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Indian Army is mobilizing tanks and troops along the internationl boundary with Pakistan-OSINT

I warned you before....i will keep an eye on your negative trash Pakistan nonsense.
Piggy back....exactly what job are you doing here thats important. Just because there are kids here that think u know what you are talking about. I have read your posts...you are not qualified in the field of aircraft design or military tactics. Your articles are full of.....Bla bla but as you have no other life you have time to waffle. As for me this is a bit of fun. Most of us have real world issues and dont just depend on a can or beer and pretend to be white american.
As for creating my own hell...i guess you are already there thats why you bash Pakistan whilst sitting in America. Those that can do...do . Those that cant talk. And boy can you talk

I thank you for your polite message.
@MastanKhan can write what he likes. Criticism is fine but bashing pakistan is not. Do u honestly think that nothing would have happened if we had destroyed a lot more aircraft or airfields. I think u me and Mastankhan are not in a position to have all the facts at our disposal. You honestly believe now after 1 engagement the enemy knows everything from radar frequencies to tactics....well if they are so smart why did they shoot down their own chopper.
There are some people who live in the doom and gloom and there are some who react positively a d proportionately.
If someone punches you in the face because they are drunk do you take out a gun and kill them and their family? Would that be the right response. It's the same here proportional and effective response was given and they didnt come back as they knew what will happen.
Have a nice day

We are not at same level for what we call self control. So let it be as he is. Kindly remind it to not bash our Armed Forces. And even if someone is not qualified for something, he could be right (opposite is also true).

Just pray that what @MastanKhan said is wrong.
Don’t forget that enemies are on full mood to destroy us or at least to weaken us. They are very smart people. I’m not talking about indians but about their backers.
We are not at same level for what we call self control. So let it be as he is. Kindly remind it to not bash our Armed Forces. And even if someone is not qualified for something, he could be right (opposite is also true).

Just pray that what @MastanKhan said is wrong.
Don’t forget that enemies are on full mood to destroy us or at least to weaken us. They are very smart people. I’m not talking about indians but about their backers.

Oh i agree with you.
Many many are after us but
They plot and i plot and i am the best of plotters.
We fight hard and rely on God almighty.
I don't have an issue with him criticising events or disagreeing with things. But what has he done for Pakistan other than criticise.
Those that talk so much should lead by example. Not sit in America and tell us what to do

India has a very capable air force---. Paf has shown their potent secrets in a useless skirmish---.

Young pakistani kids are strutting around as if the Paf has won the war---.

It has not---it was just a small skirmish and not even a battle---.

Pakistani boys should not brag too much---.

Paf is all alone in this right now---.

India has all the backing of the christian world air force brains and the jewish air force brains behind it to tackle the pak air force---.
And ALLAH ? You forgot ALLAH?
Haven't we always been in ratio of 1 to 8 or 1 to 10 against the enemy ?
Aqal ghass khanay chalii Gaye hay ?

Why are you kids so blind---why are you kids so deaf---. I have been writing---and I have been speaking about it---.

Youngman---Iqbal is outdated for modern warfare and change of enemy mindset---.

The modern enemy has decided to execute as many muslims as they can and destroy and decimate as many muslim countries as they can----.

It has killed around 2 million muslims in afghanistan---over 2 million in Iraq---close to 1/2 million in Libya---over 2 million in Syria---over 70 million muslims homeless---4 muslim nations completely destroyed---their building structures and historical sites decimated---their culture gone forever---.

And yet you have the audacity to recite an outdated Iqbal verse---.

That verse was for a different time and for a different enemy---where the enemy had different morals---.

Ya Allah---why are you pakistani kids so blind to what is in front of you---.

As always, a de-moralizing old fool.

Iqbal comes packed with nukes, your mindset is outdated because you've been away from Pakistan for probably decades. You cannot comprehend the nuclear age of Pakistan yet. Iqbal and his Shaheens should have knocked some sense into you that this isn't the Pakistan of the 80's anymore. We can do well without your war-rhetoric unless you want to be known as A.GOBARSWAMI of this forum.
Apparently , I can't see any news regarding Indian troops on their borders . Is there any credible source for this ?
As always, a de-moralizing old fool.

Iqbal comes packed with nukes, your mindset is outdated because you've been away from Pakistan for probably decades. You cannot comprehend the nuclear age of Pakistan yet. Iqbal and his Shaheens should have knocked some sense into you that this isn't the Pakistan of the 80's anymore. We can do well without your war-rhetoric unless you want to be known as A.GOBARSWAMI of this forum.

Apparently for Mastan, Adam A.S and Gibrael A.S are also kids :angel:.
Oh i agree with you.
Many many are after us but
They plot and i plot and i am the best of plotters.
We fight hard and rely on God almighty.
I don't have an issue with him criticising events or disagreeing with things. But what has he done for Pakistan other than criticise.
Those that talk so much should lead by example. Not sit in America and tell us what to do

Have you ever worked (or lived in)for several years in western countries ?
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As always, a de-moralizing old fool.

Iqbal comes packed with nukes, your mindset is outdated because you've been away from Pakistan for probably decades. You cannot comprehend the nuclear age of Pakistan yet. Iqbal and his Shaheens should have knocked some sense into you that this isn't the Pakistan of the 80's anymore. We can do well without your war-rhetoric unless you want to be known as A.GOBARSWAMI of this forum.

Actually, in this case he is absolutely correct. You never show your hand to the enemy until you can completely destroy him. Read my article 'Indian Deceptive Coercion'. We played right into their hands..
Have you ever worked (or lived in)for several years in western countries ?
Yes...i worked for Ricardo Aerospace as a stress engineer as one job. Other stuff wont go into. English is my first language. I have lived in Pak now for a long while. Love Pakistan
This site is a bit of fun and catch up. I do not take this seriously


And when was the last time that you won a war---.
YOU WON A WAR. Notice how you have distanced yourself from Pakistan. You are too old for this....rest in your nursing home.
Yes...i worked for Ricardo Aerospace as a stress engineer as one job. Other stuff wont go into. English is my first language. I have lived in Pak now for a long while. Love Pakistan
This site is a bit of fun and catch up. I do not take this seriously

Did you interacted with the people who are enemies of Pakistan ? Did you learn how they work ? Did you learn how they think ?

I’m observing them since decades and I’ve learnt many things about them. And knowing this, I can tell you I fully understand @MastanKhan.

And no you cannot say that he distanced from Pakistan. If that was the case he would never come on this Pakistan related forum. He is on this board since 2005.

And when was the last time that you won a war---.
The objective of Pakistan was to defend itself not go to war.
I don't know why people are getting hostile towards you but you did raise a good point earlier
"Why isn't there such an uproar against indians in the international media for trying to start a war"
Be the first in queue when food is served, but the last in the queue when the fighting starts - a Turkish proverb

Gurkha Bipin is a clever folk...


Sorry to say no offense but you are bit wrong here.

PAF just did a bombing run which PAF had done many times before in war on terror but because it was just war on terror and people never realized it. Regarding Air to Air we just showed India that our Air force is more capable. If you think young boys don't have any thing to celebrate then my friend you are very much wrong. This is the first dog fight any one has witnessed is decade and it shows PAF is more dominant air force than IAF.

Regarding that PAF is all alone in that case you are again wrong my friend. If an all-out war breaks it will be india which will be all alone. No nation will throw it's neck along India and opt for a nuclear winter.

In the current terms there are no clouds of war. At max one can only expect some mischief from Indian side. There is no war coming IAF is a sad case. More than 50% of their su30mki are not flight worthy and rest of their Air force is outdated PAF has both technological and experience advantage here. Any ground based adventure will be a grave mistake for India.
I think you have got it wrong with Mastan Bey!!! He pops up the Indians to fight, so that they lose....


And when was the last time that you won a war---.
IMO Pak is in a constant winning mode when judged in the light of the Muslim world in general....

@MastanKhan talks, use words that maybe are hurting.

But what he is saying is the « war » is coming sooner than later. The war could be full or half or whatever but still is coming now because India has the backing of several countries.

So now we are in situation where we revealed several if not most of our capabilities like radars frequencies, jamming capabilities etc etc. If we admit that some Israelis (contractors or military or any else) were or are present in India, then be sure they were gathering our signals etc.

If we had destroyed maximum if indians assets in the end of last month, war could have started, as it could start today or tomorrow but we would have enjoyed an important element which is the surprise of our capabilities. Instead of that we or our army or top brass or our politicians choose to show what they call « restraint ».

So even we were happy that we destroyed few jets, we bombed few installations and scared their 3 drag queens, now they can, and will, come better prepared because they got invaluable informations on several systems we operate.

What we gained by those events ? Few days or few weeks of peace ?

Was that worth to reveal the enemies what they assessed now ?

I don’t know at my individual level because my knowledge is very limited on military and political aspects but in my humble opinion what his saying is totally valid. Only Allah know.

I hope we are wrong on the fact that India will do something stupid, but when they have backing of several foreign powers, they could do it definitely.

Try to filter his messages and understand what is the main point of his messages. But I agree he should show us the model of how we should behave by using less rude or harsh words.
You have good points!!! But, their decision making process and executions have been getting compromised at an accelerated rate, especially since 2012 according to the Turkish sources. For a major turning point, which usually comes in a 100 or 200 years time, occurred in that year!! And, it’s not in the hands of the mere mortals, and they know it too well....
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