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Why Hindu go for exercise in Muslim land? Should be Muslim Paks exercising only.
so what if it is? tell me one thing that is posted by it that is not the truth @AgNoStiC MuSliM please explain the difference between truth and falsehood as well as the difference between lil ole cj Post and giant web of lies that is bharat-run "The Indian Chronicles" to this here fragrant one
That EU Disinfo Lab stuff was created by ISPR for self consumption.

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The Indian forces contingent will be travelling to Saudi Arabia for the exercises which will be taking place in the next financial year

In a significant development, Indian and Saudi armies will undertake joint bilateral exercises. This will be the first such exercises of both the armies together. The Indian forces contingent will be travelling to Saudi Arabia for the exercises which will be taking place in the next financial year.

In December 2020, in another significant development, Indian Army Chief General MM Naravane had visited Saudi Arabia. It was the first time any Indian Army chief had visited the West Asian country in what is a clear sign of growing ties between New Delhi and Riyadh.

The Army Chief during his trip to Saudi Arabia, he had visited the Headquarters of Royal Saudi Land Force, the Joint Force Command Headquarters and King Abdul Aziz Military Academy. Saudi Arabia identifies India as one of the Kingdom’s Strategic Partner Countries under its 'Vision 2030’.

Last few years have seen an increased engagement between the two countries. The year 2019 saw the visit of Indian PM Modi to the country during which the Strategic Partnership Council Agreement was signed. Earlier that year in February, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman had visited New Delhi. During the visit, Riyadh announced investments targeting a value of USD 100 billion in India.

When some people miss sarcasm, it's fun to read.:enjoy:

We Pakistanis are thankful to KSA & UAE for coming open in relations with India and regarding Kashmir issue , will help us secure our own interests w.r.t to Iran , Turkey and some other issues which i don't want to comment here .
Everything is Pakistan funded, eh? Lmao you are just a HOOT.
CJ post journos are readiliy available on Fiverr and that’s where you pick them from, wonder why all videos are Anti-India and not even a single video related to any other thing on their channel, also no wonder why only Pakistanis are found in their videos’ comment section.
One wonders...

When Saudi soldiers will say "Nara-e-Takbeer... Allah ho Akber", at the same time Hindu forces who join hands with them will say "Kali Mata ki Jaay ho..." and both armies together will fight against.... who?

Unfortunate what the Saudi Government is doing to itself.
One wonders...

When Saudi soldiers will say "Nara-e-Takbeer... Allah ho Akber", at the same time Hindu forces who join hands with them will say "Kali Mata ki Jaay ho..." and both armies together will fight against.... who?

Unfortunate what the Saudi Government is doing to itself.
If Indian Soldiers are from J&K Light Infantry then they will also say Allah ho Akbar, it depends.
Why Hindu go for exercise in Muslim land? Should be Muslim Paks exercising only.
No such restrictions are there, It is a matter of their interests and alliances, KSA and UAE are finding India closer to them in the coming new tug of war.
Pakistan is finding hard to remain in US camp, due to close Indo-American nexus.
Both the countries have the experience of downing their Jets pretty quick.

Indians Jets by the PAF
Saudi Jets by Houthis

Only a fool can believe that any invader can win against Yemenite Zaydis.
Kulbhashan Yadev network is having a field day in this thread.

Everything is Pakistan funded, eh? Lmao you are just a HOOT.
CJ post journos are readiliy available on Fiverr and that’s where you pick them from, wonder why all videos are Anti-India and not even a single video related to any other thing on their channel, also no wonder why only Pakistanis are found in their videos’ comment section.

These bharti wet fantasies of taking on Houtis, and taliban and other muslim groups and occupying their lands or stablishing bases in other countries are very satisfying to watch. Because, hindus measure the toughness and resolve of muslims of the world by their demoralized, meek indian muslim population. I want indian to stick their nose where it doesn't belong and hopefully pay such a heavy price so that they will remember it for centuries to come. They are on a current trajectory where they will get their wishes fulfilled by the groups mentioned above and others.
I for one am very happy to see the Indian Saudi relation develop into something sinister. This is not business as usual. These are tectonic shifts. Finally this will give our leaders the opportunity and spine to say that enough is enough. I hope the Saudis and GCC bloc continues to agitate Pakistan.

I sincerely hope that Pakistan for once prioritises regional relationships. I hope the appeasement stops. Drop nations that don't take our sentiments and challenges seriously. Even if it is KSA. KSA is the same country that hands out threats to Pakistan for cosying up with Iran etc. It is a shame. An utter abomination that we have given into GCC threats.

Raheel is leading the war in Yemen against terror.

Raheel Sharif had been vomited out of the Pak army. He chose money over country. Good for him. No one remembers him in Pakistan.
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