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Indian Muslims Under Attack

Agreed. I have no objections to them if they can evolve. They must include women and progressive Afghan movements like the Solidarity Party of Afghanistan which is a leftist movement and will provide good guidance on how to achieve a just and progressive country and remove all the bad cultural things. The Taliban should look at progressive past and present Muslim leaders like Nasser, Gaddafi, the Assads and Faiz Ahmed Faiz from next-door Pakistan.

LOL, you are yourself trying to quote Iqbal and then you berate me for quoting Tharoor. I quoted him because he had probably done sensible research on at least this topic.

And next time talk to me when you have washed your mouth with soap.

Are you out of your mind, comparing Iqbal with Tharoor. I don’t think you are an Urdu speaker and hence don’t understand the power of Iqbal’s message.
This is the ridiculous propaganda of Congress and certain other so called progressives, that "Two Nation Theory" was borrowed by Muslim League from Hindutvadi organizations, like Mahasabha, as if it was some sort of theory of evolution or relativity. This was not a "theory" at all. It was a political fact that Hindu political organizations, whether Congress, Mahasabha, or others, were not at all ready to concede equal rights to the Muslims, and were hell bent to install a "Hindu Raj" on India, after British left. Hence, a struggle for Pakistan became necessary.
Thats what Jinnah predicted that the Muslims of the subcontinent are just going to change their masters i.e going from British to Hindu slavery. If there was no pakistan created independence was only for the Hindus of the subcontinent. Those who are left behind in India are still slaves after 74 years.
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