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Indian Arihant a rip off Russian sub?

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Will it make a diff to the recipient of its ' cargo' how the machine was made ?

If not, why are we discussing a non issue ?

Just because Indians jump up and down and claim it was indigenous one but when it comes to JF-17 you are more than happy to discuss non-issue ;)
Friend LCA and ARJUN aint got help from RUSSIA. Infact russia refused to give engine for LCA just because they dont wanna effect their military export. Same with ARJUN.
oh really genious... i never knew that... Arjun is nothing more then a variant of LEO-II developed by germany... and most of its systems are Isreali, french, german etc....

ITS BRAHMOS. would you like to know whats BRAHMOS my friend??? i guess not. Wait 2011 and check HYPERSONIC BRAHMOS II range upto 500 to 700KM.
first get the brahmos sorted out because it has been crashing alot... and when you guys will have hypersonic CM pakistan will be sleeping... right??

By the way friend ur comment on P-8I was funny. It seems u got more brain than americans who building it. Now about 214. Just because u gonna have them doesnt make them superior. Dont mix nuclear submarine vs non-nuclear submarine. You should know whats difference between them. First have nuclear submarine and than u should say what capablitys your navy has friend.
huh?? how does the above point of yours proves Type-214 is not capable of engaging P-8? ever heard of "acoustic signature"? well at 200-400 meters depth u-boats hardly have that..
A great pot and Cattle story at work here....

Both Indians and Pakistanis going overboard to prove that any progress made by their presumed enemy is ridiculous and big lie ...or what you call it....Propoganda.......

If Indians have created something good...Pakistan should try and better that...and same goes for India.......

But no ...we are more than happy ridiculing each other....by trying to prove that this is a copy....that is a ripoff..... You are no good......because you are my enemy....
Russia is the master at buliding naval vessels but Indian Navy is better than Russia in maintaining its ships perhaps best after US and other western countries. This is not a mean task in itself and is a major skill to develop into a good navy not just a industrial powerhouse.

India has to now close its weakness and become a shipbuilding industrial powerhouse. A few boats here and there is no comparison for a country with such a large coastline.

`Indian naval orders help Russia maintain lead in warships`

typical hyper indian... :rofl: you just cracked me up from the above post...
(russia the master of naval vessels while india is mainting its chips i mean chips oh i ment ships.. :lol:
well first learn to properly maintian your chips..
only 48% of indian submarine fleet are combat worthy..
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typical hyper indian... :rofl: you just cracked me up from the above post...
(russia the master of naval vessels while india is mainting its chips i mean chips oh i ment ships.. :lol:
well first learn to properly maintian your chips..
only 48% of indian submarine fleet are combat worthy..

What are you jumping at....India does not need Submarines to defend its territory against Pakistan.........So anyways the Submarines are of very little consequence when it comes to Indo Pak scenario.......
A great pot and Cattle story at work here....

Both Indians and Pakistanis going overboard to prove that any progress made by their presumed enemy is ridiculous and big lie ...or what you call it....Propoganda.......

If Indians have created something good...Pakistan should try and better that...and same goes for India.......

But no ...we are more than happy ridiculing each other....by trying to prove that this is a copy....that is a ripoff..... You are no good......because you are my enemy....

You forgot to blame india for the same.

Learn to be fair. When its India copying something you call it indigenous when we do so its a copy.

And I think many Pakistanis on this forum and even on others have congrats India on this.
...so all of sudden out no where india is building sonars...
'out of no where'? Really? Well, I do not expect you to know about Dr Paulraj and his contribution to the development of APSOH (Advanced Panoramic Sonar Hull-mounted), HUMVAD (Hull Mounted and Variable Depth), HUMSA (Hull mounted Sonar Advanced). Contrary to what you think, Indian sonar is pretty good - at least navy is not complaining. In fact, most of recent IN ships use Indian made sonars rather than imported ones.
The Indigenous Panoramic Sonar
The time taken to develop APSOH from concept to Sea Acceptance Trials was six and a half years; reportedly its closest foreign counterpart had taken ten years.
The towed body and the sonar inside it was a new design. The hull-mounted sonar was an upgraded version of the APSOH. In the 1990s, the HUMVAD was fitted in the Project 15 destroyers of the Delhi class.

The Indian Scenario

NPOL hands over next generation Sonar design for India Navy Ships | Frontier India Strategic and Defence - News, Analysis, Opinion - Aviation, Military, Commodity, Energy, Transportation, Conflict, Environment, Intelligence, Internal Security

BEL has produced more than 14 systems to-date since 1998 and a few more are on demand. The three Talwar class Frigates India purchased from Russia in 2003-04 were also fitted with HUMSA sonar only. This system has been proving its performance in all platforms and its role has been well appreciated by the Navy.

Growler said:
...nuclear reactors for subs
Nuclear Power in India
The Russian PWR types were apart from India's three-stage plan for nuclear power and were simply to increase generating capacity more rapidly.
The AEC also said that India now has "a significant technological capability in PWRs and NPCIL has worked out an Indian PWR design" which will be unveiled soon - perhaps 2009.

The Hindu : Front Page : PWR building shows indigenous capability, says Kakodkar
An identical PWR of the same capacity would propel the indigenous nuclear-powered submarine INS Arihant that was launched on July 26. The two PWRs were built by the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC). Enriched uranium would fuel them, and light water was both coolant and moderator. The Rare Materials Project at Ratnahalli, near Mysore, produced the enriched uranium. “For nuclear power generation also, the PWR technology is most popular worldwide,” Dr. Kakodkar said.

On Sunday, reporters were shown the PWR built on a beachhead at Kalpakkam. The reactor, built under a highly secretive project called Plutonium Recyling Project (PRP), has been operating from September 2006. The non-descript PRP building has the display of a sculpture of a dolphin outside.
Growler said:
...when they have absolutly no evolution of such systems
Ignorance is piss. Or is it bliss? I keep forgetting.:rofl:
first get the brahmos sorted out because it has been crashing alot... and when you guys will have hypersonic CM pakistan will be sleeping... right??
A lot? You are too high to be near the keyboard.:rofl:

Come back when you are sober. :cheers:
'out of no where'? Really? Well, I do not expect you to know about Dr Paulraj and his contribution to the development of APSOH (Advanced Panoramic Sonar Hull-mounted), HUMVAD (Hull Mounted and Variable Depth), HUMSA (Hull mounted Sonar Advanced). Contrary to what you think, Indian sonar is pretty good - at least navy is not complaining. In fact, most of recent IN ships use Indian made sonars rather than imported ones.
The Indigenous Panoramic Sonar

The Indian Scenario

NPOL hands over next generation Sonar design for India Navy Ships | Frontier India Strategic and Defence - News, Analysis, Opinion - Aviation, Military, Commodity, Energy, Transportation, Conflict, Environment, Intelligence, Internal Security

Nuclear Power in India

The Hindu : Front Page : PWR building shows indigenous capability, says Kakodkar

what did we say about north korean being brained washed pathological liars and deluded? well we were quite wrong because indians simply take the cake away when it come to satisfying ego...
like i have said earlar... anything in arihant are nothing but variants of Akulla and charli class systems.. werent indians also jumping up and down for Arjun and Dhruv etc being indigenous designs?? lol..... check bk-117 and LEO-II..... and both arjun and dhruv desings are infact "german"... indians love to cheat themself when it comes to "ego satisfying"..
the point i am trying to make here is the bubble indians are living in that its a "indigenous" nuclear sub.

Listen buddy, no one is living in any 'bubble', as you put it. India did not invent submarines. So the Arihant had to be based on something. The world leaders in sub designs are USA and Russia with every other nation on Earth taking ideas from either of the two leaders. Even your good friend China makes subs based on Russian designs. Every Indian knows this. How do you get the idea that you are telling us something new with your 'revelations'. The Russians were invited to the launch ceremony and were present in full strength. We know that Russian assistance was available all the way. Our PM said as much. I dont understand your pitch here. Arihant could be based on Charlie class or an Akula class or a Borei class but clearly it is not a faithful copy of any of the above. The fact remains that it was designed in India, to meet Indian requirements, by Indians while incorporating features of Russian designs. All components and sub systems were made in India. In many cases, the technologies had to be developed. I mean, how more indigenous can one get? I mean could Pakistan manufacture a sub even if it were given the complete design details of Ohio class or Los Angeles class sub?
what did we say about north korean being brained washed pathological liars and deluded? well we were quite wrong because indians simply take the cake away when it come to satisfying ego...
Since you have quoted me to vent your frustration, I would like to see which part of that post was a lie.;)

like i have said earlar... anything in arihant are nothing but variants of Akulla and charli class systems.. werent indians also jumping up and down for Arjun and Dhruv etc being indigenous designs?? lol..... check bk-117 and LEO-II..... and both arjun and dhruv desings are infact "german"... indians love to cheat themself when it comes to "ego satisfying"..

My post had nothing to do with Arjun or Dhruv or anything else. It was quite specifically about indigenity of sonar and the reactor.

It is better to be silent and thought of a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.:no:
Listen buddy, no one is living in any 'bubble', as you put it. India did not invent submarines. So the Arihant had to be based on something. The world leaders in sub designs are USA and Russia with every other nation on Earth taking ideas from either of the two leaders. Even your good friend China makes subs based on Russian designs. Every Indian knows this. How do you get the idea that you are telling us something new with your 'revelations'. The Russians were invited to the launch ceremony and were present in full strength. We know that Russian assistance was available all the way. Our PM said as much. I dont understand your pitch here. Arihant could be based on Charlie class or an Akula class or a Borei class but clearly it is not a faithful copy of any of the above. The fact remains that it was designed in India, to meet Indian requirements, by Indians while incorporating features of Russian designs. All components and sub systems were made in India. In many cases, the technologies had to be developed. I mean, how more indigenous can one get? I mean could Pakistan manufacture a sub even if it were given the complete design details of Ohio class or Los Angeles class sub?

thanks buddy for speaking out my words in bold...
Since you have quoted me to vent your frustration, I would like to see which part of that post was a lie.;)


My post had nothing to do with Arjun or Dhruv or anything else. It was quite specifically about indigenity of sonar and the reactor.

It is better to be silent and thought of a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.:no:

strawman? awww is that what they call you in your strawhouse village?
Your posts are nothing but indian ego satisfaction based on fake... again you missed my point.... be it sonar or a reactor... when you havent built anything evolutionary you can not just indigenously build sonars etc... could Arihant possibly exist without russia? no, because they gave you know how to build transfer of technology... stop cheating yourself and stop portraying yourself in attempt to diss someone..
strawman? awww is that what they call you in your strawhouse village?

Your posts are nothing but indian ego satisfaction based on fake
So far you have not been able to prove the 'fake' in that post.

... again you missed my point.... be it sonar or a reactor... when you havent built anything evolutionary you can not just indigenously build sonars etc... could Arihant possibly exist without russia? no, because they gave you know how to build transfer of technology... stop cheating yourself and stop portraying yourself in attempt to diss someone..
O right you are. Since it was Archimedes who first discovered the principles of buoyancy, I guess even the Ruskies and the Yankies can't claim submarines to be indigenous.

So I guess unless one reinvents the wheel, one can't claim something to be indigenous.:disagree:

I can see you still haven't sobered up.:no:
no weapon system in indian is 100% made in indian
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