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India warns over UK plan to make visitors pay £3,000 bond

Their country their rules.

Then they should not lecture us on anything... including human rights. The bond is easy money for the UK. Will it pay interest on that money? When will it return the bond once somebody comes back? What if it doesn't return? Also, India should charge 1 Rs bond for "selected" high risk racist/colonial countries.
Yes, I do think it is fair. We are targeting those countries most likely to commit crimes.
If a murder has been committed in a city, would you conduct raids everywhere? Or in areas which are crime hot spots?
In a way everyone is a potential criminal. Everyone is searched at airports.etc
It's not like your being persecuted. The 3 grand is essentially a deposit which you will get back. No different to renting a bike.

It is no coincidence that you are black and poor as historically you were suppressed and subjected to racism.
Now you are being targeted not because you are black but because you are poor ad therefore more likely to overstay your visa.

What a rubbish? Do all countries that touted freedom and dignity tuning like this? You yourself accept "most likely to commit crime" means crime has not been committed yet. Do UK police jail everybody who are most likely to commit crime say murder or theft? or do they need any evidence of crime to put someone behind bars? Why not arrest those who stayed back (irrespective of any country) and recover cost from them?
What a rubbish? Do all countries that touted freedom and dignity tuning like this? You yourself accept "most likely to commit crime" means crime has not been committed yet. Do UK police jail everybody who are most likely to commit crime say murder or theft? or do they need any evidence of crime to put someone behind bars? Why not arrest those who stayed back (irrespective of any country) and recover cost from them?

What? We don't arrest people if they haven't prevented a crime.
the aim behind the policy is valid, however it sounds a bit like generalising a group of people, and not practical to implement,,,

it is a bit of discriminative policy towards all Indians, as there are some true indian tourists/students coming to the U.K just for short visit and studies, and this policy no doubt will increase their financial burdens for their legitimate purpose..

however for those whom have the mind of illegal stays, £3,000 is nothing when they are planed to stay in the U.K with indefinite time illegally, as few months' illegal work in the corner shops will cover that with no problem

rigid and thorough examination of applications sound more practical in controlling this mater (I personally know that all of illegal immigrants came here with fake documents)
What? We don't arrest people if they haven't prevented a crime.

Partially correct. You also don't arrest any person until there is evidence that the "said person" committed/was involved in the crime (arrest only takes place during or after the crime has occurred). Then why penalize people who don't want to overstay? Why penalize/criminalize some people before any crime has occurred in the first place?
Partially correct. You also don't arrest any person until there is evidence that the "said person" committed/was involved in the crime (arrest only takes place during or after the crime has occurred). Then why penalize people who don't want to overstay? Why penalize/criminalize some people before any crime has occurred in the first place?
Sorry my post should have read committed rather than prevented.
It is an inconvenience granted but people do get their money back.
This system is by no means perfect and I do not think it will be implemented. However I would like to see something similar which deters people from overstaying their visas.
Why would anyone who feels they are not "welcome" wants to go to a country for visit or for study, and whine about it? Don't you have any dignity?

There are many places other than that would welcome you with both arms without you having to put down a security deposit.
There are many excellent foreign universities that would give you advanced education.
If you relatives in UK and JUST want to see them, invite them to India.

It is a free world. Nobody is pointing a gun at you to visit UK. Don't like it? Don't go. Want to go? Pay.
Good many illiterate immigrants go to foreign countries,**** up..then that gives bad reputation to parent countries.
This rule especially stops illegal immigration which is good.No more nigerians coming to their country to behead their soldiers in open daylight.
Most Indians avoid Western countries - they are increasingly preferring going to China, and middle eastern nations for business and higher education. I doubt this will be of any significance to Indians.
Why would anyone who feels they are not "welcome" wants to go to a country for visit or for study, and whine about it? Don't you have any dignity?

There are many places other than that would welcome you with both arms without you having to put down a security deposit.
There are many excellent foreign universities that would give you advanced education.
If you relatives in UK and JUST want to see them, invite them to India.

It is a free world. Nobody is pointing a gun at you to visit UK. Don't like it? Don't go. Want to go? Pay.

There are N number of constraints. Few examples, Indians have invested lot of money in UK and now these racist laws are creating trade barriers. Also, under various international conventions against racism, we can protest these racist laws even if we don't go to that country. Keeping quite would tantamount to accepting the charge.
WTH, to who am I replying? only people with some dignity would understand the issue...

Good many illiterate immigrants go to foreign countries,**** up..then that gives bad reputation to parent countries.
This rule especially stops illegal immigration which is good.No more nigerians coming to their country to behead their soldiers in open daylight.

Illegal immigrants getting visas? lol...

Ḥashshāshīn;4451812 said:
It's not racist. It is a fact that the countries they mentioned have the highest number of illegals.

So? There might be particular ethnic group over-represented in crime stats. Does it mean it would be OK to arrest all of that ethnic group?
There are N number of constraints. Few examples, Indians have invested lot of money in UK and now these racist laws are creating trade barriers. Also, under various international conventions against racism, we can protest these racist laws even if we don't go to that country. Keeping quite would tantamount to accepting the charge.
WTH, to who am I replying? only people with some dignity would understand the issue...

LOL most of the worlds nations are highly selective on whom they allow into their nation. I dont understand why you dont apply the same standards to far more important nations like Saudi Arabia, Japan, etc?
Sorry my post should have read committed rather than prevented.
It is an inconvenience granted but people do get their money back.
This system is by no means perfect and I do not think it will be implemented. However I would like to see something similar which deters people from overstaying their visas.

Nobody disputing that point. Even CII said that, either ask for deposit from all, irrespective of country of origin else recover the cost once you catch hold of overstaying person. There might be much more efficient solution, but the key here is discrimination based on country of origin.
I am still amazed to see that people see "No harm" in such issues. As a sovereign country, UK may make rules but if they are targeting to some countries then this is shear racism. If illegal immigration from certain country is problem then they have to make their law and rule tougher and not to implement certain bonds.

It is like saying that because Britishers ruled us and they can do the same again so they have to pay 1 million pounds to come to our countries. Does it make sense?

It is a free world. You are not a slave to the UK. India is not enslaved by the UK.

If you or your country feel you are being slighted by the UK, you have many optiorns to make the UK known it is not acceptable. Whining is not one.

You can recall all the students back to India.
You can pull you investments from the UK.
You can make the UK visitors to put down a security deposit.
You can even recall your ambassador.

Show some backbone.
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