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Indian Ocean Peaceful Geo-Political Pivot Or Contentious Source of Hedging

That is why when you guys say that there is unity in diversity - it in in-fact is break-up due to diversity. There is nothing being on fringes when these are armed groups ready to kill - and this is not democracy, this is anarchy.

Why bother coming to net and seeking inputs from people living and breathing here....just ask your father and grand-father. They are the first and second generation brain-washed paksitanis made to believe that India is going to break any moment.........JUST LIKE YOU......you are only out of college now...

But alas.......they will not see this dream realise in their life-time ..............

India has only grown stronger, smarter , bigger, richer and Indians are capturing world imagination.........heading top companies in the world, being innovators and are really contributing to make the world a better place to live..........unlike you guys who are famous in the world for being the top exporter of............you know.

While Indian territory has increased over time ( Sikkim, Goa) Pakistan has become half............probably you are not taught these cruel lessons anymore ...and that's why we laugh at you guys and think you apt for the term...delusional..
How else do you think we will react if you blockade Gwadar port? It's one of our most vital arteries.
More vital than Sanghai? Than face the reaction from India. If you try to protect the enemy than you will face the wrath. It is simple.

So far China rejected Gwadar naval base.

Nehru made the mistake of biting into China, and believing that we would not strike back to protect our interests.

This India is not Nehru's India. Neither That is Mao's China. Nehru's character was complete opposite to that of Mao.
More vital than Sanghai? Than face the reaction from India. If you try to protect the enemy than you will face the wrath. It is simple.

Sure. :tup:

If there is another attack (and if you actually respond this time) then we'll be sure to keep that in mind.

This India is not Nehru's India. Neither That is Mao's China. Nehru's character was complete opposite to that of Mao.

In 1962, China and India had similar sized economies. In 2011, China's economy is FOUR times bigger than India's, with commensurate military spending.

You had your opportunity before, while there was some semblance of parity, but you never took it. Now the gap is too wide.

India can't match China's military force: Navy Chief - India News - IBNLive
Why bother coming to net and seeking inputs from people living and breathing here....just ask your father and grand-father. They are the first and second generation brain-washed paksitanis made to believe that India is going to break any moment.........JUST LIKE YOU......you are only out of college now...

But alas.......they will not see this dream realise in their life-time ..............

India has only grown stronger, smarter , bigger, richer and Indians are capturing world imagination.........heading top companies in the world, being innovators and are really contributing to make the world a better place to live..........unlike you guys who are famous in the world for being the top exporter of............you know.

While Indian territory has increased over time ( Sikkim, Goa) Pakistan has become half............probably you are not taught these cruel lessons anymore ...and that's why we laugh at you guys and think you apt for the term...delusional..

Mr Nalanda,
My grandfather and my father both have passed away with memories of where they and their ancestors lived for hundreds of years, till Hindus destroyed their graveyards, their mosques and shrines and built houses and temples on them and occupied whatever they had. But when they moved to Pakistan they were free and independent. They started afresh and made a dream come true. They would see India differently - I Got No Love Lost for a Hindustan. Me and my future generations would not only stop a hegemon but would see it broken in to what it was before Muslims captured it and converted to what it is now.

Live in your make-believing world. Ask those Hindustanis who have visited Pakistan and they would tell you the difference between a poverty stricken, bollywood mirage strewn and slum rotten Hindustan as compared to Pakistan. Yes we have our problems, some created, thanks to your smart minds. But these problems are not going to remain forever, despite your efforts. Hindustan at the end of the day will only be in non cow eating cow belt and nothing more.

Yes Hindustani territory has been increased as you guys are not a status-quo power as you project to the world. Hindustan It is a regional hegemon. It invaded and captured Junagarh and Manavadar in 1947, invaded and captured Indian Occupied Kashmir in 1947, invaded and captured Hyderabad in 1948, invaded and captured Goa in 1961 which was an area belonging to Portugal, invaded East Pakistan in 1971, invaded and captured Sikkim as late as 1975, invaded and captured some portions of Siachen in 1988, created Sri Lankan terrorist group LTTE and later invaded Sri Lanka in 1988 till the President of Sri Lanka had to openly ask the Indians to leave, invaded Maldives in 1988 and has continually interfered in internal affairs of Nepal and Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Maldives and has spread terrorism in all her neighbouring states.

But all this will stop because you are running down-hill into a crevice.
Insecurity and crisis of self-determination. Comes with the parcel of trying to be someone one is not. If you get what I mean. :toast_sign:

You want to see insecurity and crises of self-determination - why dont you visit Indian Occupied Kashmir, 6 Northeastern Indian Occupied States, Naxal violence in close to 140 of your districts, Telengana, Indian Occupied Punjab - do you want me to continue.

It is you who are trying to be something you were never destined to be - a not so united Hindustan. The closest History of which is over 5000 years old and even that was a Buddhist rule and not Hindu. The British gave you Hindustan on a platter because they saw an almost nude Gandhi begging with a bowl full of not-so non violent theories.
Thats was horrible. Total Racism. That age old British Black v/s white. Seems they have gone back and vast majority of them are now reformed but left some of us with that dirty ideology.
Original Post By anushraj87

May I ask why do you guys apply so much Fair and Lovely for men and women all the time and twice a day. You still want to look like your good-ol Massa, the gora saab. :)
Mr Nalanda,
My grandfather and my father both have passed away with memories of where they and their ancestors lived for hundreds of years, till Hindus destroyed their graveyards, their mosques and shrines and built houses and temples on them and occupied whatever they had.But when they moved to Pakistan they were free and independent. They started afresh and made a dream come true. They would see India differently - I Got No Love Lost for a Hindustan. Me and my future generations would not only stop a hegemon but would see it broken in to what it was before Muslims captured it and converted to what it is now.

Live in your make-believing world. Ask those Hindustanis who have visited Pakistan and they would tell you the difference between a poverty stricken, bollywood mirage strewn and slum rotten Hindustan as compared to Pakistan. Yes we have our problems, some created, thanks to your smart minds. But these problems are not going to remain forever, despite your efforts. Hindustan at the end of the day will only be in non cow eating cow belt and nothing more.

Yes Hindustani territory has been increased as you guys are not a status-quo power as you project to the world. Hindustan It is a regional hegemon. It invaded and captured Junagarh and Manavadar in 1947, invaded and captured Indian Occupied Kashmir in 1947, invaded and captured Hyderabad in 1948, invaded and captured Goa in 1961 which was an area belonging to Portugal, invaded East Pakistan in 1971, invaded and captured Sikkim as late as 1975, invaded and captured some portions of Siachen in 1988, created Sri Lankan terrorist group LTTE and later invaded Sri Lanka in 1988 till the President of Sri Lanka had to openly ask the Indians to leave, invaded Maldives in 1988 and has continually interfered in internal affairs of Nepal and Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Maldives and has spread terrorism in all her neighbouring states.

But all this will stop because you are running down-hill into a crevice.

for 1st bolded part> India is not regional hegemon. my nation loves peace. however we have to be strong so no another nation can dare to attack. in past we were rich but we didn't give enough attention to navy. we paid terrible price for it. we cant afford to do that mistake again.

for 2nd bolded part> rebels tried to topple Maldives govt. so we helped them. we dont spread terrorism. if you go sri Lanka ask them whether India helped them in 80's they will say yes. we sent peace force to sri Lanka to help them and our PM paid price by losing his life in bomb blast.

My grandfather and my father both have passed away with memories of where they and their ancestors lived for hundreds of years, till Hindus destroyed their graveyards, their mosques and shrines and built houses and temples on them and occupied whatever they had.

i guess you are talking about partition. this happened in both sides. lakhs of Sindhi and Punjabi Hindus migrated to India and they had to leave everything they had in Pakistan and start from scratch. so dont blame India only.
for 1st bolded part> India is not regional hegemon. my nation loves peace. however we have to be strong so no another nation can dare to attack. in past we were rich but we didn't give enough attention to navy. we paid terrible price for it. we cant afford to do that mistake again.

for 2nd bolded part> rebels tried to topple Maldives govt. so we helped them. we dont spread terrorism. if you go sri Lanka ask them whether India helped them in 80's they will say yes. we sent peace force to sri Lanka to help them and our PM paid price by losing his life in bomb blast.

i guess you are talking about partition. this happened in both sides. lakhs of Sindhi and Punjabi Hindus migrated to India and they had to leave everything they had in Pakistan and start from scratch. so dont blame India only.

If you were a nation peaceful you wouldn't have done what you did by capturing sovereign territories and killing millions. Refer to ticker's post above.
If you were so peaceful why do you have a 1.3 million strong army, spend billions on air force and on not so strong navy. Who threatens you - Bhutan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Maldives, Sri Lanka. Thora sharam karo yaar.

Your other two neighbours Pakistan and China are both strong nuclear powers and are beyond your threatening league.

You invaded Maldives and say they invited us, you invaded Sri Lanka and say they invited us - Sir if they invited you then why did the Sri Lankan President openly asked you to leave his country. You created LTTE and when it went after you and defeated your oooooooooohhhhhh such a big and strong army and even killed your Prime Minister, dhooti taangon mein daba kar bhaag gaye. Ye to tumhari auqat hai.

Hindustan (good use Ticker) are a hegemon but only against small neighbours.

Come finger pakistan and China - we have sharp teeth in our behinds as well and we will chop off your fingers. :chilli:
Mr Nalanda,
My grandfather and my father both have passed away with memories of where they and their ancestors lived for hundreds of years, till Hindus destroyed their graveyards, their mosques and shrines and built houses and temples on them and occupied whatever they had. But when they moved to Pakistan they were free and independent. They started afresh and made a dream come true. They would see India differently - I Got No Love Lost for a Hindustan. Me and my future generations would not only stop a hegemon but would see it broken in to what it was before Muslims captured it and converted to what it is now.

Live in your make-believing world. Ask those Hindustanis who have visited Pakistan and they would tell you the difference between a poverty stricken, bollywood mirage strewn and slum rotten Hindustan as compared to Pakistan. Yes we have our problems, some created, thanks to your smart minds. But these problems are not going to remain forever, despite your efforts. Hindustan at the end of the day will only be in non cow eating cow belt and nothing more.

Yes Hindustani territory has been increased as you guys are not a status-quo power as you project to the world. Hindustan It is a regional hegemon. It invaded and captured Junagarh and Manavadar in 1947, invaded and captured Indian Occupied Kashmir in 1947, invaded and captured Hyderabad in 1948, invaded and captured Goa in 1961 which was an area belonging to Portugal, invaded East Pakistan in 1971, invaded and captured Sikkim as late as 1975, invaded and captured some portions of Siachen in 1988, created Sri Lankan terrorist group LTTE and later invaded Sri Lanka in 1988 till the President of Sri Lanka had to openly ask the Indians to leave, invaded Maldives in 1988 and has continually interfered in internal affairs of Nepal and Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Maldives and has spread terrorism in all her neighbouring states.

But all this will stop because you are running down-hill into a crevice.
When was this , where was this. Please bring some proof as is constantly demanded in the forums. Hindus too were killed in Pak and saw their numbers decline from 10% to 2 percent now. Neither do we care for Pakistan, its only Pakistan which attacks us. Also my grandfather used to live in Lahore and had a house there but had to leave everything and come to india. fortunately we are from Tamil Nadu, so only my grandfather, grandmother, my young father and my fathers 2 sisters were living there and managed to come back alive to india and restart his life in Bangalore. So dont give me the spiel on only muslims were oppressed. in fact the mughal period was the worst time in india, with a majority hindu population living in poverty, while the mughals enjoyed luxuries. After all the mughals had no business coming to India. They were just barbarians who lived in Afghanistan and beyond who came to plunder in the name of religion. We managed to change that. india belongs from kashmir to TN in the south and arunachal to gujarat in the west. Hindu India used to belong from Afg to Burma, but we gave away Pakistan and BD to muslims. So please dream on for splitting our country. BUt also try to ensure that half-Pak (ie Pak minus BD) does not become quarter Pak after Baluchistan goes away.
Also you have lot of hatred in your heart. not good for BP. Please remove it.
When was this , where was this. Please bring some proof as is constantly demanded in the forums. Hindus too were killed in Pak and saw their numbers decline from 10% to 2 percent now. Neither do we care for Pakistan, its only Pakistan which attacks us. Also my grandfather used to live in Lahore and had a house there but had to leave everything and come to india. fortunately we are from Tamil Nadu, so only my grandfather, grandmother, my young father and my fathers 2 sisters were living there and managed to come back alive to india and restart his life in Bangalore. So dont give me the spiel on only muslims were oppressed. in fact the mughal period was the worst time in india, with a majority hindu population living in poverty, while the mughals enjoyed luxuries. After all the mughals had no business coming to India. They were just barbarians who lived in Afghanistan and beyond who came to plunder in the name of religion. We managed to change that. india belongs from kashmir to TN in the south and arunachal to gujarat in the west. Hindu India used to belong from Afg to Burma, but we gave away Pakistan and BD to muslims. So please dream on for splitting our country. BUt also try to ensure that half-Pak (ie Pak minus BD) does not become quarter Pak after Baluchistan goes away.
Also you have lot of hatred in your heart. not good for BP. Please remove it.

O Kikki Bha Ji,
Thuwanun khwab which chichray hi nazar aan ge. :)
When was this , where was this. Please bring some proof as is constantly demanded in the forums. Hindus too were killed in Pak and saw their numbers decline from 10% to 2 percent now. Neither do we care for Pakistan, its only Pakistan which attacks us. Also my grandfather used to live in Lahore and had a house there but had to leave everything and come to india. fortunately we are from Tamil Nadu, so only my grandfather, grandmother, my young father and my fathers 2 sisters were living there and managed to come back alive to india and restart his life in Bangalore. So dont give me the spiel on only muslims were oppressed. in fact the mughal period was the worst time in india, with a majority hindu population living in poverty, while the mughals enjoyed luxuries. After all the mughals had no business coming to India. They were just barbarians who lived in Afghanistan and beyond who came to plunder in the name of religion. We managed to change that. india belongs from kashmir to TN in the south and arunachal to gujarat in the west. Hindu India used to belong from Afg to Burma, but we gave away Pakistan and BD to muslims. So please dream on for splitting our country. BUt also try to ensure that half-Pak (ie Pak minus BD) does not become quarter Pak after Baluchistan goes away.
Also you have lot of hatred in your heart. not good for BP. Please remove it.

hey Kikki Bha Ji,
On a serious note, send me the address of the place where your people lived in Lahore. When I visit Lahore next, I can go there and send you pictures of the place. I can also ask my friends there to do it. Think about it. :)
If you were a nation peaceful you wouldn't have done what you did by capturing sovereign territories and killing millions. Refer to ticker's post above.
If you were so peaceful why do you have a 1.3 million strong army, spend billions on air force and on not so strong navy. Who threatens you - Bhutan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Maldives, Sri Lanka. Thora sharam karo yaar.

Your other two neighbours Pakistan and China are both strong nuclear powers and are beyond your threatening league.

You invaded Maldives and say they invited us, you invaded Sri Lanka and say they invited us - Sir if they invited you then why did the Sri Lankan President openly asked you to leave his country. You created LTTE and when it went after you and defeated your oooooooooohhhhhh such a big and strong army and even killed your Prime Minister, dhooti taangon mein daba kar bhaag gaye. Ye to tumhari auqat hai.

Hindustan (good use Ticker) are a hegemon but only against small neighbours.

Come finger pakistan and China - we have sharp teeth in our behinds as well and we will chop off your fingers. :chilli:

if our navy isn't so strong then how it was able to attack Karachi and and pose damage to it?

your sharp teeth didn't save a old man in a big house. ;)

---------- Post added at 01:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:38 PM ----------
Ahhhhhhh ........... you forgot Dawrka which was completely destroyed by Pakistan Navy. Yes you navy's missile boats sneaked in and the missiles hit a couple of fuel storage tanks.

Explain the old man in a big house ....... didnt get it
hey Kikki Bha Ji,
On a serious note, send me the address of the place where your people lived in Lahore. When I visit Lahore next, I can go there and send you pictures of the place. I can also ask my friends there to do it. Think about it. :)

my g.parents are no more and my father was 4 when they left. However I shall ask and let you know if I get any information
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