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Indian Arihant a rip off Russian sub?

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INS Arihant is an Akula class sub?

July 31, 2009, (Sawf News) - Outgoing Russian ambassador, Vyacheslav Trubnikov, says India's recently launched nuclear powered submarine – INS Arihant – is an Akula class submarine.

In an interview published in the Business Standard Trubinikov is quoted as saying:

"I watched the launch of India's first nuclear submarine at Vishakapatnam on July 26, and do you know about the design of this submarine? It is the Akula."

"So where was the Indian submarine designed and built?" he was asked.

"Here in India!" he responded.

Past analysis - based on the dimensions (112 m length, 10 m beam), displacement (6,000 tons) and reactor output (85 MWe) of Arihant – have led analysts to report that it is based on the Charlie II submarine that India leased from 1988-91.

However, graphics of the Arihant published in India Today and TOI show a similarity to the Akula. For example, the towed array on the aft sail is like that of a Akula.

The Arihant is reported to displace 6,000 tons which is assumed to be the submerged displacement. If it is the surfaced displacement it would match that of the Akula.

The heavier Akula uses a 190 MWe reactor which gives it a top submerged speed of 35 knots. The reported 24 knots top submerged speed of Arihant, could be attributed to its smaller reactor.

It is likely the ambassador was referring to the shape similarities rather than the hull design.

However, DRDO officials have practiced the art of subtle disinformation in the past so it is possible Arihant is heavier even more powerful than reported.

I am inclined to stick by my analysis earlier:

"Though the Arihant is based on the Charlie II class, it likely incorporates a lot of advancements in propulsion, noise suppression, command and control, communication and sonar that the Russians learnt since they built the Charlie II subs, as well as what the Indians learnt while building German HDW 209 1500 submarines – INS Shalki and INS Shankul - in the late eighties to early nineties.

Unofficial illustrations of the boat show elements of Akula design like the towed sonar at the aft. However, Arihant is unlikely to be based on the Akula II or the more modern Graney class Russian subs, as reported in some sections of the press, since these subs use a twin hull design and are therefore considerably heavier. Not surprisingly the Akula is powered by a 190 MW reactor."

Wow...The author of the so called article created and entire news item out of Two lines... precisely 15 words he pulled out of an entire interview from Business Standard...

Speculating over speculation...and making an *** out of himself...

Read this for more details:
'More upgrades will hike the Gorshkov's price'
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You can believe what you want. The most important aspect of Nuclear sub is reactor which article does not quote.

:lol: tell me did india "indegenously" build its nuclear reactor for its nuclear bomb? let me tell you... they were russian blueprints.... and i can give you credible articles which proves my point....

i thought North koreans were the prime example of brain washed of state run propaganda ego satisfying media but you guys simply take the cake...
this "indigenous" that "indigenous" played by pakistan india is merley ego satisfying thing...
This is a self repeating article that has been hijacked by the very very common and now boring cliche of Pak hate Indy and Indy hate Pak phenomenon.

^@ Growler Your point is valid! India may not have 100% indigenous capability of a Modern Nuclear Sub but all Industrial and Technological projects start out this way. Either you make a copy or reverse Engineer something or start out with a low tech/functionality technology demonstrator.

^ @ Spitfighter You are right my friend! No matter how much of the Arihant project is true Indian development, the point is, it has started, in the coming years the Indians will be able to make 100% indigenous Nuclear Subs, and that is the important thing. This is a tech we :-)pakistan:) dont have :frown: and if PN is to be a modern capable Navy, then this is a must. The Indians have done it before us but then you have more resources and money.

^ @ Penguin My Indian friends should however realize that just because the Politicians tell you this is 100% indigenous, it might not be the complete truth. As Penguin has said, if it looks like a Russian sub from the outside or not doesnt mean all of it is 100% Russian or Indian. Things like these are technology demonstrators, No modern country which hasnt built a Nuclear Sub before can come out of the blue and make one in 10-15 years. You need a lot of co-operation from a lot of different countries to built the first one of its type!


And that I think sums it up! :tup:
neither is arihant a "self creating thing"... IMO its merely a russian blueprints with western inputs...

Friend that makes it even more lethel dont it? Russia good at hardware and western good at software. Doesn't that make our nuclear submarine deadly? Just like sukhoi-30MKI. Which got russian design and western inputs. The question here is what's pak-china's answer to our nuclear submarine? India do have answer for enemy submarine. The answer is P-8I. By the way someone above message said that india will have teethin problem to our nuclear submarine. The answer is 'yes' if india was building it alone but dont u think russia helped us?? So if there would be teethin problem than russia there to solve it. Russia the master of building submarines after america and even have worlds largerst nuclear submarine in numbers. India will have around 5 nuclear submarines. Two buy russia and 3 would be build in india. All top class and yep 'deadly'.
This is a self repeating article that has been hijacked by the very very common and now boring cliche of Pak hate Indy and Indy hate Pak phenomenon.

^@ Growler Your point is valid! India may not have 100% indigenous capability of a Modern Nuclear Sub but all Industrial and Technological projects start out this way. Either you make a copy or reverse Engineer something or start out with a low tech/functionality technology demonstrator.

^ @ Spitfighter You are right my friend! No matter how much of the Arihant project is true Indian development, the point is, it has started, in the coming years the Indians will be able to make 100% indigenous Nuclear Subs, and that is the important thing. This is a tech we :-)pakistan:) dont have :frown: and if PN is to be a modern capable Navy, then this is a must. The Indians have done it before us but then you have more resources and money.

^ @ Penguin My Indian friends should however realize that just because the Politicians tell you this is 100% indigenous, it might not be the complete truth. As Penguin has said, if it looks like a Russian sub from the outside or not doesnt mean all of it is 100% Russian or Indian. Things like these are technology demonstrators, No modern country which hasnt built a Nuclear Sub before can come out of the blue and make one in 10-15 years. You need a lot of co-operation from a lot of different countries to built the first one of its type!


And that I think sums it up! :tup:

Spot on.

Never expect first indian submarine would look like alien ship.
Or all its component and technologies are invented in indian lab.

The important thing is that now we not only have the infrastructure and expertise to build nuke sub in our own country ,but we actually bulit a nuke sub. And doest it matter if it resembles Akula or Charli II .

Thats a major achievement and all future nuke sub projects will be based on this experience.

Then why do people cry when we claim of Jf 17 and some of FC 20as ours---a bullet is a bullet is a bullet---if you have a delivery system--it will kill someone---otherwise---.

This article clearly says that its been designed and bulit in india.
Now i dont know if JF 17 ot FC 20 are designed in pakistan.

Anyway Nuke subs aren't something a country can license produce.
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Friend that makes it even more lethel dont it? Russia good at hardware and western good at software. Doesn't that make our nuclear submarine deadly? Just like sukhoi-30MKI. Which got russian design and western inputs. The question here is what's pak-china's answer to our nuclear submarine? India do have answer for enemy submarine. The answer is P-8I. By the way someone above message said that india will have teethin problem to our nuclear submarine. The answer is 'yes' if india was building it alone but dont u think russia helped us?? So if there would be teethin problem than russia there to solve it. Russia the master of building submarines after america and even have worlds largerst nuclear submarine in numbers. India will have around 5 nuclear submarines. Two buy russia and 3 would be build in india. All top class and yep 'deadly'.

:lol: Su-30 was already a existing and well proven platform unlike Arihant which will at best be a technology demonstrator and test bed for developing operational nuclear capabilities... accourding to your anaology then arjun is a prime example of failiure with mixture of forigenor inputs.. lets not simply assume that since this sub is the best because its a mix breed of russian, western technology...
Sorry to brust your bubble but just because its a "nuclear powered sub" does not mean its has to be the best in the world! dont forget German conventional subs in particular type-212 and 214 are by far the best non nuclear submarine in the world! they are like F-35 of the sea due to its very very very low acuostic signatures.. and lol.. P-8 is merely a MPA like P-3.... not a mythical hunting god of the SEA... get to know U-boats capability before you make your arms chair general judgement. these boats are equiped with IDAS meaning the sub can engage air targets with in 20km while submereged... these boats are very hard to detect when submereged meaning the MPA has to get close to the sub..
btw PN will be soon making Type-214 at home and on one vs one bases with arihant the type-214 wins hands down...
Its a pointless discussion India now has the capability to build nuclear subs and in few years they will be in the ranks of IN. Instead of satisfying ourself with this "indigenous crap" we should concentrate on how we should respond.
:lol: tell me did india "indegenously" build its nuclear reactor for its nuclear bomb? let me tell you... they were russian blueprints.... and i can give you credible articles which proves my point....

Just stop making ludicrous statements.

"Indian Arihant a rip off Russian sub?"

The Bottom line is that india has bulit a nuke sub indigenously.
And Nuke subs aren't something a country can license produce.
This article clearly says that its been designed and bulit in india.
Now i dont know if JF 17 ot FC 20 are designed in pakistan.

yep... just like those pathological liars at DRDO claim
- Dhruv
- Arjun
- Missiles
indian indigenous? lolz...

here is a little example of how "indigenous" indian weapons really are..

-desinged by MBB germany who apparently desinged BK-117 and one can find alot of similarity between the two. its like a self portrait painting will be the work of self potrate artist not a musician that he/she would like to claim.
-entire avionics supported by IAI "Israel"
-Rockets, guns and engines from France
-Brake systems from Italy
-Fuel tanks and gearboxes from Britain
-and self-protection equipment from a Swedish company.
but 100% made in india!

Its a pointless discussion India now has the capability to build nuclear subs and in few years they will be in the ranks of IN. Instead of satisfying ourself with this "indigenous crap" we should concentrate on how we should respond.

why should we fallow each and every thing what india does? In pak indo context one does not really need a nuclear powered sub and espically for low budget pakistan navy it would be wiser to spend on conventional stealthy submarines like Type-214. unless india was on the other side of the globe and still hostile to us then nuclear powered sub would have been a must must thing. for god sake they are just next door.....
yep... just like those pathological liars at DRDO claim
- Dhruv
- Arjun
- Missiles
indian indigenous? lolz...

here is a little example of how "indigenous" indian weapons really are..

-desinged by MBB germany who apparently desinged BK-117 and one can find alot of similarity between the two. its like a self portrait painting will be the work of self potrate artist not a musician that he/she would like to claim.
-entire avionics supported by IAI "Israel"
-Rockets, guns and engines from France
-Brake systems from Italy
-Fuel tanks and gearboxes from Britain
-and self-protection equipment from a Swedish company.
but 100% made in india!


All these DRDO projects going to contribute immesely next time when it makes an updated system.

Do u think Lockheed Martin bulid its F-22 from stratch??

Also different parts all complex military systems are resourced from various sources.Indian HAL builts components for AIRBUS and Boeing.

And what about indigenously Chinise built J-10 which carries russian engine??

Does that make J-10 russian??
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