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INDIAN Backward Muslims decry reservations on religious grounds, say move unconstitutional

naveen mishra

Mar 1, 2013
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Though a state government-appointed committee has suggested quotas for Muslims, Other Backward Caste (OBC) organisations from the community have opposed the move to grant reservations to Muslims on religious grounds.

They say this may lead to backward Muslims being elbowed out by their affluent counterparts.
At present, around 29 classes from the Muslim community are given reservations under the OBC category and a similar number seeking inclusion.

The report of a seven-member committee, headed by retired IAS officer Dr Mehmood-ur-Rehman, has recommended reservations for Muslims in government and private sector jobs and in housing projects.

Shabbir Ansari of the All-India Muslim OBC Organisation opposed any plan for quotas on religious grounds and pointed out that this would be detrimental for backward Muslims. He said such moves were part of vote-bank politics.

“To provide reservations on the basis of religion is unconstitutional,” charged Ansari.

Ansari said OBCs, who form around 90% of the community, were engaged in traditional occupations like bagwans (gardeners), nais (barbers), ansaris and momins (weavers), khatiks (butchers) and tambolis (betel leaf cultivators).

“If reservations on religious grounds are introduced, OBC Muslims will get nothing. Their hands will remain empty,” said Ansari, adding that if the decision was taken, quotas and benefits would be cornered by the affluent Ashraf section.

“Reservations and benefits must be given to backward Muslims only and not to all Muslims. We oppose any such plan,” said Ansari.

“The government is cheating the community. While the government appointed the Rehman committee for Muslims, it did not give it any facilities or even an office,” said Ansari. He rued that the Muslim OBCs are facing trouble in getting caste certificates from the government.

The making of a community

OBCs form around 90% of Muslims. They were engaged in traditional occupations like bagwans (gardeners), nais (barbers), ansaris and momins (weavers) and khatiks (butchers).


Backward Muslims decry reservations on religious grounds, say move unconstitutional | Latest News & Updates at Daily News & Analysis
Reservation based on caste, tribe, religion is nothing but a curse. Should there be any, it should only be based purely on person's economic condition! On one hand we talk about communal harmony & abolition of caste.. & on other we encourage communal & caste divide by coming out with these kind of idiotic programmes! :angry:
Muslims should get no reservation.
Everyone should get reservation but not on the basis of religion,but on the basis of once economic back ground,poor who need it in every community should get reservation.
Muslims should get no reservation.

i am not agree, they must get reservation , they are integral part of our society,they deserve all benefit what rest of community is getting ......but strictly against of giving any reservation on the ground religion .......

cast system is reality of Indian society,so they have to accept it.......and fact is ,cast is exist with in Muslim community .....so why they keep on denying, i don't understand

Reservation based on caste, tribe, religion is nothing but a curse. Should there be any, it should only be based purely on person's economic condition! On one hand we talk about communal harmony & abolition of caste.. & on other we encourage communal & caste divide by coming out with these kind of idiotic programmes! :angry:

see it is debatable subject ......economical base or cast base

i believe cast system is very scientific.......there are difference in mental ability .....not considering exceptional case....in general
i am not agree, they must get reservation , they are integral part of our society,they deserve all benefit what rest of community is getting ......but strictly against of giving any reservation on the ground religion .......

cast system is reality of Indian society,so they have to accept it.......and fact is ,cast is exist with in Muslim community .....so why they keep on denying, i don't understand

see it is debatable subject ......economical base or cast base

i believe cast system is very scientific.......there are difference in mental ability .....not considering exceptional case....in general

They have reservation and that is called Pakistan.

Let them convert to Hinduism and they ll get Reservation.

Everyone should get reservation but not on the basis of religion,but on the basis of once economic back ground,poor who need it in every community should get reservation.

Only Dalit people need reservation,everyone else is fishing for muft ka khana.
see it is debatable subject ......economical base or cast base

i believe cast system is very scientific.......there are difference in mental ability .....not considering exceptional case....in general

There is nothing wrong with the reservation if it's done to solve the intended purpose! But that's not the reason why it's being floated around nowadays.

Basic idea of reservation is to provide for the needs of underprivileged & support them to fulfill their needs like health, education & employment. Now.. there are people in need of these necessities in every section of society. It's not just limited to certain caste or tribe or religion! & it would be wrong to assume every member of this section is in need of handouts.. & the ones who doesn't fall into this quota are all well to do!
Thou art a racist :disagree:

i am not racist .....see a poor man can grow if he has brain and rich man can lost every thing if he doesn't know how to manage wreath.......why i am strictly advocating cast base ,because it is scientific

compare result of any comparative exam in India,weather engineering ,medical,PO,IAS,CIVIL SERVICE , and compare cutoff mark of forward cast,OBS and SC /ST

we don't need to prove any thing....tons of data available.......fact is, there is difference in mental ability of different cast
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what data is available?

cut off mark is a quantitative figure that talks of aptitude.

There are many seats that are empty especially in ST quota,why dont you give that to General quota?

ok fine ....than prove economical based is the better model that cast .....to bring social justice in society
i am not saying economics based reservation is ok?

Ultimately,if u give people free food,it should only be given to those who truly need it,else u r just helping babu's thond to get bigegr n bigger.
i am not racist .....see a poor man can grow if he has brain and rich man can lost every thing if he doesn't know how to manage wreath.......why i am strictly advocating cast base ,because it is scientific

compare result of any comparative exam in India,weather engineering ,medical,PO,IAS,CIVIL SERVICE , and compare cutoff mark of forward cast,OBS and SC /ST

we don't need to prove any thing....tons of data available.......fact is, there is difference in mental ability of different cast
Ok, You have opened my eyes.
Reservation for the Army?
Also reservation for politicians. Even blood banks should be based on reservations.
ST A+ Blood, SC O+ Blood etc etc :enjoy:

what data is available?

cut off mark is a quantitative figure that talks of aptitude.

There are many seats that are empty especially in ST quota,why dont you give that to General quota?
Something should remain as a testament to the failure of the policy :mad:
ok fine ....than prove economical based is the better model that cast .....to bring social justice in society
It's a proven fact in the developed world! Why do you think there is a parity in living standards in the western world? Do you know on what basis the Giro is issued in the West? Do you know who gets social security benefit? It's not based on whether you are Christian, Hindu, Jew or Muslim.,. neither it's based on whether you are black, white or brown! It's purely based on one's economic needs! & it works wonderfully well!
ok fine ....than prove economical based is the better model that cast .....to bring social justice in society

Whats there to prove? The idea of affirmative action is to help the poor and underpriviledged, and thats what economic status shows, its a direct indicator and hence directly benefits the most deserving. But caste or religion is an unscientific indirect indicator, i.e. many affluent people from the targeted caste or religion will also benefit whereas many poor deserving people from general quota will be denied govt help. This is obviously unjust and not the spirit behind affirmative action at all.

You seem to think affirmative action has some kind of racist ''equalisation'' theory behind it, try telling that to proponents of reservations in India!!!
We ought to be providing a robust and inexpensive educational system to the downtrodden of our country so they can live a life of dignity and respect. Instead we're handing them jobs they're mostly incompetent to do because the government has failed to give them a good education and in the process we're taking away their sense of self worth from them.

I would be alright with a conditional reservation system though. You get the job because of you're downtrodden but you cannot stick on to it forever. After 'x' number of years (say 7 years) the performance of the candidate is assessed and if found lacking he should be forced to quit the job to make way for a better candidate. Also, to get the job in the first place you should have to meet certain basic educational requirements.

Reservation is good for putting food on one's plate but bad for one's sense of accomplishment in life which I believe is paramount in life especially when you're working in an extremely competitive environment (private sector).
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