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Indian Muslims Under Attack

I don't think you have to be Muslim or Hindu to know that this is wrong. I'm Hindu and I'm seeing no difference between what is happening here and what the Talibs are doing to the Hazaras right now. I might be Nominally Hindu, but we are all Human Beings first and we all know that this is wrong.
Charity starts from home. Man you hindus are pure 3rd class mouth fodder...
^ This is the kind of attitude that keeps us at each other's throats, spiraling into revenge killings on revenge attacks. be careful what you wish for, you might just get it. I want the world to be a better place. War only brings destruction, peace, and reconciliation is the only path to prosperity.
Are you making threats against us Muslims?
Pakistan should extend a law similar to CAA and ask Muslims to come to your country.
Why? Indian Muslims have to fight for partition if they want to live peacefully.
Then show us the deluge of muslims applying for asylum to show to the world how bad it is for muslims in India.
No neighboring countries has the space to accommodate indian Muslims. Indian Muslims have to make space for themselves by partitioning india.
India always had communal violence at some part of the country
Yep, you're uncivilized.
but majority of people from both communities live peacefully and coexist
Hindus aren't...
I think those who think their religion comes before their country should emigrate as India of the present and future will not accommodate such ideologies.
Then partition is the way forward. And you heathens should leave kashmir too...
the man killed in Assam is not even Indian but a Bangladeshi illegal migrant
Your indian kangaroo court certified that guy as illegal Bangladeshi?
Or they could go back to where they came from.
Almost all Indian Muslims are son/daughter of the soil. You can't prove it otherwise. If you don't want them partition is the way forward.
And the Taliban's intentions are right ? :)
I will never endorse talibans version of sharia and undemocratic governance. It is too much extreme and restrictive. People must have freedom to choose. I hope in future they will evolve...
Indian coward pagans doing what they do best. Taking out their frustrations on innocent Bangladeshis - what a disgrace the Indians turned out to be.

I hope Bangladeshis are observing.
Where is that foul mouthed coward Owaisi? He only vents his anger towards Pakistan but never Hindutva gangs. A true slave of the RSS ideology.
it doesn't matter really

indian muslims are sheeps, they are used to the slavery and are submissive little bitches.
I will never endorse talibans version of sharia and undemocratic governance. It is too much extreme and restrictive.


I hope in future they will evolve...

Well, they are unlikely to evolve. Just a few minutes ago I read in an article about one of their founders saying that they will be bringing amputations and such things back and there was also mention that they consider women to be incapable of working in governance. Your country, then Pakistan has had working at top levels though it is another matter that those like Hillary are not quite good people.

Mizoram v Assam.

Tell your Kerala ISIS to make its way to Kolkata.

A technicality : Calcutta / Kolkata is not in Assam but in Bengal where the anti-Hindutvadi TMC party rules.

And I am not in contact with ISIS or anything remotely related like the TJ.
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A technicality : Calcutta / Kolkata is not in Assam but in Bengal where the anti-Hindutvadi TMC party rules.

And I am not in contact with ISIS or anything remotely related like the TJ.
You can have another civil war to correct any technicalities you prefer.

Greater Bengal is the most hottest front in the cold war now.
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