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Indian Navy deployed INS Vikramaditya and nuclear submarines in North Arabian sea

the person who tweeted it is a submarine veteran.he constantly tracks these types of news and shares it with public.there are also other reports like ins talwar near our coast.
Wonder what the Indians are waiting for


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Mind your language, we are still operating there, ask imran khan why is his navy scared?:coffee:

What language, you asked me a question, I answered.
IK is not scared, you don't know him, more importantly your coward Modi doesn't know him.
Why are you grand standing in international waters, come close and you would see.
Pakistanis are not going to start the war themselves. They would show the world India is aggressor then the gloves would be off. I dare you.
Let's keep the pressure on until they act against all terrorists pointed today India. This is the only language they understand. All this aman ka tamasha n shit won't solve any real issues for us.
Exactly, If some trees were uprooted then why got Angry?...Just saying!
Don't think they were angry about that, they were angry you violated their airspace, hence they violated yours in return and your pilot was dumb enough to chase them. Btw they did drop some bombs near your command post and deliberately not hit the target. If they were angry they would have bombed those posts.
Don't think they were angry about that, they were angry you violated their airspace, hence they violated yours in return and your pilot was dumb enough to chase them. Btw they did drop some bombs near your command post and deliberately not hit the target. If they were angry they would have bombed those posts.

Lol and you think Indians would just sit back and take it? Indian Navy was fully prepared to do a full missile attack within 24 hrs if they had done it. Read the news about how many times they blacked out Karachi to avoid Indian visibility as an attack was imminent.
Lol and you think Indians would just sit back and take it? Indian Navy was fully prepared to do a full missile attack within 24 hrs if they had done it. Read the news about how many times they blacked out Karachi to avoid Indian visibility as an attack was imminent.
Ok I am still waiting...have you got your 20nil usd$ Israeli drone back yet? The one we shot down in Doklam. Hahah

Comprehend in what ever way you want, Pakistani Govt and Army HQ got the message loud and clear, your country has no option left other than suicide, thats how the situation is for you people...

We dont need to hide in our own backyard, Its Indian navy we are everywhere, where will you go?

Dont worry then, everything is fine...:tup:

Everything is Fine sunny boy, nobody is going to fight, we know what you want...
Of course I know Indians are not gonna fight. If you announced it, it's most likely a propaganda for the Indian public. It's gonna be WWIII if you attack Pakistan proper why do you think you dropped some bombs in no man's land and ran....Pakistan did the same purposely missing your command posts and flew, the only difference being your pilots being dumb enough to chase jf17 and got shot. I mean it's a mig21 for God's sake, what do you expect. If you don't shoot it down, it might as well crash on it's ow. Hahaha
Ok I am still waiting...have you got your 20nil usd$ Israeli drone back yet? The one we shot down in Doklam. Hahah

Of course I know Indians are not gonna fight. If you announced it, it's most likely a propaganda for the Indian public. It's gonna be WWIII if you attack Pakistan proper why do you think you dropped some bombs in no man's land and ran....Pakistan did the same purposely missing your command posts and flew, the only difference being your pilots being dumb enough to chase jf17 and got shot. I mean it's a mig21 for God's sake, what do you expect. If you don't shoot it down, it might as well crash on it's ow. Hahaha

Did we bust your fake threats of give us a jaw-breaking reply and annihilating our forces? I remember there was a fake threat made every week to make us back down. World ended up knowing it was all talk and commended India for standing up to the bullies.
Did we bust your fake threats of give us a jaw-breaking reply and annihilating our forces? I remember there was a fake threat made every week to make us back down. World ended up knowing it was all talk and commended India for standing up to the bullies.
Well we did not even need to fire a single bullet a kick in the arse was all we need and you retreated. Heehhe. Guess who occupies the plateau now genius? So we shot down your drone and you did nothing? It's 12 milusd$ a piece babe, that's enough to feed alot of starving slumdogs
Pakistan has never planned any "misadventure" against the enemy.
We do not have offensive designs and neither want to bully any country.

However, if our enemy tries to bully us again, we will not give them tea this time.
I hope the enemy has learnt a lesson on the ground, in the air and at sea, with minimal loses.

They can deploy there ships anywhere they like to satisfy their hurt ego's and the disgrace & humiliation they have faced recently.

Everything is being monitored and a response is locked & loaded.

First of all Indian submarines did not come in Pakistani territorial waters.
They did come near the coast, but remained in International waters.

Yes, we did locate and track 2 enemy submarines at 2 different locations and made sure that they leave the area.

Sinking a submarine in international waters would have been a declaration of an all out war, which we do not want at this time.
Thank you.
It felt waste of time going through 8 pages of rubbish till your post showed up.
Lol and you think Indians would just sit back and take it? Indian Navy was fully prepared to do a full missile attack within 24 hrs if they had done it. Read the news about how many times they blacked out Karachi to avoid Indian visibility as an attack was imminent.

They blacked out a cantonment in Karachi, which has a small fraction of city's population..

Let's keep the pressure on until they act against all terrorists pointed today India. This is the only language they understand. All this aman ka tamasha n shit won't solve any real issues for us.

The bigger issue is the Indian terrorism support infrastructure and capabilities present in Afghanistan. They support TTP, BLA, BRA, etc. Thankfully these organizations have been largely decimated, but India continues to attempt and plan terrorism in Pakistan via Afghanistan. India is truly the mother of terrorism in South Asia.
I think next time we should go full throttle to reclaim Siachin as well
Useless piece of ice and they're on high ground, we don't have enough men or support assets to take it. That's why I advocate making FCNA a corps level formation.
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