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Indian Muslims pose as Hindus to get jobs

this is not the effect of extremism but this is the effect of indian bias towards its own citizens. muslims can find work easily anywhere else in the world.

But others religions can't in Islamic countries. being honest and factual is important.
But others religions can't in Islamic countries. being honest and factual is important.

wtf are you talkinga bout?
you must be smoking crack or something.
do you how many yindoos live in dubai and saudia?
i never heard of hindus pretending to be muslims to get a job in pakistan or christians pretending to be muslims to get a job in pakistan. you wana get factual? why don't you admit the short comings of your pathetic **** hole of a country instead of jumping to another topic.
wtf are you talkinga bout?
you must be smoking crack or something.
do you how many yindoos live in dubai and saudia?
i never heard of hindus pretending to be muslims to get a job in pakistan or christians pretending to be muslims to get a job in pakistan. you wana get factual? why don't you admit the short comings of your pathetic **** hole of a country instead of jumping to another topic.

what I am talking about is bit cerebral for you as I see. At the time of partition in 1947, almost 23 percent of Pakistan’s population was comprised of non-Muslim citizens.

Today, the proportion of non-Muslims has declined to approximately 3 percent. You are losing the minority population in your country. then minorities can't hold the highest office, minorities have to adhere to your Islamic laws under religious courts .Similarly, Pakistan’s constitution has been amended to designate Ahmadis as non-Muslims.

The small and ever-decreasing Hindu minority has faced a steady barrage of forced conversions and kidnappings, often for ransom. In the last few years there has been an increase in the number of Hindu families migrating or seeking asylum in neighboring India. minorities are forced to read your religious books in schools, . then in other Islamic countries they are not granted citizenship or any permanent status or right to own any property. they face problems in holding better paying jobs. and we can go on and on...

Cleansing Pakistan of Minorities » Current Trends in Islamist Ideology
what I am talking about is bit cerebral for you as I see. At the time of partition in 1947, almost 23 percent of Pakistan’s population was comprised of non-Muslim citizens.

Today, the proportion of non-Muslims has declined to approximately 3 percent. You are losing the minority population in your country. then minorities can't hold the highest office, minorities have to adhere to your Islamic laws under religious courts .Similarly, Pakistan’s constitution has been amended to designate Ahmadis as non-Muslims.

The small and ever-decreasing Hindu minority has faced a steady barrage of forced conversions and kidnappings, often for ransom. In the last few years there has been an increase in the number of Hindu families migrating or seeking asylum in neighboring India. minorities are forced to read your religious books in schools, . then in other Islamic countries they are not granted citizenship or any permanent status or right to own any property. they face problems in holding better paying jobs. and we can go on and on...

Cleansing Pakistan of Minorities » Current Trends in Islamist Ideology

are you seriosuly this stupid?
do you know that in 1947 bangladesh was part of pakistan? or did you deliberately leave that out?
do you know that bangladesh had most of the minorities in pakistan? for example 15 percent of their population is hindu.
so why on earth would you say something stupid like that?
can you tell me how many hindus were in pakistan in 1971?
Proves that India is a divided country. Wonder when it will experience its 'Soviet moment' or 'Yugoslavia moment'.
You should worry about anti-communism and pro-democracy movements in China and leave our problems with us.

This problem with Muslims is global because of people who spread terror in the name of Islam. Even in western countries, many Muslims pose as non-Muslims. I know many stories of Pakistani Muslims posing as Indian Hindus in countries like US and UK. So, this problem is not unique to India but yes this is a bad thing and should not be happening in India. Hopefully many organisations in India are working successfully for uplifting minorities with impressive results and India fares much better at minority protection compared to its neighbours.
what I am talking about is bit cerebral for you as I see. At the time of partition in 1947, almost 23 percent of Pakistan’s population was comprised of non-Muslim citizens.

Today, the proportion of non-Muslims has declined to approximately 3 percent. You are losing the minority population in your country. then minorities can't hold the highest office, minorities have to adhere to your Islamic laws under religious courts .Similarly, Pakistan’s constitution has been amended to designate Ahmadis as non-Muslims.

The small and ever-decreasing Hindu minority has faced a steady barrage of forced conversions and kidnappings, often for ransom. In the last few years there has been an increase in the number of Hindu families migrating or seeking asylum in neighboring India. minorities are forced to read your religious books in schools, . then in other Islamic countries they are not granted citizenship or any permanent status or right to own any property. they face problems in holding better paying jobs. and we can go on and on...

Cleansing Pakistan of Minorities » Current Trends in Islamist Ideology

are you seriosuly this stupid?
do you know that in 1947 bangladesh was part of pakistan? or did you deliberately leave that out?
do you know that bangladesh had most of the minorities in pakistan? for example 15 percent of their population is hindu.
so why on earth would you say something stupid like that?
can you tell me how many hindus were in pakistan in 1971?
Forget about jobs, talk to us when you guys provide Pakistani Hindus with cremation grounds.
We hired a Muslim Maid,We are Hindus
So when we hired that Maid,she was very Nice hard working & all,2 months that Very Maid threatened my dad with a Rape case
Because of that we agreed on the settlement of 3 Lakhs,She signed on a stamp paper & left.

Now the Twist
That Maid was a citizen of Mighty Bangladesh

& In our factory we have 19 Muslims out of a Labor of 48,No problems since the Last 5 years
People are very careful when they hire Domestic maids,please don't the same mistake as we did

Someone tag all the Bangladeshi members so they can deny the existence of their country men in third world India!!
Someone tag all the Bangladeshi members so they can deny the existence of their country men in third world India!!

Kidda Trev bruv, how's your Indian trip coming up man?
are you seriosuly this stupid?
do you know that in 1947 bangladesh was part of pakistan? or did you deliberately leave that out?
do you know that bangladesh had most of the minorities in pakistan? for example 15 percent of their population is hindu.
so why on earth would you say something stupid like that?
can you tell me how many hindus were in pakistan in 1971?

Fact is your minorities are fleeing Pakistan. Minorities are barred from serving higher posts government and defence forces in Pakistan. Its extremely bizarre when you guys talk about religious tolerance.
So when you say Kashmiri Language are you referring to Koshur, Dogri, Pahari, Balti, Ladakhi, Gojri, Hindko, Potwari, Shina, Wakhi, Burushaski, Domaaki or Khowar ? :unsure:

Nah the language where the name Kashmir is derived from.
Fact is your minorities are fleeing Pakistan. Minorities are barred from serving higher posts government and defence forces in Pakistan. Its extremely bizarre when you guys talk about religious tolerance.

please indians stop with your lies and bs.
your fooling nobody here lol.
Rana Bhagwandas was the chief justice. there are lots of hindus in our army and some are officers.
there is more abuse towards minorities in your country then mines so you need to keep your typical lying bs to yourself.
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