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Muslims groups to challenge minimum legal age for marriage in India

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What is the minimum age in western countries?
in england its 16 (if the young person and his/her parents consent)... else 18... :D[/QUOTE

fixed for you...In most marriages of minor Muslim girls in India, I doubt the bride's views are ever taken into account..
A lot of girls now a days are ending up not getting married as they delayed their marriage too far and not finding the right match afterwards. So suggesting the minimum age for girls as 22 is a dangerous proposition.
If we let them have it there way they will make it 6yo... or was it 9?
lol, a 17 year old can't get married? stupid.

But girls should not get married early....marriage is a big deal!

Girls should marry in their 20's..preferably, after 22-23 years of living...and girls must get education, technical skills, travel etc before they marry...but then again, our subcontinent sucks!
I mentioned in this in the kerala corner thread, s I will mention here again.

The biggest victims of Islamic radicalism are not hindus but rather Muslim Women. In Kerala, you have had their right chipped away consistently. Their individuality and identity and their basic human rights to education, aspirations and dreams are being crushed by an archaic, patriarchal system.

If a community fails to educate it's women, it will be stuck in social and economic quagmire.

If you go to the malapurram district, that is where I am from, 16 year old Muslim girls are married of and their high school education is stopped.

It pisses me of, when ignorant, religious figures who does not have any idea how the world works is given importance.
Another group with medieval mentality.

I don't understand why does this obsession with getting married first and then think about future not change?
Should make the minimum age to compulsory 22 so that women can get educated and got a job to support herself..

22 is too much bro! Make it 18 irrespective of religion and GENDER.
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