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Indian and Chinese Airforces Confront Each Other In Ladakh

Your generals had also believed the same but you lost half of your country. Everyone has the freedom to believe what pleases him though reality may be different.

We did indeed lose half the country, 3500 nautical km's away, to Bangladesh! And it was when Bangladesh had help from India......on the contrary, India has never been able to take back 1 inch of Kashmir despite multiple attempts. And India ceded territory to the only other neighbor with which it fought a war, aka China.
We did indeed lose half the country, 3500 nautical km's away, to Bangladesh! And it was when Bangladesh had help from India......on the contrary, India has never been able to take back 1 inch of Kashmir despite multiple attempts. And India ceded territory to the only other neighbor with which it fought a war, aka China.

Where is siachen glacier?
Ironic how vast majority of your country doesn't think the same way, infact they like to push their thought process to others, specially minorities and more specifically Muslims, even though the fact is that around 31% of indian are vegans.

Not to leave a personal comment, still I would like you to let your brother's wife eat non veg at home as well. Now that would be true respect and giving someone their space by heart rather when she is out or is at parents house.

I don't want to derail this thread but let me tell you that 31% no is only for VEGAN... vegetarian is a different thing.... in India as per my college days survey around 82% Hindus are strictly vegetarian... they may not be vegan but vegetarian....

About forcing food habits on others please note that this beef ban and some attacks on minorities happened only during BJP government... not govt is responsible but other elements try to take an advantage under their rules.... this never happened before....
To be honest, if you asked any retired soldiers of PLA from that region, you will know there are lots of these wrestling along the border these days, most of the time China win the "wrestlings", it is just a few times when Indians thinks they got the upper hand they will brag about that to the media.

Since PLA is far more disciplined and organized, usually they don't leak these videos/pictures of these wrestlings to the media (even the pictures leaked to Chinese social networks this time, are directly response to india's first attemps), since they are much more disciplined and organized.

And when you looking at the videos leaked by India side, which is believed to show their "strength", you can see the pathetic-ness of them:

In 2017, they show a video when a few Chinese soldiers has a fist-fight with them, and the famous Chinese kick, and many of the Indians cheered for the wrong side by mistake(the Chinese side), and besides the kick, even in that video, you can clearly saw the Chinese soldiers are much better organized.

In this year, they show a video when a mob of several dozen Indians beat a single Chinese soldier, who according to Chinese media, were there to talk with indian side.

If these are the best videos Indians can show, I think everyone here will get an idea about how organized and disciplined they are.Besides technology and strategies, the essence of a military force is organization and discipline.

To be honest, China has little interests in having a fight with India, but if the Indians are determined to pick up a fight with China, I think everyone with an above average brain should knows how one-sided the situation will be.

Lets hope the situation could be solved by talks and such, instead of war.
A video of a Chinese soldier being abused slapped attacked and having insults (sexual at that) doesn’t mean China is weak. It shows us the unethical undisciplined approach the indian army are taking. No professional army would tear a captor like this. We don’t see the Chinese response on the video.
What we do know is Chinese troops are camped firmly inside Indian land. So whose the chicken here? ANY nation in the world would not tolerate this and respond instantly - not India. Now bearing this in mind -
Whose behaviour is soft?
See picture above, they got their response, so the report China captured their troops were real. Lol
Apparently Intel reports show that the Indians don't know the number of troops and weaponry on the Chinese side of the border but the Chinese know each individuals name and their family members down to 5 generations on the indian side.

China India Tension on LAC
Bhutan India Tension
Pakistan India Tension on LOC
China Indonesia Tension
China US tension - US blamed china for COVID 19 pandemic
US Iran Tension gulf
Arab Israel Tension

WW3 can be started if UN failed to resolve the disputes between two major blocks
US India and Russia and China .

EU , Canada , UK , Australia , Japan ,Turkey and Pakistan GCC countries are neutral countries .
I don't want to derail this thread but let me tell you that 31% no is only for VEGAN... vegetarian is a different thing.... in India as per my college days survey around 82% Hindus are strictly vegetarian... they may not be vegan but vegetarian....

About forcing food habits on others please note that this beef ban and some attacks on minorities happened only during BJP government... not govt is responsible but other elements try to take an advantage under their rules.... this never happened before....
Sir this thread was not about vegetarians please take topic to relevant thread you have been derailing it for the last 3 pages I hope you understand

Chinese new warships are just bigger in size with little technological advancements. Indian ocean shall be the grave yard for Chinese navy if confrontation takes place. Junk Chinese warships are no match to mighty Indian warship either in fire power, defense,
You are wrong in this the Chinese navy is not only much larger than Indian navy but also developing more advanced sensors and ships than indian navy your old Russian tech is no match for 052D and 055 only two 055 class destroyers can sink the entire surface fleet this is not RSS forum where we will believe your lies and clap Same for the indian airforce it is no match for large number of superior 4+ gen fighter aircraft China has India cannot simply match china in terms of quality because your soldiers lack equipment and quality training

China India Tension on LAC
Bhutan India Tension
Pakistan India Tension on LOC
China Indonesia Tension
China US tension - US blamed china for COVID 19 pandemic
US Iran Tension gulf
Arab Israel Tension

WW3 can be started if UN failed to resolve the disputes between two major blocks
US India and Russia and China .

EU , Canada , UK , Australia , Japan ,Turkey and Pakistan GCC countries are neutral countries .

what is bhutan india tension ?

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