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Indian Muslims pose as Hindus to get jobs

So are hindus provided with the cremation grounds or are they free to do pooja in their temples in their ancestors language?
ofcourse they are. please don't tell me your head is up your *** that much.
hindus in pakistan abandoned your primitive language and adopted urdu comprende?
hindus worship who they want and burn their dead if they want freely.
So are hindus provided with the cremation grounds or are they free to do pooja in their temples in their ancestors language?
ofcourse they are. please don't tell me your head is up your *** that much.
hindus in pakistan abandoned your primitive language and adopted urdu comprende?
hindus worship who they want and burn their dead if they want freely.
So are hindus provided with the cremation grounds or are they free to do pooja in their temples in their ancestors language?

Are you implying they have been cremating cadavers on roads? Yeah, they do their Pooja in temples and that too in their ancestors language. Apropos, what did you exactly mean by ancestors language? I am from Sindh, Hindus here speak Sindhi from generations - are they suppose to do pooja in Sindhi?
fuk no.
we are a islamic republic the leaders will always be muslims.

Since the " we" tells me you identify with the Islamic republic. Curious- what self respecting Pakistani would leave the land of pure to go to the land of evil that are killing your great people in drones?
Not surprised at this report. India is major hub of all sorts of discremination, Let me give you an example of their MINDSET, during 1980s and 90s when Pakistan was whipping their ***** in cricket games (which they still do) one of my coulege who was pretty educated person from India made this comment "" I dont understand where these mussalamans have learned to play cricket"" !!!! & "" maybe they are using some kind of Jadoo to win """
Either you rule them or you serve them. You cant be equal to them. Never.. Thats how Hindus in India are.

Of course you are right...This is not a sign of a developed society...But again....apart from US and Europe, discrimination exists ecery where in this world...So it is a continuous evolving process for any nation....BTW...What about your nation???
Since the " we" tells me you identify with the Islamic republic. Curious- what self respecting Pakistani would leave the land of pure to go to the land of evil that are killing your great people in drones?

Same reason a yindoo like yourself went to America.
Same reason a yindoo like yourself went to America.

I was kid when I came here but even so- are they raiding , bombing, droning and or shooting down 2 dozen Indian soldiers?

your tax dollars go towards droning of Pakistan. what self respecting person goes to a country that they say is responsible for the terrorism , civilian deaths in their home country?
Is it true that India mistreats its Muslim minorities?

Nope. There are many Indian Muslims here in this forum.
We don't do any mistreatment, like banning Ramadan fasting, hanging national flag inside mosques, etc. that china does against its muslim minorities.
Is it true that India mistreats its Muslim minorities?

Nope. There are many Indian Muslims here in this forum.
We don't do any mistreatment, like banning Ramadan fasting, hanging national flag inside mosques, etc. that china does against its muslim minorities.
I was kid when I came here but even so- are they raiding , bombing, droning and or shooting down 2 dozen Indian soldiers?

your tax dollars go towards droning of Pakistan. what self respecting person goes to a country that they say is responsible for the terrorism , civilian deaths in their home country?

i came here as a kid. i support both of my countries. if india is such a great country why don't you go live there? i mean wtf are you doing in america? i admit pakistan is a shithole right now thats why im here. but you wtf are you doing in america?
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