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Indian HiCom's Car Attacked in Khulna

AL may have burned and demolished a few Hindu Mandirs and houses so that the blames go to Jamaat, but it will not go that far so as to bomb a foreign Ambassador's car. It was certainly done by the fanatics who think like bigots and profess Maududism in Bangladesh. These guys virtually worship Moudud without knowing that his teachings are contrary to the teachings of Islam. These guys are a menace to the mankind, and a shame and enemy of Islam. Islam is misunderstood because of these fanatics. Tell me where Islam or the Prophet (SAW) has instructed to act like hooligans. These fanatics must leave Bangladesh.
@idune, where are you? Please expose my deception!!!!
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Till AL is removed from power, Indians should maintain a low profile in Bangladesh. I do not support attacking embassy staff, they are our guest, but in this volatile situation, it will be difficult to ensure their safety. Indian citizens should leave the country and embassy staff should be reduced to essential staff only and the family of the staff should also leave.

It is becoming increasingly clear that people are getting more and more upset with AL and AL is continuing to behave as if it can get away with this dictatorial regime and eventually a rigged election. Warnings given by HeI to AL should give us some clue. Lets see how things turn out in May 5.
Indian HC went to Khulna and no police around that is biggest deception and clue that indians stage managed this event. Because, even small scale Awami Leader has more police protection around him.

Western countries are increasingly rejecting indian propaganda and label on majority Bangladeshi population. Western countries initially fallen for "minority attack" propaganda. But they have found out it was indian and awami League instigation all along.

That is way indians are going desperate to stage manage attack on themselves to point finger on ongoing movement. Following thread proved to be true on indian stage manage drama and propaganda plan.

Just curious - what is the basis of calling this a false flag?
Does the Jamaat party not harbor anti-India sentiments? - it does
Is the situation not volatile? - It is
So is there a possibility that this may not be a false flag? - absolutely

it is difficult to call it a false flag so definitively. Unless that is what you want to believe. Other wise, a rational explanation on why you want to call this an FF operation is on the requirement here!
Just curious - what is the basis of calling this a false flag?
Does the Jamaat party not harbor anti-India sentiments? - it does
Is the situation not volatile? - It is
So is there a possibility that this may not be a false flag? - absolutely

it is difficult to call it a false flag so definitively. Unless that is what you want to believe. Other wise, a rational explanation on why you want to call this an FF operation is on the requirement here!

There is no definite evidence yet. One clue is that there is tremendous presence of Awami League govt. security everywhere and like the post by idune said above, that Indian embassy do not travel without security. So it is very risky for opposition parties to plan and carry out attacks like this.

Until more information is available, nothing can be ruled out, false flag attack by pro-India AL govt. or attack by opposition party activists, Hefazat e Islam (a pro-Islam non political group) or just by angry general public.

What interests a Texan about Bangladesh affairs, just curious.
Just curious - what is the basis of calling this a false flag?
Does the Jamaat party not harbor anti-India sentiments? - it does
Is the situation not volatile? - It is
So is there a possibility that this may not be a false flag? - absolutely

it is difficult to call it a false flag so definitively. Unless that is what you want to believe. Other wise, a rational explanation on why you want to call this an FF operation is on the requirement here!

Jamaat harbours anti-India, anti-Hindu, anti-Bangladesh, and anti-Islam views, but only supports pro-Moududi views which are not compatible with Islam. Jamaat did an attack on the Indian Ambassador and its PDF reresentative Dojakhi @idune is finding a false flag and Indian deception in it. He is a shame and a disgrace to humanity. Jamaat is worse than Awami League. Both are fundamentalists. One is too Bangali and the other is too Moududi.
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Idune may nevertheless be correct in calling this a false flag and that a bigger incident against the Indians may be planned inviting direct military intervention in support of Hasina. If this is the ultimate plan then it is extremely desperate ....
I hope indians (especially the senior officials) take little more care while roaming in BD.... Its troubled time in BD... there will be people who want to fish in the muddled waters and take some mileage out of it.... may be some false flaggers as suggested here....
Till AL is removed from power, Indians should maintain a low profile in Bangladesh. I do not support attacking embassy staff, they are our guest, but in this volatile situation, it will be difficult to ensure their safety. Indian citizens should leave the country and embassy staff should be reduced to essential staff only and the family of the staff should also leave.

It is becoming increasingly clear that people are getting more and more upset with AL and AL is continuing to behave as if it can get away with this dictatorial regime and eventually a rigged election. Warnings given by HeI to AL should give us some clue. Lets see how things turn out in May 5.

Bhartii officials in Bd should keep their ugly mouth shut. Awami maloon may be in love with them but opposition hate their annoying behavior. Next time he could be you know where?
Bhartii officials in Bd should keep their ugly mouth shut. Awami maloon may be in love with them but opposition hate their annoying behavior. Next time he could be you know where?

Sorry mate i couldn't guess it.... Will you please elaborate??????

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