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Indian Muslims Under Attack

For the sake of Afghanistan they must evolve and practice tolerant version of sharia and governance. Else, Afghanistan will be in civil war once again.

What can I say? Some mullahs are even lower class than Hitler...
And who are you to judge?
If, by Hindutvadis, you mean Congress; because our Quaid's and Muslim League's principal political dealings were with Congress, who represented the mass of Hindu body. In those times, Mahasabha and other exreme ideology parties were only fringe elements in Indian politics.
Be it a congress or BJP or whatever it's just a same shit with different names. When it comes to Muslims deep inside they have a same type of hatred. Congress is just more diplomatic.
For the sake of Afghanistan they must evolve and practice tolerant version of sharia and governance. Else, Afghanistan will be in civil war once again.

Agreed. I have no objections to them if they can evolve. They must include women and progressive Afghan movements like the Solidarity Party of Afghanistan which is a leftist movement and will provide good guidance on how to achieve a just and progressive country and remove all the bad cultural things. The Taliban should look at progressive past and present Muslim leaders like Nasser, Gaddafi, the Assads and Faiz Ahmed Faiz from next-door Pakistan.

shut the F up you and go read Iqbal, it will put some sense in your stupid commie brain. Who the F is $hitty Tharoor or who ever to talk about the two nation theory. You have a slave mind with no ability to think independently. Always quoting others for credibility.

LOL, you are yourself trying to quote Iqbal and then you berate me for quoting Tharoor. I quoted him because he had probably done sensible research on at least this topic.

And next time talk to me when you have washed your mouth with soap.
We all have our blood boiling , specially at that ugly fugly fag coward camera man kicking a dead man.
But atleast that would serve as a reminder to indian Muslims and other minorities that Jinnah and his two nation theory was by hook or cook proved to be right. Or atleast now they will not live like enunchs anymore and put up a fight against the terrorist indian state,if for survival this is not the time to fight then when???

It's truly astonishing as to why the reporter would behave that way, repeatedly jumping on the chest and throat of a dead man and punching the throat in an act of cowardice exemplary of the Indians. The same reporter was running away when the Muslim ran into battle. The murdered Muslim man was carrying a stick, obviously vexed after his home was demolished and his family assaulted. The Muslim man was first shot as he was running at the assailants and after he fell he was brutally beaten with sticks. In the video we can clearly see the armed policeman firing the fatal shot. The Indian police could be seen blatantly and wildly shooting and no return fire could be heard. So it seems Indian Muslims are being murdered like street dogs. The BJP has vilified them so much they that they are considered inhuman with the same mindset the Nazis had for the Jews. The Indian police must have been given orders to shoot on sight. From West to East India the pattern of extermination of the Muslims is the same, perpetrated by a new breed of Nazis, the BJP/RSS, who are instigated by world silence, very much like what happened to minorities in WW2. The BJP Nazi behaviour seems to be getting worse and not abating, Modi and his henchman are encouraging the violence and disorder. The UN Needs to act now and send peace forces to protect the Minorities as a matter of urgency.
It is not surprising for Nazi sympathizers to come up with the "he should not have attacked the police". As I said, Nazism is not a fringe in India, it is the mainstream. The entire society is radicalized against Muslims and will go to any lengths to kill them and defend the killers.

The justification for killings is predictable by these Nazis...here is the list.
1. He was a Rohingya
2. He was a Bangladeshi
3. He illegally occupied land
4. He attacked the police
5. Police were upholding the law
And policemen are not humans, or you need pics of the policemen injured with sharp weapons, or you’ll justify that by calling him a Muslim hence innocent.
And policemen are not humans, or you need pics of the policemen injured with sharp weapons, or you’ll justify that by calling him a Muslim hence innocent.

Considering the fact that these policemen were lynching a dead body. No they are not human. They deserved to be killed too. Like any sanghi
Just for the record, the Two Nation Theory was devised by the Hindutvadis. It was later that the Pakistan Movement picked it up. Shashi Tharoor, a leader from the Indian centrist party, Congress, said this last year :

So you shouldn't be so proud of the Two Nation Theory.

Sure sure. You also forgot to mention that indian Muslims are fearsome brave warriors....... :disagree:

It's truly astonishing as to why the reporter would behave that way, repeatedly jumping on the chest and throat of a dead man and punching the throat in an act of cowardice exemplary of the Indians. The same reporter was running away when the Muslim ran into battle. The murdered Muslim man was carrying a stick, obviously vexed after his home was demolished and his family assaulted. The Muslim man was first shot as he was running at the assailants and after he fell he was brutally beaten with sticks. In the video we can clearly see the armed policeman firing the fatal shot. The Indian police could be seen blatantly and wildly shooting and no return fire could be heard. So it seems Indian Muslims are being murdered like street dogs. The BJP has vilified them so much they that they are considered inhuman with the same mindset the Nazis had for the Jews. The Indian police must have been given orders to shoot on sight. From West to East India the pattern of extermination of the Muslims is the same, perpetrated by a new breed of Nazis, the BJP/RSS, who are instigated by world silence, very much like what happened to minorities in WW2. The BJP Nazi behaviour seems to be getting worse and not abating, Modi and his henchman are encouraging the violence and disorder. The UN Needs to act now and send peace forces to protect the Minorities as a matter of urgency.

When I first joined PDF in 2015, I used to say then that the creation of Pakistan was a sacred and spiritual event. People used to scoff and mock me for saying that. Including some Pakistanis who were either Ummah advocates or indi-gangu lovers. Events like the above vindicate what I said back in 2015.
Agreed. I have no objections to them if they can evolve. They must include women and progressive Afghan movements like the Solidarity Party of Afghanistan which is a leftist movement and will provide good guidance on how to achieve a just and progressive country and remove all the bad cultural things. The Taliban should look at progressive past and present Muslim leaders like Nasser, Gaddafi, the Assads and Faiz Ahmed Faiz from next-door Pakistan.

LOL, you are yourself trying to quote Iqbal and then you berate me for quoting Tharoor. I quoted him because he had probably done sensible research on at least this topic.

And next time talk to me when you have washed your mouth with soap.

Don't worry about Afghanistan and the Taliban. They will prevail and be fine. They have just defeated the biggest, most advanced and most powerful military machine EVER to have existed in the ENTIRE history of mankind. Whereas you and your kind are on the verge of becoming a slave race to indian hindus and then suffering a holocaust at their hands. Worry about that. Not about those that are immeasurably superior to you and your kind.
Be it a congress or BJP or whatever it's just a same shit with different names. When it comes to Muslims deep inside they have a same type of hatred. Congress is just more diplomatic.

This is the ridiculous propaganda of Congress and certain other so called progressives, that "Two Nation Theory" was borrowed by Muslim League from Hindutvadi organizations, like Mahasabha, as if it was some sort of theory of evolution or relativity. This was not a "theory" at all. It was a political fact that Hindu political organizations, whether Congress, Mahasabha, or others, were not at all ready to concede equal rights to the Muslims, and were hell bent to install a "Hindu Raj" on India, after British left. Hence, a struggle for Pakistan became necessary.
This is what happened in Assam today. Shall we see UNHRC raising voice against such violence?

View attachment 779745

Indian police are prosecuting Muslim's in Assam, the government has demolished the houses 800 Muslim people with no place to live, police opened fire today killing 3 people and injuring dozens of Muslim.

View attachment 779744

The indians will now make a bollywood film about the bravery of this indian photographer in defeating a Muslim "terrorist" by beating a dead body.......... :disagree:
Indian Muslims are doomed.

They need to ramp up anti Pakistan speech, consider switching religion. Or become Like Sharukh Khan ( Who despite all the money and fame) had to prove loyalty to Hindu Majority by doing daily Pooja at home.

Indian Muslims have two options,

1) Resist the Hindu fascism at every level ( By being more vocal, expose the hindutva mentality, Hindu terrorism)
2) Live a slaved life, Chant " Jai shri ram" whenever demanded by random public Hindus. Dont make noises when you are butchered or your women are raped. Criticise and badmouth Pakistan, day in and day out.
3) Run ( Those who have money have left India)

( So far most Indian Muslims have opted for the second one, living a disgraceful life)
Excuse the expression but the Hindutva terrorists have gripped Indian Muslims by the b*lls and they give it a good squeeze once in a while if Muslims start to challenge the status quo. They seem not to have any space to maneuver in Indian politics, they rarely get any goodwill from other minorities let alone a political alliance which Hindus won't definitely allow. It seems like Muslims are being forced to except their place below shudars in the Hindu pyramid which is a project even shudars will accept unconditionally.
RSS follows the Einsatzgruppen playbook when it comes to dealing with minorities, it's a fact, but the world is silent because in this world, power and money talks. This world was built for hawks not doves, the hawks and doves share the same sky, but the doves are preyed upon by the hawks.

To quote Blaise Pascal:

“Justice, might.—It is right that what is just should be obeyed; it is necessary that what is strongest should be obeyed. Justice without might is helpless; might without justice is tyrannical. Justice without might is gainsaid, because there are always offenders; might without justice is condemned. We must then combine justice and might, and for this end make what is just strong, or what is strong just.

Justice is subject to dispute; might is easily recognised and is not disputed. So we cannot give might to justice, because might has gainsaid justice, and has declared that it is she herself who is just. And thus being unable to make what is just strong, we have made what is strong just.”
Excuse the expression but the Hindutva terrorists have gripped Indian Muslims by the b*lls and they give it a good squeeze once in a while if Muslims start to challenge the status quo. They seem not to have any space to maneuver in Indian politics, they rarely get any goodwill from other minorities let alone a political alliance which Hindus won't definitely allow. It seems like Muslims are being forced to except their place below shudars in the Hindu pyramid which is a project even shudars will accept unconditionally.

indian Muslims are nothing more than a slave race to indian hindus. That is a FACT. The worst part is that some indian Muslims will try to justify this and still bad-mouth Pakistan........ :disagree:

Indian Muslims are doomed.

They need to ramp up anti Pakistan speech, consider switching religion. Or become Like Sharukh Khan ( Who despite all the money and fame) had to prove loyalty to Hindu Majority by doing daily Pooja at home.

Indian Muslims have two options,

1) Resist the Hindu fascism at every level ( By being more vocal, expose the hindutva mentality, Hindu terrorism)
2) Live a slaved life, Chant " Jai shri ram" whenever demanded by random public Hindus. Dont make noises when you are butchered or your women are raped. Criticise and badmouth Pakistan, day in and day out.
3) Run ( Those who have money have left India)

( So far most Indian Muslims have opted for the second one, living a disgraceful life)

Apparently EVEN if they convert to hinduism, the hindus still oppress and massacre them...... :disagree:
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