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Indian tea seller modi once again shows why he's called small man in big office

To be frank partition has done good to ind and BA..pakistan's situation is getting worse by the day...now that taliban is taking over afghanistan, this will give a lot of boost and inspiration to terrorist groups in pakistan.

Partition saved us . You people have no birth control you just grow from poverty to poverty

No way could our cultures survived your onslaught of mass people invasion to our areas

First you praised mr trump going to tame us! You shameless people, now, it’s the turn of the Taliban going to harm us u rats never give up.

Bangladeshis Indian you! Are south Asians you don’t belong to 75% of Pakistan cultures or races
1 - the river Indus...originates in India...u get the water we let go
2 - the mauryan empire in 320BC under Chandragupta Maurya and then Ashokan was much larger than Mughal empire...they were the once who drove the greeks away fro what is today NWFP
3 - these kingdoms, never divorced themselves from their indian identity...and all ancient civilsiations including the cinese, the europeans also were warring tribes fighting each other...india is no exception...
4- if the indians were so disunited...al beruni wud call us bengalis, punjabios,etc not Hindus to represent the people...

Both in our civilisational ethos, and the way the foreigner saw us...we had a racial unity with ethnic diversity....BUT again...i dont expect pakistanis to understand that...you guys guy killed 3 million bengalis over a langauge...

The Indus river originates from Tibet and then it flows through Ladakh and there it enter GB and it flows through entire length of Pak. So a small portion of river Indus flows though India and that is also from Ladakh where people are mostly budhist and they are not from mainland Indian subcontinent.

Mauryan empire existed in 320BC (if it ever existed) and this was also long ago and this Mauryan empire was not called India as well. I am not interested in 320BC.

They were Greeks, Arabs, Persians and British who called the present day Pakistan as Indus/Hind/Hindustan/British India and they did not refer river Ganga.

So you do accept that India as a country and nation only exists since 47 but identity exists from thousands of years. Identity is a broad word and it depends on the definition of individuals as well. I am not into identity and you can keep yourself happy with the identity of India if it makes you happy.
Do two things:
1. Stop drinking hazardous drinks.
2. Stop believing your own history/media sources.
these are british accounts...gaali deni hain to unko do ...
The Indus river originates from Tibet and then it flows through Ladakh and there it enter GB and it flows through entire length of Pak. So a small portion of river Indus flows though India and that is also from Ladakh not mainland Indian subcontinent.

Mauryan empire existed in 320BC (if it ever existed) and this was also long ago and this Mauryan empire was not called India as well. I am not interested in 320BC.

They were Greeks, Arabs, Persians and British who called the present day Pakistan as Indus/Hind/Hindustan/British India.

So you do accept that India as a country and nation only exists since 47 but identity exists from thousands of years. Identity is a broad word and it depends on the definition of individuals as well. I am not into identity and you can keep yourself happy with the identity of India if it makes you happy.
if adam and eve ever existed...their grandkids will be product of incest which indicates massive genetic regression causing retards to dominate the generations to come...so why are you insulting yourself? the mastermind of mauryan empire...CHANAKYA said that from himalyas to down south till tamil nadu...all of it is Bharat/india! so yeah...the mauryan empire was very much india...infact their stated aim was AKHAND BHARAT! the indus river may originate in tibet and flow inpakistan but the catchment areas lie with India! u shud study elementary geography first
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usse modi ko ghanta fark nahi partaa 😂

Kafi fark penna, ik tweet, ik tweet churi se jesa hai. :rofl:
Because 14 August represents an ideology that says that people cant live / stay together if they belong to different religions. This logic (or the lack if it) resulted in mindless violence that killed a lot of people. 15th August does not say these illogical things.

Also, all this violence turned out to be useless because the Pakistan that was achieved based on this logic couldn't even last more than 24 years (which by the way is not even surprising).

So the invasions of Hyderabad and forceful occupation of Kashmir represents love?
This hateful, tiny clown of your PM is a joke.
these are british accounts...gaali deni hain to unko do ...

if adam and eve ever existed...their grandkids will be product of incest which indicates massive genetic regression causing retards to dominate the generations to come...so why are you insulting yourself? the mastermind of mauryan empire...CHANAKYA said that from himalyas to down south till tamil nadu...all of it is Bharat/india! so yeah...the mauryan empire was very much india...infact their stated aim was AKHAND BHARAT! the indus river may originate in tibet and flow inpakistan but the catchment areas lie with India! u shud study elementary geography first

Why you keep quoting 320BC. Because you don't have anything else to show in 2320 years. 320BC is long ago and people are not interested in what happened and not happened 2320 years ago. Word of India/Hind/Hindustan originated from river Indus as you do accept now.

I make it easy for you. Call your country as Bharat but again Bharat never existed as country and nation before 47. So only identity is left and you are free play with your identity thingy. No one is stopping you from that.
Do you think this bitterness comes from his traumatic childhood which involved him getting molested by his gurus? Some say this is also the reason why he abandoned his wife without even consummating the marriage.
Modi forgot to add that this painful partition happened a few years before his father forgot to use a condom.
However when he came to power, he made sure that few thousand more are never displaced ....for the rest of their lives.

Why you keep quoting 320BC. Because you don't have anything else to show in 2320 years. 320BC is long ago and people are not interested in what happened and not happened 2320 years ago. Word of India/Hind/Hindustan originated from river Indus as you do accept now.

I make it easy for you. Call your country as Bharat but again Bharat never existed as country and nation before 47. So only identity is left and you are free play with your identity thingy. No one is stopping you from that.

Who cares what he or any other Indian says regarding the 14th. They are as petty as their God Modi.
To hell with them all.
Plenty of Indians also described his tweet as petty and silly.
Because 14 August represents an ideology that says that people cant live / stay together if they belong to different religions. This logic (or the lack if it) resulted in mindless violence that killed a lot of people. 15th August does not say these illogical things.

Also, all this violence turned out to be useless because the Pakistan that was achieved based on this logic couldn't even last more than 24 years (which by the way is not even surprising).

Who decides that 14 Aug represents violence and 15 Aug represents love. Present day Bangladesh is still not part of India so muslims of Bangladesh are not living with Hindus of India. So 2 nation theory still exists.
So the invasions of Hyderabad and forceful occupation of Kashmir represents love?
This actually shows that we dont care about religion at all. It doesn't matter if Hyderabad is Hindu majority or the Kashmir is Muslim majority.

Hindus or Muslims, integration of India will happen regardless. All Indians are one (at least that's what Majority of Indians believe).
and 14th of august is the final culmination of the way pork eating, wine-drinking, anglophile Jinnah

No, the the 14th of August and the 15th were the culmination of the ideas of the Hindtuvadis. Below is what the Congress Party leader Shashi Tharoor said last year :
Speaking at the session 'Shashi on Shashi' with Micheal Dwyer on Day 2 of the Jaipur Literature Festival (JLF), Mr Tharoor claimed that the Hindutva movement started by Vinayak Damodar Savarkar categorically rejected the Constitution.

He said that for Savarkar, a Hindu was one for whom India was his fatherland and holy land. Muslims and Christians were not considered in this.

"Savarkar, Madhav Sadashiv Golwalkar and Deen Dyal Upadhay rejected the constitution and in fact agreed with the Muslims that religion should determine nationhood. In the historical sense, the first advocate of the two-nation theory was actually Savarkar, who as the head of the Hindu Mahasabha called upon India to recognise Hindus and Muslims as part of two separate nations three years before the Pakistan Muslim League passed the Pakistan Resolution in Lahore in 1940," he said.

Mr Tharoor further said that according to them, the Constitution was full of imported ideas written in the wrong language - English.

"Another flaw they pointed out was that it assumes that the nation of India is a territory and it's (constitution) written for all the people on the territory. Nation is not a territory but its people and the people of India are only Hindus," he said.
Modi should understand this and see the errors of his ideological ancestors.

Jinnah betrayed the thousands of Muslims who fought the British for a united free India both under Congress and in INA of Netaji.

What about Shaheed Bhagat Singh ? Since some of the current Hindutvadis proclaim his heroism and there are even one or two Hindutvadi groups in his name why don't they go ahead and accept his beliefs where he was Socialist or Communist till the moment he was hanged by the British government ?

Do two things:
1. Stop drinking hazardous drinks.
2. Stop believing your own history/media sources.

He is just misguided.
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Because 14 August represents an ideology that says that people cant live / stay together if they belong to different religions. This logic (or the lack if it) resulted in mindless violence that killed a lot of people. 15th August does not say these illogical things.

Also, all this violence turned out to be useless because the Pakistan that was achieved based on this logic couldn't even last more than 24 years (which by the way is not even surprising).
I want to vist India and I want to have beaf. Would you invite me there to have Indian beaf khabab
Who decides that 14 Aug represents violence and 15 Aug represents love.
What do you think?
You have 2 options:
1. People cant stay together if they follow different religion.
2. All people can stay together regardless of religion.

Which one do you think express inclusiveness?

Present day Bangladesh is still not part of India so muslims of Bangladesh are not living with Hindus of India. So 2 nation theory still exists
Why does Bangladesh exist in the first place?
want to vist India and I want to have beaf. Would you invite me there to have Indian beaf khabab
You are most welcome. My mother is Catholic so we have that thing cooked at home (though I dont eat that). We also have pork prepared at our place, hope you wont mind we eating that on the same table.
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