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Indian Ocean Peaceful Geo-Political Pivot Or Contentious Source of Hedging

We're free. Thanks for your concern, and thanks to our predecessor's decision, we enjoy a dozen times better quality of life than most of other India. Though industries of small business are mainly the jobs, try Googling Gangtok online. You'll see how "oppressed" we are. Save whatever is left of your country rather than worrying for someone that is not interested spreading lying through you about us.

Communism was first worry and second was that we're culturally Indians. Our language, faith branch, school of thought, philosophy, all originate from India. Why would be choose China?

what?? you claim you are from Sikkim, you said the Sh!t, how brazen your Indians are.
don't troll, deep down you know what happen to Sikkim in 1975, how many Sikkimese killed from 1975-1985?

now someone claim Sikkim is close to India in language, religion, history, how brazen are you guys? Sikkimese are not even the same race as you, they are Mongolic, they language is tibetanic, their history has all related to Tibet but no single clue to India. Their religeon is Tibetic Buddhism, not Hinduism. Their Genes even close to Chinese than you Indians.
Nalanda Bhai - replying to your post

Taking support is one thing but to expect them to be part of their own decline is other. In today's interdependent world, no country will coem to aid of others in a war unless it is the untmost necessity....if they do, it will risk them so much economically that they will only advise to reconcile etc etc

Agreed. But countries would go to war if they feel that their interests are threatened to the extent and war is necessary.

I have read this comment many times.....just want to clarify that we see China as threat and want to have enough resource to deal with China BUT CHINA by no means is our enemy. We are infact trying to build good relationships with them, insahallah , we are confident that China will be our largest trading partner in years to come. China has started investing in India and we expect lot of JVs with them. Our economic bonding will grow so strong in days to come that life without each other will be like living without your girl-friend.....You guys largely consider diplomacy inferior being a nation ruled by army, but in India, Bureaucrats rules and they are the best brains out of mad competitions and are not trained like an army man to "use less brain and just follow orders". So you will see relation with China improving drastically in coming years as we desire it....we will not invest too much brain in improving relations with Pakistan...

• China potential threat number one: George - Express India
www.expressindia.com/latest.../China...number-one.../290223/ - India - Cached
30 Mar 2008 – China potential threat number one: George ... on CNN-IBN that China is "still potential threat number one" and "could become an enemy", ...
• India's former defense minister, said China is the number one enemy
26 Feb 2011 – Indian Socialist Party leader, former Defense Minister Yadav has stated recently, “China is India's enemy number one,” adding that “the ...
• China's Scary Challenges to India | Institute for Defence Studies ...
Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses › Publications › IDSA COMMENT - Cached
9 Oct 2010 – Even former Defence Minister George Fernandes considered China as India's number one enemy, ...
India and China
www.oycf.org/oycfold/httpdocs/Perspectives/18.../Indina_China.ht... - Cached
"Enemy Number One" was how India Defense Minister George Fernandes described China in May 1998, a few days before India shocked the world with a series of ...

I sincerely hope that India’s relations with China improves and India returns Arunachal back to China. Secondly, if China is not your enemy why have India raised a Strike Corps against China recently – and don’t tell me that this is a defensive measure. If it had been Indian army would’ve raised additional reserves and not a Strike Corps, the main purpose of which is to launch attack in Chinese territory.

Himalays protect us unlike the plains which surround our borders with Pakistan and hence need not deploy forces at China border. China, unlike , Paksitan also does not declare a thousand year war with us . China is largely peaceful and is focussing on development with an eye to become USA , the way are trying to develop........while Paksitan is a mess and willl be a miss in the forseeable future ....so force deployment has been done taking everything into an account. We are building our Navy as we see time running very fast and we need to make the Ocean what it is ..i.e. Indian Ocean.

If China is so peaceful, how can it be threat number 1 and an enemy number 1. Skewed comment.

This is what has been brainwashed to you. You have made 50% population hungry, homeless and undernourished .....while we have started compalining that there are no workers willing to work at even increased wages. I pay INR7K to my domestic maid and 12k to my driver and still worry if they will leave me and pick up soem other assignment. Some simple arithemetic will give you a different picture....try googling...what India will be in 10 years at the current rate of growth.....Try to figure this difference -Our nation has the Army vs Your army has the nation- and unfdrestand that Indian armed forces strength is oly a derivative of Indian economic strength..........you can continue to harp on poverty while our poor start responding to your queries directly using their own laptop sitting in an AC room....I am one of the poor....

This brainwashing theme is too old yaar. By Indian standards you must be a rich guy. But I wish you may know that your maid and driver sleep on foot paths of Chandni Chowk and other foot paths in Bombay like millions of others. I was horrified to see so many guys sleeping on foot paths in India – it was unbelievable indeed. You Indians are indeed Make Believers – look around you sir and see the misery that is India. Even you Indians have started believing what Bollywood portrays of India. What a shame.

Our Army has a nation and Our nation has an Army – both compliment each other and generate more strength together than your nation keeping an army on which you spend 100s of billions of dollars and they can’t even defend you.

Your top pea-brain bureaucrat recently said that they made a mistake of not continue talking to Pakistan after Bombay attacks, speaks volumes about their ability.

And yes you can put a gun to your head and demand to be fed, clothed etc...

This is also an old theme gone bitter now …… think of something different

And a very good morning to you sir :)
What would make the Indian ocean a source of contention? What would the contention be about or over?? -- Indian ocean is a big place, is the entire ocean a source of contention??
ha ha ha .... I dont know many with Dravidian or allied background who could be seen like a gora at night. Yes you are better, indeed you can merge with the background and become invisible :)
ha ha ha .... I dont know many with Dravidian or allied background who could be seen like a gora at night. Yes you are better, indeed you can merge with the background and become invisible :)

Then you have not seen anything.

Visit and see.

Jayalalitha, the Tamilnadu Chief Minister would shame milk for whiteness. Maybe she is pink!

There are no dark Pakistanis?

Just check the pictures on the top when you open the Home page of PDF.

Seeing is believing!
What would make the Indian ocean a source of contention? What would the contention be about or over?? -- Indian ocean is a big place, is the entire ocean a source of contention??

Indian Ocean is a bone of contention to all superpowers and quasi powers since it control the Strait of Hormuz, which control the bulk of oil being shipped to the world and the various other straits that control this traffic.

The Strait of Hormuz handles 40% of the world's seaborne oil shipments, and 20% of all world oil shipments
I saw some post asking India t return arunachal to china. I am asking china to return Tibet to India. Otherwise mark nth Tibet and south Tibet as disputed. Also if china clams Taiwan, Taiwan should start claiming china
I saw some post asking India t return arunachal to china. I am asking china to return Tibet to India. Otherwise mark nth Tibet and south Tibet as disputed. Also if china clams Taiwan, Taiwan should start claiming china

Please post an internationally recognized map where Tibet is supposed to be part of India. Whereas numerous maps around the world depict Arunachal as disputed territory. Your rhetoric is just like "if aunty had balls she would have been an uncle".
Then you have not seen anything.

Visit and see.

Jayalalitha, the Tamilnadu Chief Minister would shame milk for whiteness. Maybe she is pink!

There are no dark Pakistanis?

Just check the pictures on the top when you open the Home page of PDF.

Seeing is believing!

I respect Jayalalitha as a tough politician. But one genetic fault can not be turned in to a precedent.
Please post an internationally recognized map where Tibet is supposed to be part of India. Whereas numerous maps around the world depict Arunachal as disputed territory. Your rhetoric is just like "if aunty had balls she would have been an uncle".

If chin a says arunachal is part of Tibet, thentibet belongs to India,since arunachal is part of India.

---------- Post added at 04:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:24 PM ----------

I respect Jayalalitha as a tough politician. But one genetic fault can not be turned in to a precedent.

What are you blabbering ? Mods this is trollong
If chin a says arunachal is part of Tibet, thentibet belongs to India,since arunachal is part of India.

---------- Post added at 04:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:24 PM ----------

What are you blabbering ? Mods this is trollong

Kikki Mian, Tibet China ka hissa hissa hai beta. School mein geography nahin parhi kya.

I do not think there is any trolling going on here. How many white Tamils have you seen in India and Sri Lanka. Frankly I haven't seen any except that you say Ms Jayalalitha is Tamil - must be, I am not contesting. Itnay saaray meray jaisay kaalay logon mein agar ek gori nikal aye to herangi to hoti hai na. Either there is a genetic difference because the father may also be white coloured, which is quite possible as people here do not know Ms Lalitha or a genetic anomaly. This is pure analytical discussion.
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