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Indian Soldiers Cannot Even Climb a Six Foot Wall

Already debunked in ur own thread lol

I have already debunked even this one:
Siachen you don't have all of it.

Kargil you had since 71, but we have a nice foothold in it.

I mean you didn't win the kargil war. Op vijay was a failure. Anyways enjoy the loss of life in a barren wasteland.
Yes we have all of Siachen .. Pakistan army no where on the Siachen glacier..and we control all the passes for Siachen. You army is way down.

And as far as Kargil is concerned..you have lost Kargil peaks twice..in your short history...so what kind of joke are you?
Yes we have all of Siachen .. Pakistan army no where on the Siachen glacier..and we control all the passes for Siachen. You army is way down.

And as far as Kargil is concerned..you have lost Kargil peaks twice..in your short history...so what kind of joke are you?
A joke that claims they won 1965 war without completing the objective of capturing J&K but with defending the enemy couunter attack at the western front.
A joke that claims they won 1965 war without completing the objective of capturing J&K but with defending the enemy couunter attack at the western front.
The biggest joke is that after 50 years, the Indian clowns have decided to write a new version of history again.
A joke that claims they won 1965 war without completing the objective of capturing J&K but with defending the enemy couunter attack at the western front.
So if you rule the 65 war as a failure due to the partial completion of op Gibraltar and grand slam, so how can you say the kargil war was a success when operation vijay was not completed?
Pakistanis with no history beyond 70 yrs should not speak of our history
And this is from the nation thats trying to falsify its history by saying you invented aircraft and the Internet thousands of years ago, whilst trying to shun out the mughal history. Nice.
And this is from the nation thats trying to falsify its history by saying you invented aircraft and the Internet thousands of years ago, whilst trying to shun out the mughal history. Nice.
Go through NCERT and ignou curriculum
You illiterate Quam, find any reference to flying aircraft and "internet" thousands of years ago I'll leave the forum, I'm talking about history taught to students at present, not some random article or YouTube video
Jeez, shagging goats has a mental effect on you it seems
So if you rule the 65 war as a failure due to the partial completion of op Gibraltar and grand slam, so how can you say the kargil war was a success when operation vijay was not completed?
Grand slam was a failure
Op vijay was to bang you fkers out of the occupied positions
Which we did and your military still haven't given out proper numbers,
Honestly I'm of the opinion IA soldiers should have left the bodies of Paxstani Saljars to rot on the hills instead of giving them a burial, whatver be the motive, you Degenerates refuse to even take back your soldiers
Shatashatye Samaacharam
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What an absolute cro magnon of a person

Typical gangu cannot even read what I wrote properly and tells me to get an education? Ok 82iq...

Alao operation vijay

It was to retake ALL positions taken by Pakistan and to expel pakistani prescense.

Tell me

How have you retaken all the peaks when we still hold 4 peaks today and still patrol them today, which shows our presence is still there.

Lol gangu

You were supposed to isolate siachen, were you able to? We defeated your military and retook all positions and were going to retake the last one if ceasefire would not have happened, lol Jheloo.
You were supposed to isolate siachen, were you able to? We defeated your military and retook all positions and were going to retake the last one if ceasefire would not have happened, lol Jheloo.
Wow you are dumb. You put the 82iq to shame. You lower it...

Kargil war was not intended to take siachen you spanner.

It was intended to disrupt supplies to siachen via Nh1a by shelling nh1a. That was done through out the war.

If you wanna talk military let's go.

Militarily you got your *** absolutely whooped.

2 jets shot down and a heli shot down.

Well over 549 Indian soldiers dead

All for 453 NLI shaheed. And you not being able to retake all the peaks.

And the ceasefire lol.

Ceasefire between col saqlain and cmdr aul led to both sides leaving each others points. Here I'll give you some quotes and a link.

'Com. Aul's tactics, evidently under political pressure to bring about as quick an end to hostilities as possible, were designed to secure a subsequent territorial exchange. In mid-August, 1999, his efforts to bring about a deal bore fruit. Extended negotiations between the Brigadier and a Pakistani interlocutor, who called himself Colonel Saqlain, led to both sides committing themselves to leave points 5353, 5240, 4251 and 4875 unoccupied.

Both Indian and Pakistani troops were now pulled back to their pre-Kargil position, leaving an arial distance of about a kilometre between the armies along most of the Marpo La ridge. The deal wasn't ideal, for point 5353 was of enormously more strategic importance to India than either 4251 or 4875 were for Pakistan, but it was better than nothing.

Towards the end of October, things began to go horribly wrong. Commander Aul tasked the 16 Grenadiers to take point 5240 and the 1-3 Gurkha Rifles to occupy 5353, choosing to violate the August agreement rather than risk the prospect that Pakistan might reoccupy these positions again. While the 16 Grenadiers attack proceeded as planned, despite bad weather, the 1-3 Gurkha Rifles, for reasons which are still not clear, never made their way up 5353. When Pakistani troops detected the Indian presence on 52 40, they promptly launched a counter assault on 5353. Seven days later, in early November, the Grenadiers unit on 5240 watched Pakistan take up positions on the more important peak.

Pakistan moved rapidly to consolidate its position on 5353. Concrete bunkers came up on the peak, and a road was constructed to the base of the peak from Benazir Post, Pakistan's most important permanent position in the area. In the meanwhile, Commander Aul considered plans to retake the peak. He didn't have much choice. India's positions on 5240 were under threat, along with positions of the 2 Naga in Mushkoh, the 2 Grenadiers in Drass, and the 8 Sikh in Bhimbet. Offensives were discussed in January an d February this year, and again in May and August, but had to be abandoned each time because of the risks involved.'

We took several other peaks as well

Enjoy gangu :D

Also you talk about not accepting losses? Reveal your own first.

Wow you are dumb. You put the 82iq to shame. You lower it...

Kargil war was not intended to take siachen you spanner.

It was intended to disrupt supplies to siachen via Nh1a by shelling nh1a. That was done through out the war.

If you wanna talk military let's go.

Militarily you got your *** absolutely whooped.

2 jets shot down and a heli shot down.

Well over 549 Indian soldiers dead

All for 453 NLI shaheed. And you not being able to retake all the peaks.

And the ceasefire lol.

Ceasefire between col saqlain and cmdr aul led to both sides leaving each others points. Here I'll give you some quotes and a link.

'Com. Aul's tactics, evidently under political pressure to bring about as quick an end to hostilities as possible, were designed to secure a subsequent territorial exchange. In mid-August, 1999, his efforts to bring about a deal bore fruit. Extended negotiations between the Brigadier and a Pakistani interlocutor, who called himself Colonel Saqlain, led to both sides committing themselves to leave points 5353, 5240, 4251 and 4875 unoccupied.

Both Indian and Pakistani troops were now pulled back to their pre-Kargil position, leaving an arial distance of about a kilometre between the armies along most of the Marpo La ridge. The deal wasn't ideal, for point 5353 was of enormously more strategic importance to India than either 4251 or 4875 were for Pakistan, but it was better than nothing.

Towards the end of October, things began to go horribly wrong. Commander Aul tasked the 16 Grenadiers to take point 5240 and the 1-3 Gurkha Rifles to occupy 5353, choosing to violate the August agreement rather than risk the prospect that Pakistan might reoccupy these positions again. While the 16 Grenadiers attack proceeded as planned, despite bad weather, the 1-3 Gurkha Rifles, for reasons which are still not clear, never made their way up 5353. When Pakistani troops detected the Indian presence on 52 40, they promptly launched a counter assault on 5353. Seven days later, in early November, the Grenadiers unit on 5240 watched Pakistan take up positions on the more important peak.

Pakistan moved rapidly to consolidate its position on 5353. Concrete bunkers came up on the peak, and a road was constructed to the base of the peak from Benazir Post, Pakistan's most important permanent position in the area. In the meanwhile, Commander Aul considered plans to retake the peak. He didn't have much choice. India's positions on 5240 were under threat, along with positions of the 2 Naga in Mushkoh, the 2 Grenadiers in Drass, and the 8 Sikh in Bhimbet. Offensives were discussed in January an d February this year, and again in May and August, but had to be abandoned each time because of the risks involved.'

We took several other peaks as well

Enjoy gangu :D

Also you talk about not accepting losses? Reveal your own first.

Enjoy jheloo
Insulted Other Member/Nationality
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We have 70 years of history, while Indians have been just hysterical most of their lives. .. God Bless Justice Katju. :laugh:
Katju is just a tharki meme.

Enjoy gangu.

Now answer me. How was op vijay a success when pakistan still holds 4 of the peaks?
How was 65 your victory when your tupac failed and so did your kashmir annexation dreams? We celebrate Kargil vijay diwas because we thwarted pakï agression and retook whatever we could, we can anytime reoccupy them with a few airstrikes.

Anyways this thread was a joke showing policemen as army. No need to continue posting in this thread as it is already derailed.
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