war, he said, “When you see a begum, keep your hands in your pockets and think of Sam! "

IA officers raped and Entire female battalion of IA, bcz they were former red light workers. But guess, officers didn't think of them anything else but as a flesh. Name one incidents like this about Pak army other than fabricated ones in 1971.

One more medal for IA, raping women under UN banner
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Is it not true that he abandoned his wife? Why did he do it though? Fear of not being sufficient?

In some cases wife abandos husband. Second wifes also abandons husband. It is a personal. atter. let us not go into that.
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