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Indian positions getting toasted

That does sound like a rant, with factual errors.

British ruled, India, Pakistan and those martial Pakistani Pashtuns for 200 years.
Leave it bro, the bowed heads needs to vent up their frustrations, their ancestors bowed their heads to survive, can't blame them. They hardly can bear that we are from a lineage of many thousands years of unbowed heads.
Either you should visit a good Optometrist or a good Opthomoligist, barring that, I can only imagine it is your vivid imagination.

All I see is some trees burning.

Neither any building, nor any flag on fire.

You would get what was on fire when your media would start reporting casualties one by one. ;)

It looks like you are obsessing with me, sorry, but I don't swing that way.:astagh:

Just asking about obvious obsession of you Indians with this forum. No need to get so defensive. :)
If all Indians left this forum it would die its natural death in a few days . No one would as much as piss on pdf after that. Then all u pakistanis can form a coterie and orgam to your own comments and posts.

Then let the forum die its natural death. :lol:
You would get what was on fire when your media would start reporting casualties one by one. ;)

Just asking about obvious obsession of you Indians with this forum. No need to get so defensive. :)

Well, then thank your heavens for Indian media, for it were your media, they would have simply towed your amy line and swept your casualties under the carpet.

But until then , this a source less, picture of some trees on fire.
If all Indians left this forum it would die its natural death in a few days . No one would as much as piss on pdf after that. Then all u pakistanis can form a coterie and orgam to your own comments and posts.:enjoy:
This is just brilliant!!

You just joined to leave? Do not know, should one welcome you or say bye bye...
Ask the admins to kick out all indians if they can:lol:

No need. They kick you guys anyways when they want to.

Well, then thank your heavens for Indian media, for it were your media, they would have simply towed your amy line and swept your casualties under the carpet.

But until then , this a source less, picture of some trees on fire.

Tree have posts and bunkers around them anyways.

Your media would report casualties when your military would inform them. No difference.
What do you celebrate independence day for ?
Independence from whom ?

Pakistanis are a conquered people....... First by magadh kingdoms , then by muslims who forcibly converted you and then by british
Independence from india
Let me read you some history .

1. The British ruled India also ruled the regions what is today called as Pakistan .

2. The same central asian invaders first conquered Sindh , Punjab whose population forms 80% of pakistan and the did every thing to them what you call as " savaged your braves repeatedly and took back women and gold. "

The only difference between us and them , is that we were brave enough we didn't leave our Hindu religion in spite those invasion and violence.

Let me put some points, hopefully we would understand each other.

1) British annexed Punjab is 1843 and Sindh in 1849 and Western Pakistan, later on. This makes their rule a barely 100 year rule on territories of present day Pakistan. Pakistan is acronym for Punjab, Afghania (KPK old name), Kashmir, Sindh and balochisTAN.

2) Central Asian or Arab invaders no way had the might to do mass conversions. If they had, they ruled India for 1000 years, India should have been entirely muslim, but it wasn't, Hindus were represented in corridors of power at the time. Moreover the Islamic Schools of thought of Punjab and Sindh were entirely different from the schools of thought preached by invaders, the locals converted through endeavors of Sufi saints, which were held in high esteem by Hindus and Sikhs alike. Islam spread to Malaysia, Indonesia, Bangladesh, was it by sword then ?
Religions have changed throughout time. Christianity was a Middle Eastern religion, today most of its followers are in west, who used to follow european pagan religions. Same case was with Judaism, which started in Middle East, today most are Ashkenazis, i.e European Jews. Islam started in Middle East, today 70% of its adherents are non Arab.
Let me read you some history .

1. The British ruled India also ruled the regions what is today called as Pakistan .

2. The same central asian invaders first conquered Sindh , Punjab whose population forms 80% of pakistan and the did every thing to them what you call as " savaged your braves repeatedly and took back women and gold. "

The only difference between us and them , is that we were brave enough we didn't leave our Hindu religion in spite those invasion and violence.
there was no Pakistan before 47 you genious
please dont fart. why your awesome India celebrate independence in 1947?
my goodness this Modi has really fcked with your minds and history

by the way Did you Indians discover America as well?
and do tell if it was Indians who invaded Arabs and Afghans?

get over it.. just 2000 british from non matial race ruled India before that Pashtons and Baloch invaded India took away your women and enslaved your men who died while crossing the mountains hence these mountains were called Hindu Kush (Hindu killers). because your flimsy forefathers couldnt fight.. you are only good for call centre and rants from the internet

Let me put some points, hopefully we would understand each other.

1) British annexed Punjab is 1843 and Sindh in 1849 and Western Pakistan, later on. This makes their rule a barely 100 year rule on territories of present day Pakistan. Pakistan is acronym for Punjab, Afghania (KPK old name), Kashmir, Sindh and balochisTAN.

2) Central Asian or Arab invaders no way had the might to do mass conversions. If they had, they ruled India for 1000 years, India should have been entirely muslim, but it wasn't, Hindus were represented in corridors of power at the time. Moreover the Islamic Schools of thought of Punjab and Sindh were entirely different from the schools of thought preached by invaders, the locals converted through endeavors of Sufi saints, which were held in high esteem by Hindus and Sikhs alike. Islam spread to Malaysia, Indonesia, Bangladesh, was it by sword then ?
Religions have changed throughout time. Christianity was a Middle Eastern religion, today most of its followers are in west, who used to follow european pagan religions. Same case was with Judaism, which started in Middle East, today most are Ashkenazis, i.e European Jews. Islam started in Middle East, today 70% of its adherents are non Arab.
wait and see his generation is being brainwashed by Modi that they conquered the universe and it was they who invaded Arabs, Afghans, British, Mongols and Turks . wait for it.. when one billion of them will repeat and agree with each other then it will become a truth for them LOL
It were your forefathers that were enslaved , forcibly converted and their women taken by arabs , afghans , mongols and turks . Stop peddling bullshit . People living adjacent to the indus were always weak and cowardly and easily gave in which was manifested in the mass surrender of 1971.
were you and your ancestors on flying saucers visiting Mars during these invasions? what happened to your brain?

is Pani Patt in Sindh? where was Sominat?

and this is the after effect of the pakistani firing on indian posts which indians are distributing with pride.

bare ho jao indians. pakistani soldiers died at night and indian posts were destroyed the next day on pakistan army chief order. so posting the destruction of your oun posts won't change the facts that the incident took place at night.
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