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Indian and Chinese Airforces Confront Each Other In Ladakh

Thats why you are not plucking up the courage to challenge Chinese in your motherland ?
Chinese moving slowly but surely,even today there was a scuffle with the Chinese soldiers, a viral video by the Indians with a Chinese soldier in their hands, will make a few Indians happy but will not change the ground realities.
Thats why you are not plucking up the courage to challenge Chinese in your motherland ?

What is the connection with food and courage??? Do you remember in one world cup match how your Inzamam ul haq was boasting saying we will defeat Indian because we eat beef.....

We all know what Indian team did to poor beef lovers that day in match.....
What is the connection with food and courage??? Do you remember in one world cup match how your Inzamam ul haq was boasting saying we will defeat Indian because we eat beef.....

We all know what Indian team did to poor beef lovers that day in match.....
Diet has a direct link with health. Ask some Dr.
Chinese troops blacktopping track in disputed ‘finger’ area in Ladakh amid border tensions
The fresh Chinese construction activity is happening around Finger 4 in Pangong lake area. China also blocked the route of Indian patrol teams in the disputed region.
SNEHESH ALEX PHILIP 30 May, 2020 10:30 am IST


But did that reduce his muscles now???
i never met a vegen ative body builder
China should play very safe and send only J20s in conflict! Otherwise if they shoot down Indian flankers with their own, then Indians may repaint tails and claim shooting down Chinese flankers!

If Abhinandan can be a hero and an airforce badge can be "AMRAAM Dodgers" then this can also happen!
Chinese troops blacktopping track in disputed ‘finger’ area in Ladakh amid border tensions
The fresh Chinese construction activity is happening around Finger 4 in Pangong lake area. China also blocked the route of Indian patrol teams in the disputed region.
SNEHESH ALEX PHILIP 30 May, 2020 10:30 am IST


i never met a vegen ative body builder


Elephant, Rhino these are vegetarian animals, are they any less in front of lion or tigers in strength?
China sud not initiate anything unless they take 500km atleast from border i still doubt that india will do anything against PLA but dont do anything unless they have plan to take disputed land which is illegally occupied by india.
China and India Brawl at 14,000 Feet Along the Border
As China projects its power across Asia, and along the disputed India-China border in the Himalayas, India is feeling surrounded. Both sides insist they don’t want a war, but thousands of troops have been sent.
  • May 30, 2020
NEW DELHI — High in the Himalayas, an enormous fistfight erupted in early May between the soldiers of China and India. Brawls at 14,000 feet along their inhospitable and disputed frontier are not terribly unusual, but what happened next was.

A few days later, Chinese troops confronted Indian soldiers again, this time at several other remote border points in the Himalayas, some more than 1,000 miles apart. Since then both armies have rushed in thousands of reinforcements. Indian analysts say that China has beefed up its forces with dump trucks, excavators, troop carriers, artillery and armored vehicles and that China is now occupying Indian territory.

No shots have been fired, as the de facto border code dictates, but the soldiers have fought fiercely with rocks, wooden clubs and their hands in a handful of clashes. In one melee at the glacial lake Pangong Tso, several Indian troops were hurt badly enough that they had to be evacuated by helicopter, and Indian analysts said Chinese troops were injured as well.

Nobody thinks China and India are about to go to war. But the escalating buildup has turned into their most serious confrontation since 2017 and may be a sign of more trouble to come as the world’s two most populous countries increasingly bump up against each other in one of the bleakest and most remote borderlands on earth.

President Trump, unsolicited, stepped in on Wednesday, offering on Twitter to mediate what he called “a raging border dispute.”

acted forcefully to defend its territorial claims, including in the Himalayas. In recent weeks, the Chinese have sunk a Vietnamese fishing boat in the South China Sea; swarmed a Malaysian offshore oil rig; menaced Taiwan; and severely tightened their grip on the semiautonomous region of Hong Kong.

The confrontation with India “fits a broader pattern of Chinese assertiveness, ” said Tanvi Madan, director of the India Project at the Brookings Institution in Washington, noting that it was the fourth flare-up since China’s authoritarian leader, Xi Jinping, rose to power at the end of 2012.

India’s government has disclosed few details about what has actually happened, saying in a statement only that it was the “Chinese side that has recently undertaken activity hindering India’s normal patrolling patterns.”

Mr. Modi, who is usually outspoken in defense of his country’s interests, appears intent on avoiding an escalation, analysts said.

“The military skirmishes and standoffs with India seem to reflect Beijing’s calculation that India’s still increasing Covid-19 infections, coupled with its economic downturn, place it in no position to wage a border conflict,” said Brahma Chellaney, professor of strategic studies at the New Delhi-based Center for Policy Research.

All this, he added, could also be “Beijing’s way of sending a political message” to India not to get too close to the United States and to back off its criticism of the way China has handled the coronavirus.

dam on the border of Pakistan-administered Kashmir, an area India claims.

India has blamed China for stirring up the trouble. Nepal was once a close ally, but after India encouraged a punishing trade blockade in 2015, Nepal drifted closer to China.

the Chinese have taken over an island in the Maldives, a few hundred miles off India’s coast. Indian military experts say China has brought in millions of pounds of sand, expanding the island for possible use as an airstrip or submarine base.

“Obviously, the Chinese aim is to pressurize India,” said D.S. Hooda, a retired general in India’s army.

when the two countries squared off for 73 days over another contested Himalayan border region near Bhutan, leading to a dangerous spike in nationalistic sentiment on both sides.

“The Chinese border troops are committed to upholding China’s territorial and sovereignty security, responding resolutely to India’s trespassing and infringing activities and maintaining peace and tranquillity,” a spokesman, Zhao Lijian, said after the first public reports of clashes emerged in mid-May.

another Indo-China brawl broke out — and was captured on video — at the same mountain lake where some of the clashes happened this month.

a May 18 article who said China’s military bolstered its forces in response to what it considered illegal construction by India in or near Chinese territory.

Ajai Shukla, a former Indian Army colonel,estimated that China had brought in three brigades of the People’s Liberation Army — amounting to thousands of troops — and India had deployed around 3,000 reinforcements.

a quick summit meeting in southern India. A good relationship would help both countries in their aspirations for world power.

Still, they have become increasingly watchful of each other, especially in the high Himalayas, where few ever go.

India has recently stepped up efforts to improve the roads its military uses to crisscross the mountain passes in the Ladakh region, on the border of Tibet. These roads are not easy to build. They snake across a gravelly landscape of high altitude rivers, glaciers and passes at 17,000 feet above sea level.

Analysts said that China did not intend to start a war but that it wanted to frustrate India’s road-building efforts. The race to make these high mountain roads is becoming increasingly fraught. The 2017 standoff between India and China began when Indian troops physically blocked a Chinese road crew in a disputed region claimed by Bhutan, a close ally of India’s.

China is also sensitive about the Indian border because it abuts two regions within China that Beijing is especially concerned about: Tibet and Xinjiang.

The spark of the recent tensions seems to have been one particular new road that the Indians have been building to reach a military airstrip at India’s northernmost border outpost, which was the site of another border standoff in 2013.

The two countries have established mechanisms for resolving border conflicts since 1962, when they went to war in the Himalayas, with India losing badly.

“There hasn’t been a shot fired in years,” Ms. Madan said, adding that the last death from a border skirmish happened in 1975.

Still, tensions could easily flare.

“All of this is happening in the area where they fought in the ’62 war,” she said. “There is a lot of baggage associated with this on both sides.”

China,s behaviour is very soft to india.just saw a video of Chinese soldier caught by indian troops.
they are handling him very rough torturing and abusing.Chinese troops just watching from near distance.
They should at least try to free their colleague from enemy and not let them humiliate him.
Vegans and Vegetarian people should deserve everyone's respect! I don't understand why you make fun of them. But similarly Vegans and Vegetarians often are too crazy in calling people who eat meat as criminals. Not everyone just a few. Of course morality is more on side with Vegans here. It requires more strength to stop yourself from eating meats so a person who can do this is stronger person in will despite any physical differences. Anyway all our ancestors were predators including Vegan's. So what about their genetic is different because of their own modern choice? Anyway today's vegan diets can often give enough protein for nutrition value. It's just these people make the better choice and also better for environment and animal cruelty. Honestly China is slowly making some progress here as people become more wealthy and less require animal cruelty when it comes to using them and for food. But here is great example of something very positive that is Indian culturally.
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