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India warns over UK plan to make visitors pay £3,000 bond

Then don't go, that is the cost of doing business in the UK, it is their country and they are genuinely facing an immigration crisis. If you do not like this then you have a choice of say doing business with Brussels instead and you will see just how lenient the UK are on border controls.

And the end of the day their country is facing an immigration crisis because people are coming in and not leaving, they don't have enough jobs or homes for their own population and now they have a serious issue of free movement from people within the EU zone including Poland, Romania, Bulgaria etc... These people will come to the UK, 90% of the time will take the lower paid jobs away from the indigenous population and drive up net unemployment, the remittances they will send back to their homes in x country will not be transferred via banks nor will they be taxed on this, hence the UK will loose out.

Couple this with the fact the the UK has a serious issue where people come for something called "Health Tourism" to avail the free services offered by their national health service, moreover due to the nature of their health service they are duty bound to treat you without an insurance card being present on your person. This leads to bills that are left unpaid and the UK taxpayer will have to foot this, which is fair how?

In the long run these "grey" workers have a serious detrimental impact on the economy and overall outlook for a country, take Australia for example Post 2005 they implemented some stringent immigration measures and now they are not doing so bad.

Recommended Reading on this issue is available on the UKBA and Home Office website. I for one like the change.

Do you have anything logical to say?? I understand there is immigration crisis and there are lots of other way to resolve that but this is certainly not one of them. What if they cancel all existing applications for indefinite time and cancel all Indian/Pakistani/Bangladeshi immigration of last 10 years which may vacate many positions as well. Will you accept the same?

Oh sorry I forgot to mention. If you are yellow, like a Chinese or a Korean, you have a much better chance.

It is far from nitpicking. And so according to you, it a country is RACIST to all. it is acceptable.

Everybody knows Japanese are the most racist people on this planet. Go PROTEST.
Do you have anything logical to say?? I understand there is immigration crisis and there are lots of other way to resolve that but this is certainly not one of them. What if they cancel all existing applications for indefinite time and cancel all Indian/Pakistani/Bangladeshi immigration of last 10 years which may vacate many positions as well. Will you accept the same?

Perhaps rather than insulting me i would strongly suggest that you Google up UK immigration crisis and then have a look at the impact assessment of the UKBA website. I am actually talking logic based on what i have read in the Policy Review, Telegraph, BBC and discussed with former colleagues and family members living in the UK.


Oh sorry I forgot to mention. If you are yellow, like a Chinese or a Korean, you have a much better chance.

It is far from nitpicking.

Everybody knows Japanese are the most racist people on this planet. Go PROTEST.

Exactly, people think the British are Racist, that is the most retarded accusation i have ever heard. I trained at Hartley Pool University Hospital and was treated as a peer and equal. This racism card is very pathetic.
No i am being very serious, You cannot dictate immigration policy to any state. That is a internal matter, sorry to say but you are very wrong on this one and if you think otherwise, i would strongly urge you to consult someone who has a fundamental understanding of administrative and constitutional law.

Either you are not getting the point of discussion or you are amateur to understand that. Point getting discussed here states that UK has policy and it is against certain nationals. Diplomatic is registered by one of such Nation against this policy. No one is dictating to anyone. If they dont want to change such policy then we will take our due course of action.
No i am being very serious, You cannot dictate immigration policy to any state. That is a internal matter, sorry to say but you are very wrong on this one and if you think otherwise, i would strongly urge you to consult someone who has a fundamental understanding of administrative and constitutional law.

We are not trying to dictate any policy of UK. But if UK accuses India as a country, we can not sit idle also. We will use all available options to remove official prejudice against India. We can't be friendly and be discriminated at the same time. If UK says it wants cordial relationship with us, it needs to implement it's words into action also.

Oh sorry I forgot to mention. If you are yellow, like a Chinese or a Korean, you have a much better chance.

It is far from nitpicking. And so according to you, it a country is RACIST to all. it is acceptable.

Everybody knows Japanese are the most racist people on this planet. Go PROTEST.

Do you have any documentary evidences or policy document for the same? Having preferred choices is different than having policies.
Either you are not getting the point of discussion or you are amateur to understand that. Point getting discussed here states that UK has policy and it is against certain nationals. Diplomatic is registered by one of such Nation against this policy. No one is dictating to anyone. If they dont want to change such policy then we will take our due course of action.

Compose yourself and read what i wrote from the beginning. Perhaps then you will realize the point i was trying to make, did i say at any point India can't take any counter action such as levy increased taxed on UK exports/imports etc, NO! What i did say is that throwing your toys out of the pram and calling one of the most open nations in the world racist as some have done here is just not on.

We are not trying to dictate any policy of UK. But if UK accuses India as a country, we can not sit idle also. We will use all available options to remove official prejudice against India. We can't be friendly and be discriminated at the same time. If UK says it wants cordial relationship with us, it needs to implement it's words into action also.

Absolutely, India should do that as it is her right as a sovereign state, as is the UK's to amend their immigration policy to suit their strategic needs.
We are not trying to dictate any policy of UK. But if UK accuses India as a country, we can not sit idle also. We will use all available options to remove official prejudice against India. We can't be friendly and be discriminated at the same time. If UK says it wants cordial relationship with us, it needs to implement it's words into action also.
The point is: People from India are coming into the UK and breaking our laws. That in itself is not cordial.

It is not an open policy.

Japanese are not stupid.

Why would they open a can of worms.

You haven't acknowledge my assertion - And so according to you, it a country is RACIST to all. it is acceptable.
Exactly, people think the British are Racist, that is the most retarded accusation i have ever heard. I trained at Hartley Pool University Hospital and was treated as a peer and equal. This racism card is very pathetic.

Nobody is accusing anybody of anything, but the rule is racist since it singles out some countries and paints whole population as criminals. You can tell some good stories but there are also 100s of bad stories. There is no point in discussing whether as a country, UK is racist or not (that would be racist!).

It is not an open policy.

Japanese are not stupid.

Why would they open a can of worms.

You haven't acknowledge my assertion - And so according to you, it a country is RACIST to all. it is acceptable.

Can you elaborate? do they have policy against particular country? Lot of my colleagues are currently working in Japan. AFAIK, only major requirement is some basic knowledge of Japanese (apart for educational requirements).
I don't blame UK for this. They should have been selective in immigration like US is. Anyway nothing left in Europe.
Nobody is accusing anybody of anything, but the rule is racist since it singles out some countries and paints whole population as criminals. You can tell some good stories but there are also 100s of bad stories. There is no point in discussing whether as a country, UK is racist or not (that would be racist!).

I personally have no bad stories of my time in the UK, but that's just me. Anyway, i think the racism card is not really applicable here, regarding the rules, it's their country, their rules really we can't say or do anything about them. Just like PRISIM. What you can do as a country if it suited you, would be to levy taxes on trade etc, make it harder for UK businesses to operate in your country etc.
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