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Indian tea seller modi once again shows why he's called small man in big office

Do you think this bitterness comes from his traumatic childhood which involved him getting molested by his gurus? Some say this is also the reason why he abandoned his wife without even consummating the marriage.
And what you acheived on 15 august the day you are going to celebrate tomorrow? 15 august exist because of 14 august so don't be a hypocrite and also call it a black day .
60% of Lahore population was Muslim.
Maybe instead of taking cheap shots at Pakistan you should question whatever nonsense they are teaching you in India.
Reason why they have builted Library in Afghanistan to feed propaganda game Pakistan
Thats what they teach you in Pakistan? Lahore was a sikh majority city pre 47 even kpk cities like Peshawar had sizeable hindu sikh population. These are millions of Sindhi hindus living in India many times more than Sindhi hindus present in Sindh today. How did that happens?
Because they migrated to India Duh.
Because they migrated to India Duh.

Yes and people in mass numbers usually without any adverse reason just migrate to different place leaving all their lives, land, business etc and to start everything from scratch
Modi and India should remember 14-15th Aug as black day. On the night of 14-15 a large part got liberation from Hindu extremism, major portion of population refused to call themselves Hindustanis. Two new countries Pakistan and Bangladesh are much happier, progressive and safe than India.
60% of Lahore population was Muslim.
Maybe instead of taking cheap shots at Pakistan you should question whatever nonsense they are teaching you in India.

Ok from 40% how Sikh-hindu population of lahore dwindled to less than 2% today

PS I wasn't taking any chepshot at anyone, just replying to your countrymen who claimed violence of partition was only one sided affair and indians were sole preperators while Pakistan is were only victims
I Know of an older family member who migrated from other side of Punjab

Whole family dead, kids witnessed the murders of thier entire families while surviving by acting dead covered in blood

so frankly f*** off monkeys

August 15 rememberance days for lynching victims of India

So we never ever forget why we got Pakistan in the first place
Boht Sarey Phattu Indians han yaha pr , Jal to rahi hogi inki aj
there must be some confusion...not your fault...you see our Gurus are not Mullahs with saffron robe...they dont keep boys in hostels to molest them later like they supposedly do in madrasas in Pakistan! and 14th of august is the final culmination of the way pork eating, wine-drinking, anglophile Jinnah betrayed the thousands of Muslims who fought the British for a united free India both under Congress and in INA of Netaji. the 14th of august is on the back of forced migration/exodus of at least 15 million Hindus, Sikhs and Muslims, rapes, murders etc that began from 1945 to 1947... its not Modi's fault that you grew up with a distorted history...maybe if you had spared some Sikhs in Nankanasahib or Hindus in Lahore, they could share their ordeal with you...as a son of a family who had to flee for their lives during partition in Bengal during 1947... i would humbly request the deniers of the horrors of partition to politely **** off ! and this is historical amnesia is exactly why pakistan lost Bangladesh and why they are now going to face the resurgent TTP with the highest confidence ever. wish you a very Happy "Partition Horrors Remembrance Day"
It's concerning how often you indians do psychological projection. You accuse us of selective amnesia yet forget that it was your hindu leaders who are ready to go violent to stop creation of Pakistan. None of this would have happened had they allowed the Muslim to have their own state or give them representation in legislative assembly, but know those half naked dimwits wanted to create an empire, and had Nazi like inspiration for Muslims. But upon failing to do anything legally they unleashed their thugs on innocent Muslim just like how butcher of Gujarat leashed caveman in Gujarat and Delhi 2019. If anyone is to be blamed for partition violence it's Hindu leaders who owning to their imperialist designs couldn't fathom the existence of a Muslim State.

final culmination of the way pork eating, wine-drinking, anglophile Jinnah betrayed
Is this supposed to make us hate Jinnah? Because if it was then you my dear pajeet need to do better.

and this is historical amnesia is exactly why pakistan lost Bangladesh and why they are now going to face the resurgent TTP
Classic indian, always concerned about others while their own house is on fire. How long do you think you can suppress freedom struggle in Kashmir , Assam, Manipur and north East with military might? Hindutva extremism? Does it not concern you or are you one of those nutjobs?
15th august is the culmination of 200 years of freedom struggle...14th august is the culmination of a British project for bases against soviets in which Jinnah played a part by killing his own countrymen to get a land as a ransom demand. thus on 15th, India won her freedom...on 14th Pakistan STOLE a part of the territory of the former, with assistance from the most notorious looters of 20th century IE the British empire! India got her independence(supported by nationalists,secularists, most being devout Hindus)...Pakistan was created(by zamindars and landlords, Islamist and imperial powers)...

thats the difference...there are British documents to prove that
Ok let's say we stole territory, what are you going to do about it, subhuman?
There are 10 subhumans for every single one of us, how about you grow a pair and actually do something about it.
just like a smartphone looks weird to a monkey...

the real Pakistan was east Pakistan that generated more revenue and had 60% population...the murders that the kid witnessed, were because of a partition that was Jinnah's doing. if he wanted a partition...he could have done it amicably...he started the blood-sport in Calcutta through Direct Action Day where Hindus were slaughtered despite no prior provocation, with the sole objective that the Congress will agree to partition, just to see the bloodshed stop. he opened the Pandora's box...you paid half the debt in 1971...rest will be extracted by TTP... pretty soon, Modi and India has enough heft to get the PartionHorrorsRemmebranceDay...international recognition, given its global reality... this is when the monkeys finally strike back at the neanderthals beyond our western borders
Oh my God, dude, were you born stupid or is this the result of excessive cow pee consumption?
Jinnah asked for a peaceful demonstration on Direct Action Day. This was how it was all around India except Calcutta where months of Hindu-Muslim tension eventually resulted in violence. Your Sardar Patel had declared civil war in Bengal in Feb 1946.
itni bari kursi itni chooti sooch!!!

itnaaa barrraa Choy**!
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