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Indian tea seller modi once again shows why he's called small man in big office

he is confused like pakistanis.
These leftists brand modi as some hitler, I’m not surprised considering their ideology has been trashed by Indians and Modi is gaininng popularity day by day, this pro Muslim and anti Hindu bias for decades in India is the reason Hindutva movement got momentum and then these leftists as usual did character assassinations of not just modi but also of the hindutva movement as some nazi inspired stuff, lol. Over exaggeration, fear mongering and what not. Reading their stuff is always enteertaining. If RSS is anti Muslim then why is there a Muslim Rashtriya Manch in RSS? All these leftists are struggling for their survival as no one is buying their ideology, that’s why they stoop to hitjob and character assassinations of decisions taken by GoI like CAA and NRC which has nothing to do with Indians but were painted as some “fascist” law, they will cry everyday “Death of democracy under Mudi” but will stay silent to what scamgress does.

Biggest heartburn of leftists was when Supreme Court of India said that Modi had nothing to do with the Gujarat riots, and their confirmation bias was hurt the very day. In our societies no one teaches us to hate anyone based on his faith or work etc. I feel these lefties will cry a river again in 2024 with even more hitjobs.
Twitter India controls and supervises all of South Asia. Pakistani Twitter army would get suspended in a jiffy, so I suggest don't risk it.
Looks like someone else also has an IT Cell.
So Modi Ji, how do you plan to remember 15th August from now....
May i suggest....Bharat kay ichchhaadhaaree Sapnou ka balatkar.
Wonderful news. 14 August should not only be remembered as Partition Horrors day in India, but also in Pakistan and Bangladesh.

What is the use of all that violence (as correctly termed by Modi, mindless violence) when you couldn't even keep the 1947 Pakistan intact for more than 24 years!

People who died or got killed in 1947 for creating Pakistan must be rolling inside their graves since 1971.

I think India should put her head in a sandpit considering it picks fights with a country 7x smaller, lost 40% of Kashmir to it and saw Akhand Bharat carved up like my piece of hunter beef.
. .
When Modi sees another man



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