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Indian Soldiers Cannot Even Climb a Six Foot Wall

With this Army, maj Gaurav claimed India can fight a war on both fronts; Pakistan and China at the same time. This is very embarrassing.
Not Surprised.
I have known INDIANS HAVE WEAK ARMS all my life.
I seen it all in my school days, Indians struggling with fitness test.
In the Army, Indians have problem with pull ups and push ups.
But they are quite GOOD AT RUNNING, see how fast they run into the river at Galwan.
" at least 3 kg less of skeletal muscle than Chinese and European men."

Why Indian Army video is fake?
SISSY INDIANS cannot climb because of MORE FAT LESS MUSCLE is Scientific FACT.

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Don't worry. Your dream of Chinese decisively defeating Indians will never come true. India will have the last laugh.

Don't worry. Your dream of Chinese decisively defeating Indians will never come true. India will have the last laugh.

All the ones who jumped closer to the wall failed the test, the ones who jumped a feet or so before and relied on their arms energy (instead feet) did it successfully. Most of them seem to be doing it for the first time.

Failures calculated it all wrong.
Such skirmishes keep happening. I am talking about final conclusive result.

Just like in 1962 where China gained 38,000 sq km of supposedly Indian territory :enjoy: ... is this not conclusive enough for you?
Just like in 1962 where China gained 38,000 sq km of supposedly Indian territory :enjoy: ... is this not conclusive enough for you?
It should be 39,000 sq km now. 1000 sq km new territory gained
Don't worry. Your dream of Chinese decisively defeating Indians will never come true. India will have the last laugh.

Chinese DECISIVELY DEFEATING INDIANS already happened in 1962.
There is no need for an ENCORE and make the WHITE COLONIALISTS dreams come true.
Indians can laugh when their people don't die of hunger, women can have freedom to walk alone at night, and KASHMIRIS are free of torture from their INDIAN INVADERS.
You are welcomed to share my wishes.
Just like in 1962 where China gained 38,000 sq km of supposedly Indian territory :enjoy: ... is this not conclusive enough for you?
Not conclusive. India nullified that with 1975 annexation of Sikkim. And China was and is interested in Sikkim. Remember the propaganda of Sikkim being one of the five fingers of Chinese palm of Tibet?

Since the entire Indian Media is feeling great on the fake video of Chinese recruits crying supposedly going to Ladakh. Let me add a video viral in Chinese circles regarding the Indian Soldiers. Watch the entire clip and then see how fit the Indian soldiers are.

Meanwhile Chinese soldiers climbing big vertical walls with ease.
All these news are nothing but delusion. I know laughing at enemy make us feel good, but I am sure, as far as determination is concerned, Indian soldiers are equally good. Come one guys, we are same people.
lol thats local force
Desperation exposed with this cherry pickingg.
Chinese DECISIVELY DEFEATING INDIANS already happened in 1962.
There is no need for an ENCORE and make the WHITE COLONIALISTS dreams come true.
Indians can laugh when their people don't die of hunger, women can have freedom to walk alone at night, and KASHMIRIS are free of torture from their INDIAN INVADERS.
You are welcomed to share my wishes.
If 1962 was a decisive event, why Chinese attacked Galwan in 2020 then?

Not conclusive. India nullified that with 1975 annexation of Sikkim. And China was and is interested in Sikkim. Remember the propaganda of Sikkim being one of the five fingers of Chinese palm of Tibet?

India can have Sikkim .... China will have Aksai Chin :enjoy:
If 1962 was a decisive event, why Chinese attacked Galwan in 2020 then?

Because it wasn't decisive enough. The only definition of decisive would be the capture of New Delhi and the balkanization of India.
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