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Indian army launches attacks on so called terrorist camps inside Azad Kashmir,

Are you new to PDF ? Just put in Search Hindu Civilisation. You will see Deen e Arya - Deen e Islam and everything about Hindustan.

Nothing credible. Just dubious conjectures on wikipedia. As you are the one making the claims, post the links to some credible source. IF there is ANY.........:azn:
Nothing credible. Just dubious conjectures on wikipedia. As you are the one making the claims, post the links to some credible source. IF there is ANY.........:azn:

As always you are Lazy because you are here not for any constructive debates or to gain any Knowledge.

Ilm Hasil Kiya Jaata hai Khudhi se.
As always you are Lazy because you are here not for any constructive debates or to gain any Knowledge.

Ilm Hasil Kiya Jaata hai Khudhi se.

So says the person who is too lazy to provide ANY CREDIBLE links to ANY of the claims he makes. Because NONE of them are true............:lol:
Seems you are the talking about the New Chinese Guided Rocket System which Pakistan Military has received. Prime Minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan has openly accepted that the attack on CRPF Convoy on 14 February 2019.

The Range of that Guided Missile which was used on the 14th February 2019 attack on CRPF Convoy was more than 25 kms and according to Indian Defense Experts the New Chinese Guided Rocket and Artillery System can be between 35 Kms to 40 kms.

This is why Balakot Strikes were carried out by Indian Armed Forces and from Line of Control Balakot is 48 kms.
no, I wasnt talking of Chinese rocket system, I was talking of Excaliber rounds which India has purchased from USA in emergency which are GPS guided and costs one crore per round and which you fired on the village of innocent civilians murdering 6 civilians.
The better title could be "Indian Army launched Social Media Attacks on so-called Imaginary Camps but gets the beating in reality at LoC".

By the way; is there any election in any Indian State in upcoming months or did somebody question Modi's overall performance for public and wanted to call upon accountability because these are the mostly areas when BJP RSS launches imaginary attacks every now & then.
Not even one Month has gone , 3 big Chinese Heavy Transport Planes landed in Skardu.
By your sayings how many plan
The better title could be "Indian Army launched Social Media Attacks on so-called Imaginary Camps but gets the beating in reality at LoC".

By the way; is there any election in any Indian State in upcoming months or did somebody question Modi's overall performance for public and wanted to call upon accountability because these are the mostly areas when BJP RSS launches imaginary attacks every now & then.
@Areesh has already posted it with a separate thread.
no, I wasnt talking of Chinese rocket system, I was talking of Excaliber rounds which India has purchased from USA in emergency which are GPS guided and costs one crore per round and which you fired on the village of innocent civilians murdering 6 civilians.

Indian Armed Forces Goes for Indian Defense Industries Equipment. Indian Army do have Guided Heavy Guns but never heard of Guided Rounds of Ammunition.
Why this Pro Indian topic headline allowed in the forum where as another thread with more posts closed for further replies ?
Indian Armed Forces Goes for Indian Defense Industries Equipment. Indian Army do have Guided Heavy Guns but never heard of Guided Rounds of Ammunition.
Google it yourself, India purchased 155mm rounds GPS guided from Raytheon USA on fast track basis in emergency after 27 Feb 2019.
Indian regime is always at war with Pakistan especially the current RSS infested racist one.

In a sense, it is better; since it may conclude to something.
Google it yourself, India purchased 155mm rounds GPS guided from Raytheon USA on fast track basis in emergency after 27 Feb 2019.

Indian Armed Forces are having Guidance System in Arjun Tanks which is way before 27 Feb 2019 and before that Indian Armed Forces have inducted Self loading Arterilly Guns Dhanush and on that even K-9 Vajra which are Howitzer Guns.

Deal between United States of America and Union of India is about M-777 Light weight Arterilly Guns and the Ammunition and this deal is even with Kingdom of Japan, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Arab Emirates, Kingdom of Oman, Arab Republic of Egypt and according to some classified reports even Ukrainian Armed Forces is looking for similar deal. I am here talking about Allied Nations Military Preparations.

Guided Rounds of Ammunition of Heavy Calibre Machine Gun.

Indian regime is always at war with Pakistan especially the current RSS infested racist one.

Hindu Shahi's are always at war with Mooghul's(Mongols) and Tunani's Since Centuries similar like the Arab Shahi's and Seljuk Turk Shahi's.

Do you mean RSS- Ros Space Station Here ? Mir and Kotmir are old talks.


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