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Indian Muslims Under Attack

12 year old Shaikh Farid is one among those who fell to police bullets in Sipajhar, Assam. He had gone to collect his Aadhaar Card which was later found in his pocket.


Is this the first time for mob lynching in India while Muslims are at receiving end? No doubt, the Nazism under Modi is going to put whole region on fire initially.

A new low

“Muslims who are opposing Pakistan will spend rest of their lives proving loyalty to India,” Jinnah once said in 1945.

We all have our blood boiling , specially at that ugly fugly fag coward camera man kicking a dead man.
But atleast that would serve as a reminder to indian Muslims and other minorities that Jinnah and his two nation theory was by hook or cook proved to be right. Or atleast now they will not live like enunchs anymore and put up a fight against the terrorist indian state,if for survival this is not the time to fight then when???
But atleast that would serve as a reminder to indian Muslims and other minorities that Jinnah and his two nation theory was by hook or cook proved to be right.

Just for the record, the Two Nation Theory was devised by the Hindutvadis. It was later that the Pakistan Movement picked it up. Shashi Tharoor, a leader from the Indian centrist party, Congress, said this last year :
Speaking at the session 'Shashi on Shashi' with Micheal Dwyer on Day 2 of the Jaipur Literature Festival (JLF), Mr Tharoor claimed that the Hindutva movement started by Vinayak Damodar Savarkar categorically rejected the Constitution.

He said that for Savarkar, a Hindu was one for whom India was his fatherland and holy land. Muslims and Christians were not considered in this.

"Savarkar, Madhav Sadashiv Golwalkar and Deen Dyal Upadhay rejected the constitution and in fact agreed with the Muslims that religion should determine nationhood. In the historical sense, the first advocate of the two-nation theory was actually Savarkar, who as the head of the Hindu Mahasabha called upon India to recognise Hindus and Muslims as part of two separate nations three years before the Pakistan Muslim League passed the Pakistan Resolution in Lahore in 1940," he said.

Mr Tharoor further said that according to them, the Constitution was full of imported ideas written in the wrong language - English.

"Another flaw they pointed out was that it assumes that the nation of India is a territory and it's (constitution) written for all the people on the territory. Nation is not a territory but its people and the people of India are only Hindus," he said.
So you shouldn't be so proud of the Two Nation Theory.
Just for the record, the Two Nation Theory was devised by the Hindutvadis. It was later that the Pakistan Movement picked it up. Shashi Tharoor, a leader from the Indian centrist party, Congress, said this last year :

So you shouldn't be so proud of the Two Nation Theory.
Ofcourse it was the hinduvadis who changed the behavior of Jinnah ,a hardcore ambassador of Hindu Muslim unity and turned him into a separatist.
Sorry, he was a Rohingya not a Bangladeshi.

As expected, Nazi sympathizers are out and about justifying the killings.

Just a gentle reminder for everyone. The 6 millions Jews that were sent to the camps in Germany were not picked up by the German police. They were turned in by their neighbors.

India is the same. Your next door neighbor could be your killer any day.
As expected, Nazi sympathizers are out and about justifying the killings.

Just a gentle reminder for everyone. The 6 millions Jews that were sent to the camps in Germany were not picked up by the German police. They were turned in by their neighbors.

India is the same. Your next door neighbor could be your killer any day.
Please take care of those Rohingyas at your homes then, he should not have had attacked the police, oh and by the way the man jumping over his body is a “Dalit” so your Jai Bhim Jai Mim gets punctured again. So much so for muh oppressed peepal.
This incident is one of its kind where a journalist has to lynch a semi dead evictee for nothing, not even for self defence . India under rss and modi sure is setting new examples of fascism
Please take care of those Rohingyas at your homes then, he should not have had attacked the police, oh and by the way the man jumping over his body is a “Dalit” so your Jai Bhim Jai Mim gets punctured again. So much so for muh oppressed peepal.

It is not surprising for Nazi sympathizers to come up with the "he should not have attacked the police". As I said, Nazism is not a fringe in India, it is the mainstream. The entire society is radicalized against Muslims and will go to any lengths to kill them and defend the killers.

The justification for killings is predictable by these Nazis...here is the list.
1. He was a Rohingya
2. He was a Bangladeshi
3. He illegally occupied land
4. He attacked the police
5. Police were upholding the law
This is what happened in Assam today. Shall we see UNHRC raising voice against such violence?

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Indian police are prosecuting Muslim's in Assam, the government has demolished the houses 800 Muslim people with no place to live, police opened fire today killing 3 people and injuring dozens of Muslim.

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This typifies India and Hindus: One Muslim man with a stick chasing 3 Hindu policemen running for their lives, the Muslim man charges into about 100 Hindu police. The Muslim man without even a flinch of fear, runs into battle against Indian police who are firing live rounds and attacking with sticks. The Muslim man dies fighting, bludgeoned and then shot in the chest, attacked by marauding Nazi Indian BJP aligned Hindus. Whilst dead he is used as a trampoline by a Hindu Indian army reporter who repeatedly and openly commits a war crime. No doubt the Western world will remain muted and deaf to such open and brazen violations of human rights in the world's biggest "Democracy".

Indians are crying out for the Taliban : the screams of despair can be heard everywhere in India, from the trafficked and abused children to the raped women, the poor and the destitute, the Dalits, Christians, Sikhs, and Muslims.
Ofcourse it was the hinduvadis who changed the behavior of Jinnah ,a hardcore ambassador of Hindu Muslim unity and turned him into a separatist.

If, by Hindutvadis, you mean Congress; because our Quaid's and Muslim League's principal political dealings were with Congress, who represented the mass of Hindu body. In those times, Mahasabha and other exreme ideology parties were only fringe elements in Indian politics.
Just for the record, the Two Nation Theory was devised by the Hindutvadis. It was later that the Pakistan Movement picked it up. Shashi Tharoor, a leader from the Indian centrist party, Congress, said this last year :

So you shouldn't be so proud of the Two Nation Theory.

shut the F up you and go read Iqbal, it will put some sense in your stupid commie brain. Who the F is $hitty Tharoor or who ever to talk about the two nation theory. You have a slave mind with no ability to think independently. Always quoting others for credibility.
Sorry, he was a Rohingya not a Bangladeshi.
So less of a human? Even less than a Bangladeshi?
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Well, they are unlikely to evolve.
For the sake of Afghanistan they must evolve and practice tolerant version of sharia and governance. Else, Afghanistan will be in civil war once again.
Just a few minutes ago I read in an article about one of their founders saying that they will be bringing amputations and such things back and there was also mention that they consider women to be incapable of working in governance.
What can I say? Some mullahs are even lower class than Hitler...
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