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Indian Soldiers Cannot Even Climb a Six Foot Wall

So was Kargil.

Kargil was few hundred lightly armed man without any significant support and air cover v/s a whole army having support from both land artillery as well as air.

Kargil and siachin are not comparable.
Artillery whose range was too small to cover the heights occupied by the intruders.

Still india had that available along with air support. Furthermore the reason of kargil was a wirhdrawal of support due to interferrence of usa and cowardice of NS
Everything KHAKHI is not ARMY. Some are postmen too.

Just like everything that shines is NOT gold.

Cheerleading is really reaching new lows everyday.
Indian soldiers are brave its just 5 feet wall.. what if 70 percent cant climb..its a fault of wall.. wall is uneven and think..
Indian soldiers are brave its just 5 feet wall.. what if 70 percent cant climb..its a fault of wall.. wall is uneven and think..
Now you know why the Indians always get demolished in hand to hand combat against the Chinese ... considering they cannot even jump over 6ft walls, what type of fighting skills do you think these weaklings have?
Everything KHAKHI is not ARMY. Some are postmen too.

Just like everything that shines is NOT gold.

Cheerleading is really reaching new lows everyday.
Excuses, excuses, excuses :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
The bionic man could just jump over the wall. India needs to invest in a bionic man.
Since the entire Indian Media is feeling great on the fake video of Chinese recruits crying supposedly going to Ladakh. Let me add a video viral in Chinese circles regarding the Indian Soldiers. Watch the entire clip and then see how fit the Indian soldiers are.

Meanwhile Chinese soldiers climbing big vertical walls with ease.
Ok this is very strange.

I remember during obstacle course, we ran, kicked the wall, gained height/momentum and climbed over the wall. Found a video to show what im saying, at 0:30

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The bionic man could just jump over the wall. India needs to invest in a bionic man.
If they cannot jump over the wall, why not simply blow up the wall :enjoy: ... no need for expensive toys like the bionic man lol
If they cannot jump over the wall, why not simply blow up the wall :enjoy: ... no need for expensive toys like the bionic man lol

But one hell of an expensive toy would it be tho 😁
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