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Indian Arihant a rip off Russian sub?

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Just because Indians jump up and down and claim it was indigenous one but when it comes to JF-17 you are more than happy to discuss non-issue ;)

Couldn't care less .. actually.
wait some time and pakistani will say bhuvan is not written by isro & actually tajmahal was built in pakistan and then transfered to agra
I think our PM did gave due credit to foreign assistance. Who is declining it? Great achivement from Indian Navy's Directorate of Naval Design (DND). This is naval design arm of indian navy & it is not part of DRDO. Now they have know how of building/operating of mini nuclear reactor. That is important. rest can be bought off-shelf.
Guys, guys, guys this chap is hell bent on just increasing the 'views' and 'replies' count of his thread. Cant you see his intentions? Lets call it quits and look for greener pastures.
why should we fallow each and every thing what india does? In pak indo context one does not really need a nuclear powered sub and espically for low budget pakistan navy it would be wiser to spend on conventional stealthy submarines like Type-214. unless india was on the other side of the globe and still hostile to us then nuclear powered sub would have been a must must thing. for god sake they are just next door.....

I am not saying we should also have a nuclear sub. I am saying we should have something to counter it properly. In my opinion we should do something very similar what our Air force is doing that is some cheap home productions which can counter the threat by Indian navy.
Cheap home made Products to counter a Nuclear powered Submarine Fleet of up to 5 warships with enuf warheads to obliterate most of South Asia.
Thats hillarious Lol lol
And the point that he is trying to make is that it can still nuke you A$$ .... Russian or Indian

last time india tried to nuke somthing in a sand dune merely created a devali fire cracker explosion... so dont know who's kicking @ss you are talking about.... btw even PN Agosta are capable of nuking india so stop jumping up and down:taz:.
Guys, guys, guys this chap is hell bent on just increasing the 'views' and 'replies' count of his thread. Cant you see his intentions? Lets call it quits and look for greener pastures.
i am not indian so not interested. :lol:
typical indian portrayal..
last time india tried to nuke somthing in a sand dune merely created a devali fire cracker explosion... so dont know who's kicking @ss you are talking about.... btw even PN Agosta are capable of nuking india so stop jumping up and down:taz:.

and how u r going to achieve that task when ur arabian sea will be infested with our Arihants and akulas and couple of aircraft carriers by the way???? Ooops!!! forgot to mention our latest acqusition, the submarine hunter, P-8i Orion.

N-word is not the end of the word! so stop using it.
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oh really genious... i never knew that... Arjun is nothing more then a variant of LEO-II developed by germany... and most of its systems are Isreali, french, german etc....

Friend it seems you were director of Arjun that u claiming its variant of LEO-II. Didnt u get my message correctly? i said the project where russia not included will fail most of the time. in nuclear submarine russia helping india. Got it???

first get the brahmos sorted out because it has been crashing alot... and when you guys will have hypersonic CM pakistan will be sleeping... right??

Are you woke up today??? Do let me know brahm0s missile failed of GPS failed that too cant keep up speed of brahmos. By the way also let me know brahmos test failed how many times and how many times was it 'SUCCESSFUL'. Friend i like your funny comment about pakistan will not be sleeping when india makes brahmos. Wake up friend. Brahmos I ready already. Where pakistan's answer? Lol. Let alone brahmos II HYPERSONIC.

huh?? how does the above point of yours proves Type-214 is not capable of engaging P-8? ever heard of "acoustic signature"? well at 200-400 meters depth u-boats hardly have that..

Now thats what i call totally funny comment. A submarine will engage P-8I??? P-8I hunts submarine even when they are deep below sea. Would you like to tell me how submarine would drop p-8I dead??? P-8I Carrying OFFENSIVE and DEFENSIVE weapons. While your submarine cant defened itself by incomming missiles friend. Same goes with china. They too dont have answer to P-8I. Friends can anyone post P-8I video to show our pakistani and chinese friends what our P-8I really is? Cheers.
oh really genious... i never knew that... Arjun is nothing more then a variant of LEO-II developed by germany... and most of its systems are Isreali, french, german etc....

first get the brahmos sorted out because it has been crashing alot... and when you guys will have hypersonic CM pakistan will be sleeping... right??

huh?? how does the above point of yours proves Type-214 is not capable of engaging P-8? ever heard of "acoustic signature"? well at 200-400 meters depth u-boats hardly have that..

Yet again funny comment. Friend do you mean pakistan wont be sleeping when india building brahmos??? Brahmos-I already ready. Whats pakistans answer? Let alone BRAHMOS II HYPERSONIC MISSILE. Lol.
By the way friend you said brahmos failed missile. Let me know how many time its test failed and what was SUCCESS RATE. Am sure that would chill your spine. Brahmos never failed. It was GPS failed that too once. Even GPS cant keep up with SUPERSONIC brahmos. Am looking foward to BRAHMOS II HYPERSONIC now. Man that would be lethel BEAST. More range plus 5 to 6 MAC speed. Thats unmatchable. i think its test is in 2010 late or early 2011.
and how u r going to achieve that task when ur arabian sea will be infested with our Arihants and akulas and couple of aircraft carriers by the way???? Ooops!!! forgot to mention our latest acqusition, the submarine hunter, P-8i Orion.

N-word is not the end of the word! so stop using it.

infested? lol arihants are merely a freakin test bed at the moment... and its not really a smart idea to "infest" other naval territorial waters with nuclear powered subs.. IMO IN frigates and conventional subs are much more appropiate for this task rather send a mamth which is going to be a target for type-214 and P-3s. mind you russian nuclear subs acoustic signature are much much bigger then todays modern conventional subs like Type-212/14, Scorpene, lada class etc... so good luck "infesting" waters.. P-8 "orion"? cool... no problem.. type-214 is smart enough to stay undetected underwater and on seabed its almost undetectable and when it knows "indian" P-8 is circeling above.. that bird is history with IDAS!
Now thats what i call totally funny comment. A submarine will engage P-8I??? P-8I hunts submarine even when they are deep below sea. Would you like to tell me how submarine would drop p-8I dead??? P-8I Carrying OFFENSIVE and DEFENSIVE weapons. While your submarine cant defened itself by incomming missiles friend. Same goes with china. They too dont have answer to P-8I. Friends can anyone post P-8I video to show our pakistani and chinese friends what our P-8I really is? Cheers.

i usually dont feed trolls but when such stupid remarks are thrown i wish i could do something to educate that person..
unfortuantly you are pretty much illiterate when you are speaking out of your box.. go learn a thing or two about Type-214 and IDAS then come and talk. and you do know that type-214 carries better sensors radars etc then P-8 rgiht? or are you just being a indian? and oh good luck shoting u-boats with "AShM"...:lol: i am sure it will be waiting on surface for you with a bullzeye target.
I am going to quote from an article on google knowledge with my comments and highlights on Indian “indigenous” nuclear submarine.
First the part which shows that the Russians help was acquired as “Consultants” by the Indians not only in Submarine design but also in reactor.

Asked if the Russians helped in miniaturizing the reactor, Banerjee said:
"No, no. They were consultants...Consultancy was done for the whole submarine, not for the power plant alone."

Ok, so it is, the whole submarine was produced with the help of the Russians, not really the work of the Indians. But as we know, Indians are very very keen on calling everything they copy as “indigenous”. Well you have to give it to them if they don’t how are they going to justify the huge expense and delivery of every project late and over budget?

A miniaturized PWR reactor, like the one on the Arihant, became critical inside a simulated submarine pressure hull at Kalpakkum on 11 November 2003. It was declared operational on 22 September 2006 has been running successfully since then.

The test reactor is fitted on a 42-meter-long land-based prototype submarine with eight compartments housing complex electrical and control systems and simulating ocean conditions.

“We have used the Russians as consultants. As far as efforts in designing, developing and maintaining the reactor are concerned, they are entirely ours,” the BARC Director said.

S. Basu, Director, BARC Facilities at Kalpakkam, also asserted that “everything is totally indigenous” about the PWR developed at Kalpakkam. “It has been developed by us. It is 100 per cent our reactor,” he said.

So, as I thought the word “indigenous” was the name of the game 100% ours, indigenous.

Based on Russian Charlie II subs

India is reported to have acquired design of the Charlie II class nuclear submarines from Russia and the ATV was based on those designs. Along the way, in January 1988, India leased a Charlie class nuclear powered submarines from Russia to help the Navy familiarize itself with operating a nuclear submarine. The leased submarine was christened Chakra in the Indian Navy which operated it for three years. After the term of the lease ran out, the sub was returned to Russia.

The Arihant is 112m long as compared to 103m Charlie class subs, probably because of a section was added in the middle to accommodate its four missile tubes.

Its 10m beam is the same size as a Charlie class sub.

The evidence suggests as ever, it was a copy, but Indians denial is obvious from the no, no offered by Banerjee. Now comes the interesting part.

Like the Charlie II subs, Arihant has a single nuclear power plant which gives it a rather limited underwater speed of 24 kts. Not enough to chase warships or get away from them when it is detected.

It can not chase it targets and if it is detected by the enemy it can not escape. This is a sitting duck, if there ever was one. What is the actual use of this submarine then, if it can not chase the ships or escape?

India is reported to have acquired design of the Charlie II class nuclear submarines from Russia and the ATV was based on those designs. Along the way, in January 1988, India leased a Charlie class nuclear powered submarines from Russia to help the Navy familiarize itself with operating a nuclear submarine. The leased submarine was christened Chakra in the Indian Navy which operated it for three years. After the term of the lease ran out, the sub was returned to Russia

Indian got the training for 3 years on the actual working model so they could operate the “Indigenous” copy of Charlie II with added length.

But at least Manmohan was gracious in accepting Russia’s role. Manmohan why not go all the way and accept it is Charlie II with modification for the missiles?

During the launch of INS Arihant on Sunday, July 26, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh did not mince words while acknowledging Russia's role in the fruition of the challenging project.

"I would also like to express our appreciation to our Russian friends for their consistent and invaluable cooperation, which symbolizes the close strategic partnership that we enjoy with Russia," he said.

In the Analysis it is declared as enhanced copy of Charlie II by google knowledge.

Though the Arihant is based on the Charlie II class, it likely incorporates a lot of advancements in propulsion, noise suppression, command and control, communication and sonar that the Russians learnt since they built the Charlie II subs, as well as what the Indians learnt while building German HDW 209 1500 submarines – INS Shalki and INS Shankul - in the late eighties to early nineties.

Google knowledge article, also dispel the rumours it is Akula class submarine, like another of my Pakistani friend listed in this thread.

Unofficial illustrations of the boat show elements of Akula design like the towed sonar at the aft. However, Arihant is unlikely to be based on the Akula II or the more modern Graney class Russian subs, as reported in some sections of the press, since these subs use a twin hull design and are therefore considerably heavier. Not surprisingly the Akula is powered by a 190 MW reactor.

Well, despite whatever the evidence may suggest, it is officially an “indigenous” product of India like so many others. Who we to argue?

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