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Indian Arihant a rip off Russian sub?

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Despite me explaining like one explain it to the kids, Indians are not getting it. Simple, Charlie II in its current shape was no good to the Indian, the size was not enough for the longer Missiles it needs to store and fire. So they hired the Russian to help them stretch the design of the Charlie II. Now, submarine is not a car that you cut it open at the middle and add sections and wheels according to your requirements.

The shell has to be produced with longer length. Plus to create the longer version, everything else to be work at too, so the storage and firing system for the missiles works ok with the design and components inside the sub-marine. Considering the intelligence of Indians and the speed they work with, no wonder it took them years to come up with the stretched version, even though they had the blue prints of the design of Charlie II and the help of the people who originally produced it. But, alas, Indian kept their long traditions of wasting decades, to produce simple outdated borrowed technologies, over budget and useless. :lol:

you are going out of limit....you know nothing about the design..about work done on it etc and then too you are barking...

we all have seen intelligence of Pakistanis who compare two products by showing resemblance between their appearance :rofl:

you should stop wet dreaming about Indian stuff or you will become a laughing stock like other pakistanis have become who said India will buy American jet in MMRCA...thats what you guys are good at ain't it??
Ahan, ever heard of the phrase "Armed Forces". I used "Army" in the same sense.

WTF now you gonna Teach me what is the difference between 'armed force' and 'army'......... ???? Arey yea!!baal dhoop mein he safed nahi kiye hai bache..:rolleyes::rolleyes:
But, alas, Indian kept their long traditions of wasting decades, to produce simple outdated borrowed technologies, over budget and useless.

Must be having a lot of money to play Ducks and Drakes ,

If it is obsolete technology why does all these post appear to have the tone and timbre of that TV ad - Neighbour's Envy, Owner's Pride?!!

Charlie 2 ,check out the tail and size :) if still any one gonna make any noise ,am gonna kick his stinky A** :angry::sick:
If you are not inspired you stay deflated ......

Now take your pick
Alright lets do this ..

Give a source where it states russians aided in stretching their own design to suit Indian need... If you have any balls .. support this claim...

Show me one reply where you have proven any similarity between configuration of Arihant.and any other sub

Have you answered one single technical question posed to you?

too many sentences confuses you .. so dwell on the above three line...

Don't be silly. All the information is already given, the length, which is slightly longer, and reason why it is longer than Charlie II is included in the Articles. :whistle:;)

Technical question? What technical question? Have you forgotten your line of defence is Arihant is a secret project, the details of the technology is not available.:hitwall:

Let's be honest, it is you who are extremely confused, despite me teaching you like kindergarten kids.:lol:
you are going out of limit....you know nothing about the design..about work done on it etc and then too you are barking...

we all have seen intelligence of Pakistanis who compare two products by showing resemblance between their appearance :rofl:

you should stop wet dreaming about Indian stuff or you will become a laughing stock like other pakistanis have become who said India will buy American jet in MMRCA...thats what you guys are good at ain't it??

Yeah yeah, I don't but you do. So show us what work is done on it.:lol:
Technical question? What technical question? Have you forgotten your line of defence is Arihant is a secret project, the details of the technology is not available.:hitwall:

Then how can you say that its charlie 2
You know in Urdu, they have a proverb "whole night I narrated the story and the fool is asking in the morning, Zuliqan was a man or woman?" This proverb suits you just fine.

Because the whole night you are just blabbering like a drunkered as if you are narrating a story... you dont really carry or add any value to the rip off... it started as Akula and now it is charlie... The whole world knows it is not .... and your heart is not accepting it because of the burning sensation you have that because Pakistan was considered to balance the power with India and now it no way stands near it but it India is trying to do the same with China
Despite me explaining like one explain it to the kids, Indians are not getting it. Simple, Charlie II in its current shape was no good to the Indians, the size was not enough for the longer Missiles it needs to store and fire. So they hired the Russians to help them stretch the design of the Charlie II. Now, submarine is not a car that you cut it open at the middle and add sections and wheels according to your requirements.

The shell has to be produced with longer length. Plus to create the longer version, everything else to be work at too, so the storage and firing system for the missiles works ok with the design and components inside the sub-marine. Considering the intelligence of Indians and the speed they work with, no wonder it took them years to come up with the stretched version, even though they had the blue prints of the design of Charlie II and the help of the people who originally produced it. But, alas, Indian kept their long traditions of wasting decades, to produce simple outdated borrowed technologies, over budget and useless. :lol:

So you can really understand it is not charlie-2 but a new avatar.. And clearly says it is not a rip off...

see your dictionary what is rip off.. if you dont i will give you a link
Poore thread ka kabada kar diya..
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