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Indian tea seller modi once again shows why he's called small man in big office

This is nothing more than a dog whistle to justify the present day murders of Muslims of India.

The psyche of the Hindu right is cluttered with imaginary scenes of weakness, dispossession, defeat and deprivation at the hands of Muslims.

Looks like the Mughals has been vilified enough, to the extent that it no longer evokes a strong reaction among the puniest of societies, so Pakistan needs to be again become enemy #1.
Are you a Muslim?
lets remember 15 August as muslims holocaust day... and reshares the atrocities of facist hindus on muslims in 1947 #muslimholocaustday #terroristmodi #blackday
The fascist chief will destroy his own country and civil society, pls make more tweets like this, let the hate flow through you, etc.
This is nothing more than a dog whistle to justify the present day murders of Muslims of India.

The psyche of the Hindu right is cluttered with imaginary scenes of weakness, dispossession, defeat and deprivation at the hands of Muslims.

Looks like the Mughals has been vilified enough, to the extent that it no longer evokes a strong reaction among the puniest of societies, so Pakistan needs to again become enemy #1.

Agree, that's exactly what this is. India will have a tough time recovering from this fascist wave. Social fabric and civil society is shaped over a long time, and it's destruction takes a lot of time and effort to reverse.
Excellent that Modi has brought this up. The nation needs to remember.
because your people hid that fact from text books...go read british sources if u want...truth doesnt change colors based on religion
How cute pajeet is talking about our text books after BJP and RSS raped all the school curriculum and poisoned innocent minds with hatred against all non Hindus. The cess pool you are representing was never a country or one nation in history. Your artificial indian state is the creation of the British. The word India itself is a British creation. First learn what defines a nation or a country then open your ignorant mouth.
@The Eagle @waz this gobar eating bhakt is not adding any value to this forum .Look at the language he is using why he is not banned yet?
he became a separatist because the same Muslims who he wanted to vote for the Muslim league in 1937 provincial elections voted for congress...ALLL the provinces that make up pakistan TODAY...despite being muslim majority...voted for Congress...he lost the plot...thus he changed his story...as a shrewd lawyer that came easy to him...thats history 101 for you...
Then he fk u in the *** !
Go back to your the hole where you came from
That's none of your business
Absolutely and you all can do nothing about it - at least not your call center lot.
Odd that the Pakistanis still haven’t learned to recognize a “working woman” ki aulaad Indian and let mods throw him back to his 3x3x3 sweatshop.
It only wastes time replying these cretin.
Remember guys the Pakistani Twitter army will flood Modi's twiter profile tomorrow. It's pay back time.
Use secondary IDs, there is a chance that they can get suspended. :enjoy: And Inquilab Zindabad.
Remember guys the Pakistani Twitter army will flood Modi's twiter profile tomorrow. It's pay back time.
Twitter India controls and supervises all of South Asia. Pakistani Twitter army would get suspended in a jiffy, so I suggest don't risk it.
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