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Indian Arihant a rip off Russian sub?

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:rofl: you almost made me fall of my chair..

All these DRDO projects going to contribute immesely next time when it makes an updated system.
let me tell you.... these technically advace countries like US UK france germany japan russsia etc are where they are today is because they R&D all from the biggining.... its not like they were passed aroud with blue prints and all they did was minor upgrades and they thought hey eventually we are going to have a indigenous capablity so keep it up...
Do u think Lockheed Martin bulid its F-22 from stratch??
yes its 100% american...

Also different parts all complex military systems are resourced from various sources.Indian HAL builts components for AIRBUS and Boeing.
so what.. so did pakistan and china still does today because its cheaper for boeing.... its not like they ask us to R&D these "complex components" for boeing and they chose india..

And what about indigenously Chinise built J-10 which carries russian engine??

Does that make J-10 russian??

in that case... the Engine is russian not chinese...
The good thing about the article is that it clarifies Arihant is an Akula Class sub . Before the unveling the there was major speculation going on that its bases 70s Charli II class.

If its true then with Arihant india got relatively new generation sub.
However, graphics of the Arihant published in India Today and TOI show a similarity to the Akula. For example, the towed array on the aft sail is like that of a Akula.
The only unofficial official photo of Arihant, published by India Today is the one below.


How did the author of the article get see the towed array on the aft sail, when only the fore is shown. And which part of the fore gives the impression that it has 'a similarity to the Akula'.

Things pulled from behind are called sh!t, in case anybody is wondering.
The good thing about the article is that it clarifies Arihant is an Akula Class sub . Before the unveling the there was major speculation going on that its bases 70s Charli II class.

If its true then with Arihant india got relatively new generation sub.

many indian defence experts call arihant a mis breed of akula and charli.
My Indian friends should however realize that just because the Politicians tell you this is 100% indigenous, it might not be the complete truth.
No body claimed its 100% indigenous. It claimed that about 40% is indigenous, like the entire sonar suite and the reactor. The indigenous components are expected to go up as more subs are built.
:rofl: you almost made me fall of my chair..

let me tell you.... these technically advace countries like US UK france germany japan russsia etc are where they are today is because they R&D all from the biggining.... its not like they were passed aroud with blue prints and all they did was minor upgrades and they thought hey eventually we are going to have a indigenous capablity so keep it up...

yes its 100% american...

so what.. so did pakistan and china still does today because its cheaper for boeing.... its not like they ask us to R&D these "complex components" for boeing and they chose india..

in that case... the Engine is russian not chinese...

"yes its 100% american... "

Obviously u dont get the basic premise of my argument and fall of ur chair in sheer confusion .:rofl:

F-22 isnt the first fighter aircraft Lockheed Martin ever built . It has been building ahd devloping fighters for last many decades before that.

So similarly every initial projects of DRDO would provide it enpugh expertise to make bigger and better systems in future.just like ISRO used to make only sounding rockets in early 70s and now it makes its own satellites and launch them on its own launch vehicles.

To ur first point,let me tell u if as u obviously dont know that countries such USA UK france germany japan russsia also used to buy,steal and borrow technology from each other.And only later on they incorporated their on own R&D with them.

USA space program and jet fighter Engine is based on the initial know how it colleted from German scientists after WWII . Stalin stole nuke secrets of USA to build nuclear arsenal of USSR. China borrowes its nuke tech from USSR.

And what u call as even minor upgrade ...to do that its takes yrs of R&D and huge resources.

"in that case... the Engine is russian not chinese...

So what, u think chinese gonna ask u to buy the engine fron russia when pakistan wants to buy its j-10 aircraft as its not of chinese origin.
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yes its 100% american...

Life just got complicated:

BAE Systems is among members of the F-22 Raptor industry team to receive the National Aeronautic Association’s 2006 Robert J. Collier Trophy. The award is America’s most prestigious recognition for aeronautical and space innovation.
Air-Attack.com News :: BAE Systems Receives Collier Trophy for F-22 Electronic Warfare Role

Even the F-22 isn't fully indigenous....

---------- Post added at 08:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:41 PM ----------

The good thing about the article is that it clarifies Arihant is an Akula Class sub . Before the unveling the there was major speculation going on that its bases 70s Charli II class.

If its true then with Arihant india got relatively new generation sub.

It's not at all clear what it is as there are not pics yet!
neither is arihant a "self creating thing"... IMO its merely a russian blueprints with western inputs...

It Can kick our adversary's but* and thatz a realilty mate. get over it.
Charlie class Akula class or ARIHANT class.

Makes no difference.

By 2015 THERE WILL 4 OR 5 nuke subs with 80-100 nuke warheads in the Ariabian Sea or Indian Ocean.

And they can stay submerged for 90 days.

Thats a headache for Pakistan and indeed everyone else
yeah u can question the credibility of the word "indigenous" while we make couple more nuke subs of our own.

finally finally finally we Indians beginning to turn pragmatic. :tup:
:lol: Su-30 was already a existing and well proven platform unlike Arihant which will at best be a technology demonstrator and test bed for developing operational nuclear capabilities... accourding to your anaology then arjun is a prime example of failiure with mixture of forigenor inputs.. lets not simply assume that since this sub is the best because its a mix breed of russian, western technology...
Sorry to brust your bubble but just because its a "nuclear powered sub" does not mean its has to be the best in the world! dont forget German conventional subs in particular type-212 and 214 are by far the best non nuclear submarine in the world! they are like F-35 of the sea due to its very very very low acuostic signatures.. and lol.. P-8 is merely a MPA like P-3.... not a mythical hunting god of the SEA... get to know U-boats capability before you make your arms chair general judgement. these boats are equiped with IDAS meaning the sub can engage air targets with in 20km while submereged... these boats are very hard to detect when submereged meaning the MPA has to get close to the sub..
btw PN will be soon making Type-214 at home and on one vs one bases with arihant the type-214 wins hands down...

Friend LCA and ARJUN aint got help from RUSSIA. Infact russia refused to give engine for LCA just because they dont wanna effect their military export. Same with ARJUN. Russia wanted to sell more T-90 tanks to india and they got what they wanted. Now lets talk about weapons that russia helped and helping india. ITS BRAHMOS. would you like to know whats BRAHMOS my friend??? i guess not. Wait 2011 and check HYPERSONIC BRAHMOS II range upto 500 to 700KM. Than russia also helped in Sukhoi-30MKI and now russia helping in NUCLEAR SUBMARINE. what am trying to say that its upto russia will they help or not. When they help by heart than everything is successful wether u like it or not. By the way friend ur comment on P-8I was funny. It seems u got more brain than americans who building it. Now about 214. Just because u gonna have them doesnt make them superior. Dont mix nuclear submarine vs non-nuclear submarine. You should know whats difference between them. First have nuclear submarine and than u should say what capablitys your navy has friend.
Russia the master of building submarines after america

Russia is the master at buliding naval vessels but Indian Navy is better than Russia in maintaining its ships perhaps best after US and other western countries. This is not a mean task in itself and is a major skill to develop into a good navy not just a industrial powerhouse.

India has to now close its weakness and become a shipbuilding industrial powerhouse. A few boats here and there is no comparison for a country with such a large coastline.

Moscow: The Indian naval orders placed with Russia have allowed the Kremlin to "maintain its lead in many areas of warship-building", a top defence expert here said on Sunday.

"The Indian naval orders, including Talwar class frigates, have allowed Russia to maintain its lead in many areas of warship-building," Dr Konstantin Makiyenko of a Moscow-based independent defence think-tank said.

Speaking on the state-run Vesti FM radio on the occasion of Russian Navy Day, Makiyenko, deputy director of Centre for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies, noted that due to Indian orders Russia could complete its ship-based URAN missile systems and other force multipliers.

Russia has built three Krivak-II class stealth frigates for the Indian Navy -- INS Talwar, INS Trishul and INS Tabar -- and is currently building three more ships of this series, packed with highly sophisticated electronic sensors and force-multipliers.

Russia is currently involved in the refit of the Kiev class aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov, which would virtually allow it to master the skill of building vessels of this class as the technology and know-how for building aircraft carriers was left behind in Ukraine's Nikolayev shipyard after the Soviet collapse.

Makiyenko also lauded the Indian Navy personnel saying that Russia should take a cue from them how to maintain and operate their warships.

"The Indians are excellent seamen and they keep even their old ships in perfect shape," Makiyenko said criticising the decommissioning of scores of battle-worthy warships, including the ex-USSR's mightiest nuclear-powered Admiral Nakhimov destroyer by the Russian Navy.

Meanwhile, the Russian Naval chief on Sunday announced plans for a balanced Navy by 2050.

"In our understanding, it is important to know exactly what the Navy should be by the year 2050, proceeding from two things: it must be a balanced nuclear missile force and, secondly, it must comply with the state's national interests and economic possibilities," Admiral Vladimir Vysotsky said in his customary interview on the Russian Navy Day
`Indian naval orders help Russia maintain lead in warships`
No body claimed its 100% indigenous. It claimed that about 40% is indigenous, like the entire sonar suite and the reactor. The indigenous components are expected to go up as more subs are built.

meaning that 40% systems are 100% indigenous? oh my my my...
so all of sudden out no where india is building sonars and nuclear reactors for subs when they have absolutly no evolution of such systems.. do you want to know sorry state of reality of indian nuclear plants for bomb? if india can build such supre alien technology nuclear reactors for subs then why do they need russia, france, USA to build new onces for them????
Obviously u dont get the basic premise of my argument and fall of ur chair in sheer confusion .:rofl:

done portraying yourself?

F-22 isnt the first fighter aircraft Lockheed Martin ever built . It has been building ahd devloping fighters for last many decades before that.
oh really? and it took india such short period of time without any "building and devloping nuclear subs from the last many decades" and just made Arihant on first strike? hmmmmm cool... or did you guys had alot of good "building" experience from Type-209..... noo?

So similarly every initial projects of DRDO would provide it enpugh expertise to make bigger and better systems in future.just like ISRO used to make only sounding rockets in early 70s and now it makes its own satellites and launch them on its own launch vehicles.
two words for DRDO... "pathological liars"... 100% indigenous :lol:
ask them.. is arjun 100% indigenous? yes its ours... is LCA indigenous yes its our and its comparable to EF-2000 and Gripen..

To ur first point,let me tell u if as u obviously dont know that countries such USA UK france germany japan russsia also used to buy,steal and borrow technology from each other.And only later on they incorporated their on own R&D with them.

no comments... so wait accourding to you where america is today with missile technology is because of stolen V2 technology?

USA space program and jet fighter Engine is based on the initial know how it colleted from German scientists after WWII . Stalin stole nuke secrets of USA to build nuclear arsenal of USSR. China borrowes its nuke tech from USSR.
by any chance do you work in a circus as a joker? because you are really halarious..
So what, u think chinese gonna ask u to buy the engine fron russia when pakistan wants to buy its j-10 aircraft as its not of chinese origin.
ever heard of "JF-17" programe? do you know which engine first 50 are going to be?
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