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Indian Soldiers Cannot Even Climb a Six Foot Wall

Congrats and thank you for the doing so...

View attachment 755757

It was never to annexe Bangladesh, but to liberate it, there are speeches of our military leadership directing our forces for doing the same.

Congrats and thank you for the doing so...

View attachment 755757

It was never to annexe Bangladesh, but to liberate it, there are speeches of our military leadership directing our forces for doing the same.

Regarding your chawinda pic, I know...

The battle of chawinda wasn't really inconclusive. Considering the fact that the Wikipedia article (nice source btw /s) contradicts itself by saying the battle was inconclusive but the Indian assualt was more or less repulsed just shows the mass brigade of Indians on wikipedia

Cannot let a single victory be named for Pakistan. Even when they defeat was so obvious.

Also newspapers claiming one side has achieved victory over another side in a battle during a war is nothing new. Happens all the time.

Chawinda was a victory. We stopped your advance. Split your 1st armoured brigade (cant remember it properly) 'the pride of India' in two (literally) to the point where you were unable to take sialkot. Which was your objective...

India’s intention was to annex East Pakistan and claim it for themselves. But the Pakistanis counter-attacked.

Do you realize that whatever the fck you just said applies to you as well? If we are 2 rupee converts then pray tell us from who did we convert from? :rofl:

This guy has a seven minute itch to get banned. :lol:

Notice how cockroaches get wings and start flying, right before they die....:lol:
Paxtani people have been dumb to fall into fake happiness of undeniable victory peddled around by your masters
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Both on which day you know?
View attachment 755692
Guess the date in this one?
Again, it was never the objective to capture and assimilate it to Indian union
But you chaps are too dumb to understand it anyway.

Stop making sad pathetic claims about 1971.

My relatives saw your pathetic army and were so bummed.

We did 90% of the warfighting for the nine months. You walk in the first week of December and claim victory. :lol:

Typical dhokeybaaj.
It was never to annexe Bangladesh, but to liberate it, there are speeches of our military leadership directing our forces for doing the same.

Yeah some 'liberate' your Gangu Army did. Stole and trucked off every possible machinery in our factories and power stations.

Cleaned us out when Mujib told them to GTFO off Bangladesh.

And has been playing one sided trade to the tune of about $10 Billion every year since.

Low class idiots.
Yeah some 'liberate' your Gangu Army did. Stole and trucked off every possible machinery in our factories and power stations.

Cleaned us out when Mujib told them to GTFO off Bangladesh.

And has been playing one sided trade to the tune of about $10 Billion every year since.

Low class idiots.
What did your Kangladeshi raqibools did in front of Pak army? You should’ve rejected the Indian weapons you got from us and instead ask your Walton to produce it high quality saarrr. I feel sad why did we even helped you, we should’ve had a ceasefire with pakistan and a refugee pact, those kangladeshi raqibools are still roaming here and there.
What did your Kangladeshi raqibools did in front of Pak army? You should’ve rejected the Indian weapons you got from us and instead ask your Walton to produce it high quality saarrr. I feel sad why did we even helped you, we should’ve had a ceasefire with pakistan and a refugee pact, those kangladeshi raqibools are still roaming here and there.

We did what we had to do, who told you to poke your nose, Gangu?

You did what you did not out of love for us - but because you wanted to break Pakistan, which saajish you have been doing since 1952.

Well where did your plan go?

Most everyone in Bangladesh hates India's guts now.

What does one expect from Indian soldier,
When fed with ordinary lentils and curry?
This athletic build is dream for average soldier simply.
Thousands of soldiers get trained every year and one soldier unable to climb a wall becomes a thread with 12 pages.... We don't even know the number of the day that soldier actually joined the training 😅😅😅
To be or not to be. ... The Indians have been surprised since 1965.

I stayed in the office after-hours to clean this thread. Will I continue to be lenient if it happens again?
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That pencil neck Indian is all over PDF, jumping from one tree branch to another - sling the little shit out
According to the late Marshal Manekshaw*, for a reason the IA needs 15:1 ratio for it even to take on a beleaguered East Pak garrison - cut-off by 1200 miles of the enemy territory from its base, and without any air, armored, artillery, naval, logistics, intelligence, diplomatic etc. supports - trying to survive fighting 9 long months of relentless terrorism from all 4 sides of borders (4K km long), and living amongst 75 million hostile populace who want them dead and gone....

*"An officer and a gentleman" product of the British Indian Colonial Army
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