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Indian Arihant a rip off Russian sub?

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We do not know how good is this sub. And if Indian Navy and politicians are smart, they would keep these facts hidden.
We do not know how good is this sub. And if Indian Navy and politicians are smart, they would keep these facts hidden.

So because you were not invited in ceremonial launch ,you jumped to conclusion that it's noisy Charlie 2 submarine ..Nice analysis mate .:pop::coffee:
What can I say to people who read but still don't understand a thing?

Actually we very well understand, what you are trying to state, you are trying to impose a fruitless discussion about discussing non existing specs, How foolish can you be for doing this. All you have just speculation . not one technical fact to compare, the dimension, propulsion, material, manufacturing technique, Electronic suite, Radar, Nothing

1- Reports quoted which clearly stated it is Charlie II. It was not my opinion, it was analysis after providing proofs. Learn to distinguish between the two.
Reports speculated, But you believe this by stating "40 year old ripp off" in multiple threads... May be you dont understan your own written english. your incoherence with your own thoughts is basically your frustration Nothing else

2- Did you fail to notice it was also mentioned that it is modified and extended to accommodate the weapons it would carry?
Again pure speculation,

3- I didn't say anything about Russians, or assume anything. Your own media gave details and your Prime Minister thanked them at the launch of the floating hub. Get your facts straight.
O but you did, now you are just blatantly lying to save your skin , thats just pathetic...
Money talks, Russian were on board who knows what agreements were signed.
Keep speculating, its just funny now , you are making a joke out of yourself

4- If you do changes to SU30's you will need to test them before made operational. Similarly upgrades needed to be tested. You wasting your time, I will respond and nullify all your objections and points, guarantee.

You couldn't explain me how India could copy the hull's material and welding configuration, and you claim you will nullify my points, keep dreaming..

Here you have it until now, no Indians despite their best efforts have proven it is indigenous submarine. The reports I produced clearly stated it is Charlie II, an outdated, Decommisioned submarine. It is without Nuclear reactor, weapon carrying and firing capabilities, not doing sea trials because there is no need for them until it becomes a nuclear submarine, otherwise it is what it is , a floating hull.:lol:
If you had any knowledge of ship design then you would know why a hull needs to be floated before fitting it with propulsion and subsystems... maybe physics 101 will help. when it comes to understanding a design of a hull, you are a pure imbecile

Please Indian participants, I was expecting little bit better and higher level competition, instead of childish approaches. No wonder DRDO successfully fool you after each of their failed and botched project despite spending billions. You know what sensible countries do to such departments and organisations? They close them down.:cheesy:
your counter arguments are childish and outright lack any foresight in the technical domain, i would seriously suggest for you to stick bashing indians with poverty and population stuff. no one here buys pansy arguments

HIgher level competition... you are just another ranting member who doesnot have clue about manufacturing, design or any technicalities of the system. I replied to your post to give you an overview of how a submarine system cannot be copied without the design data being made available and comparisons are impossible without arihants specs being declassified. but you my friend are worst kind of ignorant snob. I can understand your frustration, its evident from your posts, that your do not have any technical background or the ability to grasp simple logical constraints involved in manufacturing and design of complex assemblies.

Other than chest thumping about some alleged article which speculates about design, you have not provided a single technical counter argument.

I was under the impression of this thread being a general inquiry but , you are just another troll in this forum overcompensating for your own nationalistic frustration. Although i pity your situation i would recommend you to get some education, when you are ready to have a reasonable discussion , I'll be here.. till then bye bye

You couldn't explain me how India could copy the hull's material and welding configuration, and you claim you will nullify my points, keep dreaming..

If you keep your head buried in the sand, what can I say or do? Ok let me spell it out like we do to the Children.

Indians wanted a longer body of the Charlie II, for the simple reason, they wanted to introduce the weapon area which can take care of the missiles longer in length.

So, they hired Russians to help them stretched the Charlie II and provide other technical help. Same way, you see stretched limousine. By stretching, the car remains the same, but becomes a stretched version. If you still don’t get it, I can not help you any further.

your counter arguments are childish and outright lack any foresight in the technical domain, i would seriously suggest for you to stick bashing indians with poverty and population stuff. no one here buys pansy arguments

HIgher level competition... you are just another ranting member who doesnot have clue about manufacturing, design or any technicalities of the system. I replied to your post to give you an overview of how a submarine system cannot be copied without the design data being made available and comparisons are impossible without arihants specs being declassified. but you my friend are worst kind of ignorant snob. I can understand your frustration, its evident from your posts, that your do not have any technical background or the ability to grasp simple logical constraints involved in manufacturing and design of complex assemblies.

I said to you many times, I am playing with you, stay in your limits and do not cross the line of decency. I have given you the answers to every valid point you raised, but ignored your boosting.

Let’s face it, I provided the analysis, facts which none of you have refuted until now, except passing ridiculous self praising comments. I provided answer to your boosting of being involved in SU30’s blah blah, in sarcastic and simplistic manner. It does not mean that I am not aware of technical issues or you are “son of the Gun”. But my way is a simplistic approach, understood by everyone. I think you concentrate on answering the fundamental questions instead of blowing your own trumpet how good or technological savvy are you. Proof of the pudding is in its taste, until now you are failing miserably.

The articles were written by your own media, give them the lectures why and how they compare the technical specifications of Arihant with Charlie II and made their conclusion it is a Charlie II.

Frustration? Why would I be frustrated? I have blown away all the myths created by the Indians about Arihant, it is not a nuclear submarine yet, not fitted with any weapon system yet, not doing sea trials as continuously claimed by Indian. Why would I be frustrated? It is you who are frustrated, being exposed so badly. Come with some other excuse my friends, I am good in exposing my opponents, I am methodical and I have an eye for details. I would say to you shut it and get on with your job to counter my evidence or hold your peace.

If you keep your head buried in the sand, what can I say or do? Ok let me spell it out like we do to the Children.

Indians wanted a longer body of the Charlie II, for the simple reason, they wanted to introduce the weapon area which can take care of the missiles longer in length.

So, they hired Russians to help them stretched the Charlie II and provide other technical help. Same way, you see stretched limousine. By stretching, the car remains the same, but becomes a stretched version. If you still don’t get it, I can not help you any further.

I said to you many time, I am playing with you, stay in your limit and do not cross the line of decency. I have given you the answers to every valid point you raised, but ignored your boosting.

Let’s face it, I provided the analysis, facts which none of you have refuted until now, except passing ridiculous self praising comments. I provided answer to your boosting of being involved in SU30’s blah blah, in sarcastic and simplistic manner. It does not mean that I am not aware of the technical issues or you are “son of the Gun”. But my way is a simplistic approach, understood by everyone. I think you concentrate on answering the fundamental questions instead of blowing your own trumpet how good or technological savvy are you. Proof of the pudding is in its taste, until now you are failing miserably.

The articles were written by your own media, give them the lectures why and how they compare the technical specifications of Arihant with Charlie II and made their conclusion it is a Charlie II.

Frustration? Why would I be frustrated? I have blown away all the myths created by the Indians about Arihant, it is not a nuclear submarine, not fitted with any weapon system yet, not doing sea trials as continuously claimed by Indian. Why would I be frustrated? It is you who are frustrated to be exposed so badly. Come with some other excuse my friends, I am good in exposing my opponents, I am methodical and I have an eye for details. I would say to you shut it and get on with your job to counter my evidence or hold your peace.

Back your arguments with a source ... that Arihant is a rip of charilie-2...
When you people cant understand that license built comes out in years from the ship yard...if it is a rip-off why it take decades to come out the same ship yard... clearly people cant rant or troll because the same people are working in the same ship yard
Back your arguments with a source ... that Arihant is a rip of charilie-2...

You know in Urdu, they have a proverb "whole night I narrated the story and the fool is asking in the morning, Zuliqan was a man or woman?" This proverb suits you just fine.
You know in Urdu, they have a proverb "whole night I narrated the story and the fool is asking in the morning, Zuliqan was a man or woman?" This proverb suits you just fine.

thats what you narrated story a baseless story thats it ............
When you people cant understand that license built comes out in years from the ship yard...if it is a rip-off why it take decades to come out the same ship yard... clearly people cant rant or troll because the same people are working in the same ship yard

Despite me explaining like one explain it to the kids, Indians are not getting it. Simple, Charlie II in its current shape was no good to the Indians, the size was not enough for the longer Missiles it needs to store and fire. So they hired the Russians to help them stretch the design of the Charlie II. Now, submarine is not a car that you cut it open at the middle and add sections and wheels according to your requirements.

The shell has to be produced with longer length. Plus to create the longer version, everything else to be work at too, so the storage and firing system for the missiles works ok with the design and components inside the sub-marine. Considering the intelligence of Indians and the speed they work with, no wonder it took them years to come up with the stretched version, even though they had the blue prints of the design of Charlie II and the help of the people who originally produced it. But, alas, Indian kept their long traditions of wasting decades, to produce simple outdated borrowed technologies, over budget and useless. :lol:
To call it a rip off...u guys need to see the similarities between charlie n Arihant...

i have a simple question for those who call it a rip off..

Have u seen the Arihant???
DO u know it's dimensions??

Which is bigger in size?
Wat output does the nuclear reactor in Arihant gives??
wat are it's weapon pay loads?
wat systems does it use...?
And do u know the specifications about it's sonar??

If u know all these ,then if these specifications are identical to Charlie....then u can call it rip off...

First of all have u seen Arihant's dimension??

If you keep your head buried in the sand, what can I say or do? Ok let me spell it out like we do to the Children.

Indians wanted a longer body of the Charlie II, for the simple reason, they wanted to introduce the weapon area which can take care of the missiles longer in length.

So, they hired Russians to help them stretched the Charlie II and provide other technical help. Same way, you see stretched limousine. By stretching, the car remains the same, but becomes a stretched version. If you still don’t get it, I can not help you any further.

I said to you many times, I am playing with you, stay in your limits and do not cross the line of decency. I have given you the answers to every valid point you raised, but ignored your boosting.

Let’s face it, I provided the analysis, facts which none of you have refuted until now, except passing ridiculous self praising comments. I provided answer to your boosting of being involved in SU30’s blah blah, in sarcastic and simplistic manner. It does not mean that I am not aware of technical issues or you are “son of the Gun”. But my way is a simplistic approach, understood by everyone. I think you concentrate on answering the fundamental questions instead of blowing your own trumpet how good or technological savvy are you. Proof of the pudding is in its taste, until now you are failing miserably.

The articles were written by your own media, give them the lectures why and how they compare the technical specifications of Arihant with Charlie II and made their conclusion it is a Charlie II.

Frustration? Why would I be frustrated? I have blown away all the myths created by the Indians about Arihant, it is not a nuclear submarine yet, not fitted with any weapon system yet, not doing sea trials as continuously claimed by Indian. Why would I be frustrated? It is you who are frustrated, being exposed so badly. Come with some other excuse my friends, I am good in exposing my opponents, I am methodical and I have an eye for details. I would say to you shut it and get on with your job to counter my evidence or hold your peace.

Alright lets do this ..

Give a source where it states russians aided in stretching their own design to suit Indian need... If you have any balls .. support this claim...

Show me one reply where you have proven any similarity between configuration of Arihant.and any other sub

Have you answered one single technical question posed to you?

too many sentences confuses you .. so dwell on the above three line...
Despite me explaining like one explain it to the kids, Indians are not getting it. Simple, Charlie II in its current shape was no good to the Indian, the size was not enough for the longer Missiles it needs to store and fire. So they hired the Russian to help them stretch the design of the Charlie II. Now, submarine is not a car that you cut it open at the middle and add sections and wheels according to your requirements.

The shell has to be produced with longer length. Plus to create the longer version, everything else to be work at too, so the storage and firing system for the missiles works ok with the design and components inside the sub-marine. Considering the intelligence of Indians and the speed they work with, no wonder it took them years to come up with the stretched version, even though they had the blue prints of the design of Charlie II and the help of the people who originally produced it. But, alas, Indian kept their long traditions of wasting decades, to produce simple outdated borrowed technologies, over budget and useless. :lol:

STFU dude.... you have no knowledge whatsoever of Subs, manufacturing or design ... stop making a fool of yourself

Btw "So called Indian Kids are shredding your posts to bits"
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