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Indian Spy Caught !!

Indian spy agency RAW behind Quetta bomb blast
Pakistan Times Baluchistan Bureau Report

QUETTA: There are reports that Indian spy agency RAW (Research and Analysis Wing) agents are loitering around in the whole province of Balochistan escort-free.

Intelligence sources say, Indian RAW operatives have established many terrorist camps in the province to add fuel to the activities of nationalists with an objective of transforming it into a full bloom insurgency leading to the breakup of Pakistan.

Exploit, Widen gulf

Indian spy agency RAW, taking advantage of the internal situation of Balochistan has launched a web site 'Baloch Voice' to exploit the Baloch issue and widen the gulf between the Centre and Balochistan in order to achieve their goals.

There is no doubt, that Indian secret service is the motivational force behind terrorist acts committed in Balochistan to mar the ongoing developmental activities in Balochistan and bleak the economic future of Pakistan.

Recent Bomb Blast

In their recent target, the Indians RAW operatives managed to hurdle a car bomb near the resident of the Chief Minister of the province of Balochistan injuring four people. The Chief Minister escaped unhurt in the incident.

The Provincial Interior Minister, Sherwani said, "It is a conspiracy to deteriorate the situation at a time when we are holding talks with nationalist leaders to reach an understanding."

He said foreign hand in the attack could not be ruled out. "I think that same people are involved in the present explosion who earlier carried out similar kind of explosions," DIG Quetta Pervez Rafi Bhatti told BBC.●

Pakistan Times | Top Story: Indian spy agency RAW behind Quetta bomb blast
Govt asked to make statement on condemned ``Indian spy``

New Delhi, Aug 22: Rajya Sabha chairperson Bhairon Singh Shekhawat today asked the government to come out with a statement on Punjab resident Sarabjit Singh, who has been condemned to the gallows by the Pakistan Supreme Court for being ``Manjit Singh`` and a RAW agent.

Earlier raising the issue, Ahluwalia alleged it had become customary for Pakistan to implicate Indian nationals on the Pakistani soil in internal disturbances.

Referring to today`s newspapers which carried reports of his distraught family members threatening to hang themselves if his hanging was carried out, he said it was tragic that no action had been taken by the Indian government.

Its time we make Khalistan a reality. India has a lot more separatist movements than Pakistan, and we should seriously reconsider that option.
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