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Indian Acquisition of the Gorshkov

Can u find another aircraft carrier at the rate of Gorshkov and has a faster delivery time? No...the newest aircraft carrier built costs 5 Billion dollars. That is why it is cheap.:sniper:

India sign the deal in way back 2004 Ist it deliver to 2008 now 2012. 8yr is very long period of time my dear friend. In the same time a new super carrier can be built in class of nimitz. Why not India go for indigenous it much cheaper. 2 –3 in the same class like ADS in simultaneously.
I think Gorshkov is not worth for that much of money...only Max. 16 Aircraft can be placed on it.....even India's current Aircraft carrier can hold upto 30 Aircraft....even if it is older than Gorshkov.
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the story of Indian politics in defense is that every time we go for Highest notch of product out there but by the time we get it. its already obsolete.
where as for people who think we can afford it. remember we are developing country where many people die still of hunger and poverty. So if we invest in defense it has to be a very intelligent investment for the cost we giving this money.
the story of Indian politics in defense is that every time we go for Highest notch of product out there but by the time we get it. its already obsolete.
where as for people who think we can afford it. remember we are developing country where many people die still of hunger and poverty. So if we invest in defense it has to be a very intelligent investment for the cost we giving this money.

I personally do not like this poor people argument. Do you know that India's defence budget is still a meager 2.95% of its total GDP? That too after a recent 35% hike in defence budget in Feb 2009. Thats one of the world's lowest expenditure on defence. What do you think, we should still reduce our defence expenditures? and with meager 2.95%, how much poor people are going to benefit anyway?
And about intelligent intelligence, I think Gorshkov is intelligent investgement. Better than byuing a new one for $5 bn. We just need a carrier. We do not need world's most sophasticated carrier.
why not india buys aircraft carrier from USA or france i think where ever india gonna buy it india have to pay double the cost of aircraft carrier because every one knows that they can lout indian $ on the name of arms
Why india need a aircraft carrier??? where do they want to carry their aircraft to??? their enemy is their neighbour and attack can be launched from its own soil.
Superpowers needs carrier to deploy their AF or Navy anywhere in the world. Does India need that? Those who can build their own carrier, can only deserve a carrier. India is not a superpower or any power.. even though they bought a huge quantity of arms and manpower... :enjoy:
Why india need a aircraft carrier??? where do they want to carry their aircraft to??? their enemy is their neighbour and attack can be launched from its own soil.
Superpowers needs carrier to deploy their AF or Navy anywhere in the world. Does India need that? Those who can build their own carrier, can only deserve a carrier. India is not a superpower or any power.. even though they bought a huge quantity of arms and manpower... :enjoy:

India needs an Aircraft carrier as it can rip off navy of it's enemy including Pak.Detecting an Aircraft carrier is very difficult and to hit it even more difficult.It will not only demoralize the navy of enemy but can actually if used with impunity destroy it completely.In case of pak it can block karachi port as also hit it's oil installations near port and also be used to launch a attack from Pak's western border.This is definitely a big plus point in case of war and make the enemy think twice for it's actions.And India is definitely a regional power even if you accept it or not.
Why india need a aircraft carrier??? where do they want to carry their aircraft to??? their enemy is their neighbour and attack can be launched from its own soil.
Superpowers needs carrier to deploy their AF or Navy anywhere in the world. Does India need that? Those who can build their own carrier, can only deserve a carrier. India is not a superpower or any power.. even though they bought a huge quantity of arms and manpower... :enjoy:

Do these sentences carry any meaning at all? And will you care to read the posts carefully?
India should scrap this deal. The Russians have managed this project really bad, and I have no doubts they would be fudging, cost, scope and time lines till its delivered.

India has paid some money, it should demand as much as it could back and reinvest the money elsewhere. Russians aren't just doing this to bug India, the team in charge of this project is just filled with incompetent people. India should not draw parallels to between this deal and other deals like Su-30 any MRCAs, etc.

You can foresee a bad Indian project from miles away. This is another one in the making.
why not india buys aircraft carrier from USA or france i think where ever india gonna buy it india have to pay double the cost of aircraft carrier because every one knows that they can lout indian $ on the name of arms

Wasn't US was offering Nimits if we but F/A-18 SH for MMRCA? I though there was news about that.
India should scrap this deal. The Russians have managed this project really bad, and I have no doubts they would be fudging, cost, scope and time lines till its delivered.

India has paid some money, it should demand as much as it could back and reinvest the money elsewhere. Russians aren't just doing this to bug India, the team in charge of this project is just filled with incompetent people. India should not draw parallels to between this deal and other deals like Su-30 any MRCAs, etc.

You can foresee a bad Indian project from miles away. This is another one in the making.

Asim, this deal was/is a package deal. With carrier refit, MiG29K, Akula and possibly Tu 22M3 bombers. There are news reports floating around that India and Russia are discussing about leasing more Akula.. This can be a reason for the price rise.
Man, these Ruskies have taken to capitalism like a fish takes to water. They have learned it faster than those American corporations.
India should scrap this deal. The Russians have managed this project really bad, and I have no doubts they would be fudging, cost, scope and time lines till its delivered.

Russians maybe incompetent or perhaps one may want to call it a bad project management, still as suggested by many Indians here is the best deal so far comparable to any thing else if India decides to scrap the deal and go for something different.

On a side note for Indians, please Keep Pakistan out of the discussion at least once for a change.
Russia Seeks USD 2.9 billion as Final Amount for INS Vikramaditya Aircraft Carrier Deal

Dated 22/2/2009
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Press Trust of India has reported that Russia is seeking an additional USD 700 million for the refitting, repairs and delivery of INS Vikramaditya (Admiral Gorshkov) aircraft carrier.

Quoting Defense Ministry sources here are excerpts from the PTI report:

-- Russia is seeking an additional USD 700 million from India for the repair and refit works it is carrying out in Sevmash Shipyard

-- Russian decision to seek USD 700 million dollars was conveyed to India on February 10 during the bilateral meeting to re-negotiate the Russian demand for additional payment for the 44,500-tonne warship

-- Sevmash Shipyard was also stressing on an immediate release of USD 190 million for continuing the repair work

-- USD 700 million demand was over and above the additional INR 1.2 billion the Russians were already demanding for the warship bought by India in 2004 for USD 974 million

-- Russia would agree on a final price of USD 2.9 billion
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