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Indian Ocean Peaceful Geo-Political Pivot Or Contentious Source of Hedging

Quote from TheDeletedUser
^The Chinese recognized Sikkim as part of India in 2003. If Pakistan wants to claim it for China, I say go for it.^

I don't think there is any Chinese confirmation for this. Only Indian dream and some Indian newspaper reports. And why may I ask should Pakistan go for Sikkim - of all the places. I sympathise with people of Sikkim who are crying till today.

Yeah, Tshering over there is crying his/her heart out! Oh wait! It's a false flagger with propaganda!
Quote from TheDeletedUser
^The Chinese recognized Sikkim as part of India in 2003. If Pakistan wants to claim it for China, I say go for it.^

I don't think there is any Chinese confirmation for this. Only Indian dream and some Indian newspaper reports. And why may I ask should Pakistan go for Sikkim - of all the places. I sympathise with people of Sikkim who are crying till today.

I am Sikkimese and I am certainly not crying :rofl:. Don't count me as a "RAW" agent just because the reality is different from what is taught to you in your syllabus about our people. HAHAHA! We don't need you sympathy. Rather I feel sorry for Pakistanis who are wondering what's happening in your country. And who's China to tell who we are? They can consider entire India disputed for all we care as it is not going to affect us. Our weakling Congress might have recognized Tibet but we don't. But I can understand why you're speaking so much for them. They're currently your lifeline without which you will drown economically and socially. Never mind. Happy friendship with them.
Mr. Tshering22,
How do you know I am not from Sikkim and how much offense I take to your posts. It will be a pleasure to get banned for speaking the truth.
Ha ha ha ha ...... your remark is a clear declaration that you may not be able to understand the geopolitical and geostrategic imperatives.
A recent report by the Indian comptroller and auditor general states that by 2012, the Navy may retain only 61, 44 and 20% of the envisaged force levels of frigates, destroyers and Corvettes respectively. And that there will be further delays. Only 48 per cent of India's submarine fleet is available for waging war.

What are the Indian posters are so pepped up about the depleting strength of Indian Navy.

Oh I know ....... they must be busy buying golf carts :)
A recent report by the Indian comptroller and auditor general states that by 2012, the Navy may retain only 61, 44 and 20% of the envisaged force levels of frigates, destroyers and Corvettes respectively. And that there will be further delays. Only 48 per cent of India's submarine fleet is available for waging war.

What are the Indian posters are so pepped up about the depleting strength of Indian Navy.

Oh I know ....... they must be busy buying golf carts :)

I agree with you. The author also makes pretty good sense when looked at from strategic point of view. No wonder the Indians may not like the analysis but in my view it is a good analysis and closer to reality. I don't know what is all the fuss about.
one question is, how India justify its annexation of Sikkim?

this is one of a few, the most horrible and notorious incident among world nations. UN is a shame.

Free Sikkim Spirits!
I have to say that what happened to TIBET made Sikkim annexed to India by its own will. It wanted to avoid communism. By with India too it will face cultural problems.

As far as Indian Ocean is concerned if pak were in our place they would have behaved exactly the same way our Navy is doing.
So with great power comes great bullying tendencies. Its fact. Its Strategically placed and India uses it to its advantage. E.g when in 1971(sorry I have to refer those painful memories,bare with me) India didn't allow pakistani aircrafts over its territory and they even punished Sri Lanka(By supporting LTTE) who allowed pak navy warships to refill in Colombo.
one question is, how India justify its annexation of Sikkim?

this is one of a few, the most horrible and notorious incident among world nations. UN is a shame.

Free Sikkim Spirits!

We're free. Thanks for your concern, and thanks to our predecessor's decision, we enjoy a dozen times better quality of life than most of other India. Though industries of small business are mainly the jobs, try Googling Gangtok online. You'll see how "oppressed" we are. Save whatever is left of your country rather than worrying for someone that is not interested spreading lying through you about us.

I have to say that what happened to TIBET made Sikkim annexed to India by its own will. It wanted to avoid communism. By with India too it will face cultural problems.

Communism was first worry and second was that we're culturally Indians. Our language, faith branch, school of thought, philosophy, all originate from India. Why would be choose China?
I have to say that what happened to TIBET made Sikkim annexed to India by its own will. It wanted to avoid communism. By with India too it will face cultural problems.

As far as Indian Ocean is concerned if pak were in our place they would have behaved exactly the same way our Navy is doing.
So with great power comes great bullying tendencies. Its fact. Its Strategically placed and India uses it to its advantage. E.g when in 1971(sorry I have to refer those painful memories,bare with me) India didn't allow pakistani aircrafts over its territory and they even punished Sri Lanka(By supporting LTTE) who allowed pak navy warships to refill in Colombo.

This is real-politik. And this should be a lesson for us too. And if I may add, we also understand this fully well and that is why there is a major trust deficit between the two countries. Our interests do not collude and they are contrary to each other's desires.

And it is this real-politik and geopolitical reality which at this time in history, despite India's offensive strength, India is geopolitically at a disadvantage. It can not further its desire of becoming a world power - despite her economic furtherance, due to the presence of bigger powers in the region. These bigger powers are not going away and are likely to stay for a long period as this, the hinterland of eurasia, they would not like to lose to other emerging powers from Asia.

Pakistan, despite its slow economic growth and being in the eye of the storm is better placed to influence the environment as compared to India, despite her bigger navy, army and air force.

This is a fact that the Indians are gradually getting used to - and the recent statement of Ms Nirupama Rao is a testament in this regard.
We're free. Thanks for your concern, and thanks to our predecessor's decision, we enjoy a dozen times better quality of life than most of other India. Though industries of small business are mainly the jobs, try Googling Gangtok online. You'll see how "oppressed" we are. Save whatever is left of your country rather than worrying for someone that is not interested spreading lying through you about us.

Communism was first worry and second was that we're culturally Indians. Our language, faith branch, school of thought, philosophy, all originate from India. Why would be choose China?

You are a sub-tactical and inconsequential non-entity in this bigger game. Ther are over 80 Armed Secessionist Movements in Northeast India around Sikkim, east of Nepal where Buddhism took its roots and not India. All sister states want to secede from India. Just take the Indian Army out of this region and it will probably take a week if not more for this part of India to break away.

So please enjoy your time in Sikkim, whatever is left that is or better still move to as some one earlier said here to the Non Cow Eating - Cow Belt.
This is real-politik. And this should be a lesson for us too. And if I may add, we also understand this fully well and that is why there is a major trust deficit between the two countries. Our interests do not collude and they are contrary to each other's desires.

And it is this real-politik and geopolitical reality which at this time in history, despite India's offensive strength, India is geopolitically at a disadvantage. It can not further its desire of becoming a world power - despite her economic furtherance, due to the presence of bigger powers in the region. These bigger powers are not going away and are likely to stay for a long period as this, the hinterland of eurasia, they would not like to lose to other emerging powers from Asia.

Pakistan, despite its slow economic growth and being in the eye of the storm is better placed to influence the environment as compared to India, despite her bigger navy, army and air force.

This is a fact that the Indians are gradually getting used to - and the recent statement of Ms Nirupama Rao is a testament in this regard.

Read your post and just have to say, RUN....RUN from whoever is teaching you these delusional conclusions......high time you do some Reality Check..

But its all your choice...
No sir, it is you guys who are running from reality and seriously need reality checks.
This is real-politik. And this should be a lesson for us too. And if I may add, we also understand this fully well and that is why there is a major trust deficit between the two countries. Our interests do not collude and they are contrary to each other's desires.

And it is this real-politik and geopolitical reality which at this time in history, despite India's offensive strength, India is geopolitically at a disadvantage. It can not further its desire of becoming a world power - despite her economic furtherance, due to the presence of bigger powers in the region. These bigger powers are not going away and are likely to stay for a long period as this, the hinterland of eurasia, they would not like to lose to other emerging powers from Asia.

Pakistan, despite its slow economic growth and being in the eye of the storm is better placed to influence the environment as compared to India, despite her bigger navy, army and air force.

This is a fact that the Indians are gradually getting used to - and the recent statement of Ms Nirupama Rao is a testament in this regard.

Dude..how do you infer? India is going to be one of those bigger powers. How delusional can you be? India is going to be either 2nd or third largest economy far and above any one else. China would never confront India in our sphere because they know they have as much to loose as we. You seem to think you are Chinese and are assuming a lot. China is not gonna stay authoritarian for very long. Its gonna become democracy sooner or later then you know who they rather be friends with. I know this is the fact which you would disregard. Anyways good luck with self aggrandizing.
Dude..how do you infer? India is going to be one of those bigger powers. How delusional can you be? India is going to be either 2nd or third largest economy far and above any one else. China would never confront India in our sphere because they know they have as much to loose as we. You seem to think you are Chinese and are assuming a lot. China is not gonna stay authoritarian for very long. Its gonna become democracy sooner or later then you know who they rather be friends with. I know this is the fact which you would disregard. Anyways good luck with self aggrandizing.

C'mon yaar, you guys are basing your strength on bigger economy and strong armed forces. Look at the geostrategic and geopolitic environment that exist around you. Can you intrusively extend influence in your west and force Pakistan to do as India says - NO you can't. Pakistan is a nuclear power and has strong armed forces. Can you force your eastern lands i.e. the Chinese similarly - No Sir you can't. The only guys you can intrusively influence are Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan and Sri Lanka, Maldives etc. Does this make you an emerging global power. You can not influence your own regional powers less the smaller ones. Your navy can not intrusively dominate the Indian Ocean due to presence of other bigger powers. So what are you and where do you think you can use a non-influence which you so fervently propagate.

Wake up guys and read the ground realities without day dreaming.
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