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Mandalisation Of Muslim Politics In India: A Shift From Religious Identity

The reservation

Lower caste Hindus get reservation.

You guys I think are missing the point a poor dalit or a poor Muslim are both facing injustice and so I would say that the differences as humans are little and they should both lots oppose injustice. A rich Muslim of "high caste" or a rich Hindu of high caste do not face the problems. Money crosses religious boundaries

Thats where most of us get wrong. Not all upper caste are well off and not all lower castes are poor.

As for reservation I don't find the reason for giving reservation to a religion who claims that there is no caste among them.

That is why your secularism isn't working no matter how many constitutions and papers you write that you are secular that response speaks volumes.

I don't know about you but for me Secularism is the separation of Church & State and in India we practice that. If Muslims (mainly North Indians+ Hyderabadis) in India wants reservation, they must understand that they got a huge reservation in 1947 in the form of Pakistan. They are free to move there and get treated as equal.
When you've been living with a religion which preaches hate based on caste for over a thousand years, your bound to absorb some of their practises over time :tdown:

Yeah right exactly and then that hate breeding religon even inspired the arabs to deal with south asians in a way that they deal today....
If anyone wants reservation, they are more than welcome to revert to Hinduism and clam the benefits. Else if they want reservation and retain their faith they can have it in the biggest "reservation" in the history of mankind, Pakistan. Once cannot have the cake and eat it too.

Clearly they Muslims in Indian subcontinent have been influenced by the majority religion

Is their iman (faith) so weak to be influenced by a pagan religion ?

That is why your secularism isn't working no matter how many constitutions and papers you write that you are secular that response speaks volumes.

He is just speaking in a language you can understand (two nation theory)
I don't know about you but for me Secularism is the separation of Church & State and in India we practice that. If Muslims (mainly North Indians+ Hyderabadis) in India wants reservation, they must understand that they got a huge reservation in 1947 in the form of Pakistan. They are free to move there and get treated as equal.

Mate I think you and your constitution say that India is secular but in practice its not. Parliament in India can legislate and make it a law that Karachi is in India but it dont change facts on the ground Karachi is still in Pakistan
If they feel that they are discriminated they are free to move to the 'Land of the Pure'.

They're welcome, but keep the Mullahs...after all they were against Pakistan from the start right?
Oh, and we'll also need our Kashmir back to accommodate them :wave:

Yeah right exactly and then that hate breeding religon even inspired the arabs to deal with south asians in a way that they deal today....

Nope, Islamic is arguably the first religion in the world which teaches people not to discriminate based on colour race social background etc..
Mate I think you and your constitution say that India is secular but in practice its not. Parliament in India can legislate and make it a law that Karachi is in India but it dont change facts on the ground Karachi is still in Pakistan

Secularism= Separation of Church & State and we are secular.

They're welcome, but keep the Mullahs...after all they were against Pakistan from the start right?
Oh, and we'll also need our Kashmir back to accommodate them :wave:

You will receive them all, lock, stock and barrel..no exemptions made. As for Kashmir, its not yours.
Some muslim castes have been given reservation in OBC, some of them should be included in BC as well.
Giving reservation to all muslims will mean the upper class will take away the jobs and lower class will remain where they are.
Mate I think you and your constitution say that India is secular but in practice its not. Parliament in India can legislate and make it a law that Karachi is in India but it dont change facts on the ground Karachi is still in Pakistan

before giving lecture on secularism u should read abt secularism first as ur posts clearly shows u don't understand secularism. india as a state is secular & promote secularism but no country can force its citizens to follow secularism coz no country or law can control minds of ppl. so its better u first get the meaning of secularism.
When you've been living with a religion which preaches hate based on caste for over a thousand years, your bound to absorb some of their practises over time :tdown:

Oh so the hate of other religions is not worse is it?

Atleast we just didn;t touch them,u slaughtered people in millions?

wow,what a turnaround?

Clearly they Muslims in Indian subcontinent have been influenced by the majority religion

Then the faith has failed,isn't it?

All that is left is eating beef.
according to a piece of paper not by what is happening in India imo
India is as secular as UK or USA.
Our constitution guarantees equal opportunity to followers of all religions. Even in UK, the queen is the head of state and head of church of England.(has to be protestant by law)

However an Indian can be secular or communal as any other person in any other country.
Some muslim castes have been given reservation in OBC, some of them should be included in BC as well.
Giving reservation to all muslims will mean the upper class will take away the jobs and lower class will remain where they are.

But I thought the only true religion in the world did not have castes...so are the Muslims ready to sacrifice the holy words of Quran for some employment ? I thought Muslims were spiritually much stronger than that.

They should voluntarily decline these caste based reservations that corrupt their caste-less faith.

Nope, Islamic is arguably the first religion in the world which teaches people not to discriminate based on colour race social background etc..

But also says everyone is fair game on the basis of sects...no ?

Doesn't matter that is what is happening on ground.
I thought the muslims are always thumping their chests and saying that we are better than hindus because there is no castesism in Islam

Dude..why do you always be negative....Aryan_B makes some nice post...This is worth being discussed...The reason is obvious...Muslim outside India is not the same as who resides in India...They are influenced by the majority people too...But the good part of this article is that this will be necessary driving force to elevate the status of the very very poor Muslims who are marginalized.....
It's not that Muslim's or other minority don't get reservation in some southern states they do, but the whole basis of reservation in India has been to provide reservation on basis of caste since lower caste were always discriminated. Since muslims do not have caste thats why it goes against constitution.

Own more personal note i believe reservation should be on the basis of economic standing of the individual. Reservation is a sensitive topic in India .
according to a piece of paper not by what is happening in India imo

Atleast we have secularism on a piece of paper rather than Pakistan which chest thumps as an Islamic Republic but then discriminates against their fellow Muslim citizens.


Own more personal note i believe reservation should be on the basis of economic standing of the individual. Reservation is a sensitive topic in India .

Not gonna happen as the 'Caste Lobby' will not allow it. Even if goes through (I have better chances of seeing the pigs fly than this), this will be a disaster seeing how BPL ration cards(on which this reservation will be based on) are illegally obtained in this country.

Dude..why do you always be negative....Aryan_B makes some nice post...This is worth being discussed...The reason is obvious...Muslim outside India is not the same as who resides in India...They are influenced by the majority people too...But the good part of this article is that this will be necessary driving force to elevate the status of the very very poor Muslims who are marginalized.....

Did Indian Muslims disassociated itself from the Muslim Ummah, if no then there is no scope for discussion about reservations for Muslims.
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