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India to train Afghan Forces.

They may be numbers to you and thats a matter for you and who you chose to send on these exclusive one off missions.(they will be one off from what i have heard). I am only concerned about our civilians. If they start falling out of the skies they wont be just numbers - they will be killing innocent people. India really needs to look into these flying coffins. They really are unincredible. :azn:

Half of the MIG 21 will be decommissioned next year. They are just the numbers and won't be used in any conflict. You don't need to worry about our casualty.

We are Buying 126-200 Rafale/Typhoon, 140-180 Sukhoi more will be inducted by 2018-2020, 250+ PAK FA / FGFA, also 150 Tejas. All deal almost final. 2 Aircraft carrier in 2-3 years with 60 Fighter jets including 45 MIG29.

Although, we don't have huge superiority as of now, But still we have Air-Superiority vis-a-vis neighbours. But it's matter of time, When Our Air force will be 2nd best in quality and 3rd in quantity. :azn:
We are not sending any troops there to fight.We are assisting the ANA,which is the army of a country recognized by both India and Pakistan.It is upto the Afghans to look after the security.We will be happy to assist with trainings and equipments.

No ....just train their armed forces into a standard army to deal with afghan security. Please get rid of the idiea that india is trying to encircle pakistan in way. We have enough conventional strength and dont need to indulge in asymmetric stuff...

I am sure it's a Noble cause from the Indian prospective and all sounds honky dory..... a few hundred Indian instructors or otherwise is the least of our worries, however, lest you realise that to implement any such exercise, some security parameters need to be in place, and when the likes of CIA's own office become vulnerable to attacks, the rest leaves little to imagination.
hi santro..

Will pakistan provide military training for officers of northern alliance led regime? If so, has provided provided any such offers to karzai or coalition forces?

Pak Mil has offered to do so, however deep mistrust exists between NA and Pak mil.
After all, we backed the Haqqani's who were against other NA folks right after the withdrawal.. then we backed the Taliban after we realized that they had taken over and our blue eyed haqqani group was still sitting around.
We got the Haqqani's to work with the Taliban.. to keep our control in Afghanistan.
We have in general supported the Pashtun Majority in Afghanistan and ignored the Tajiks and Uzbeks.

So the NA has more than enough reasons to be suspicious of Pakistan.
India isnt all clean either, it does as any nation would.. promote its agenda through its consulates.. RAW is a very effective agency now, and has relations with its KHAD members from yesteryears.. many of whom sit in the current Afghan setup.
I see it as a difficult prospect.
The people of Afghanistan are divided when it comes to Pakistan.. what you see in Kabul is just the nothern part.
What is going on in the south?
Half of the MIG 21 will be decommissioned next year. They are just the numbers and won't be used in any conflict. You don't need to worry about our casualty.

We are Buying 126-200 Rafale/Typhoon, 140-180 Sukhoi more will be inducted by 2018-2020, 250+ PAK FA / FGFA, also 150 Tejas. All deal almost final. 2 Aircraft carrier in 2-3 years with 60 Fighter jets including 45 MIG29.

Although, we don't have huge superiority as of now, But still we have Air-Superiority vis-a-vis neighbours. But it's matter of time, When Our Air force will be 2nd best in quality and 3rd in quantity. :azn:

We will see when you decommission them. TBH by next year you wont need to - at the rate they go down you wont have any left to decommission. ;)
You are most correct about the quality - it will be always 2nd. Product is only as good as the user. ;)
As regards to quantity - once again it doesn't matter about quantity either. Its QUALITY that counts young man. For example there is an army far smaller in size not far from your borders that do pretty well against your lads. Wasnt long ago that Mr Singh had to beg the USA to use their influence to get them to move back from your borders as your brave soldiers were getting uncomfortable!!! :rofl: Yes indeed quality is not quantity.
I am sure it's a Noble cause from the Indian prospective and all sounds honky dory.....

Not completely noble. We would like to see the Afghans get back on their own feet (afterall, instability is a threat to the whole region) but we also have some vested interests with them... It's mutually beneficial. The Afghans get some training, infra help etc. and we get a friendly and prosperous neighbour. That's assuming that some others don't try anything funny with their so called "assets".

a few hundred Indian instructors or otherwise is the least of our worries,

Good, no worries then.

however, lest you realise that to implement any such exercise, some security parameters need to be in place, and when the likes of CIA's own office become vulnerable to attacks, the rest leaves little to imagination.

(Not so) subtle endorsement of terrorism? The good ol' "good terrorist" / "bad terrorist" syndrome eh?
Pak Mil has offered to do so, however deep mistrust exists between NA and Pak mil.
After all, we backed the Haqqani's who were against other NA folks right after the withdrawal.. then we backed the Taliban after we realized that they had taken over and our blue eyed haqqani group was still sitting around.
We got the Haqqani's to work with the Taliban.. to keep our control in Afghanistan.
We have in general supported the Pashtun Majority in Afghanistan and ignored the Tajiks and Uzbeks.

So the NA has more than enough reasons to be suspicious of Pakistan.
India isnt all clean either, it does as any nation would.. promote its agenda through its consulates.. RAW is a very effective agency now, and has relations with its KHAD members from yesteryears.. many of whom sit in the current Afghan setup.
I see it as a difficult prospect.
The people of Afghanistan are divided when it comes to Pakistan.. what you see in Kabul is just the nothern part.
What is going on in the south?

what do we see in south?
I am sure it's a Noble cause from the Indian prospective and all sounds honky dory..... a few hundred Indian instructors or otherwise is the least of our worries, however, lest you realise that to implement any such exercise, some security parameters need to be in place, and when the likes of CIA's own office become vulnerable to attacks, the rest leaves little to imagination.

You can dream of such scenario but the reality will be .. afghan cadets and officers coming to IMA and NDA for training. Aghans sending cadets for training of military and technical planning. at most India supplying military infrastructure for defense like mine protected vehicles, minesweepers, communication systems ..which will not pose threat to pakistan... despite your ideas of portraying yourself as victims,, India is not going to station MKI's and Mirages under the guise of training
Ok lets agree to disagree. I will stick to the fact Indians will be able to do what no one else has been able to do. They will provide training and everything else you suggest. I think in about 3 months time India will renegotiate their involvement and to what level .You see talk is cheap. Actions and losses are not.

Agree with you.I don't perceive there is anything wrong in providing training to ANA.It is not something new as well.I have seen reports in 2009 as well about IA providing training and equipments to ANA.
As a matter of fact, the PA should choose to do the same.It is in your benefit only.ANA is fighting the taliban,the same kind which is attacking Pakistan with bomb blasts in market places.
There was a time when an Indian Airlines plane was hijacked,landed in Kandahar and held for ransom.Time has past by and situations has changed upside down,don't you think?
Exactly my point....What the US and others couldn't achieve in a decade. !!!
Still to be seen.....

Yes pretty friendly regime inside the Presidential palace, what about the rest of the country.....Saddam may have been a tyrant but at least there was some form of normality in the country. Even the news channels have lost the appetite of reporting daily bombings in that country. Any way.....good luck.
How does that impact USA? They have their hands on the right buttons in Iraq.. when the dust settles in a decade or 2, the regime in power will still be much more pro USA than Saddam's.. What other objectives do you think USA had in mind?

---------- Post added at 03:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:32 PM ----------

Are you planning to station a few hundred thousand men in Afghanistan ??......just like America originally asked. !!! GOOD.

You are asking this question about Indian plan to a False flagger (probably Pakistani ).. lol
Agree with you.I don't perceive there is anything wrong in providing training to ANA.It is not something new as well.I have seen reports in 2009 as well about IA providing training and equipments to ANA.
As a matter of fact, the PA should choose to do the same.It is in your benefit only.ANA is fighting the taliban,the same kind which is attacking Pakistan with bomb blasts in market places.
There was a time when an Indian Airlines plane was hijacked,landed in Kandahar and held for ransom.Time has past by and situations has changed upside down,don't you think?

Agree mate but India haven't had losses and no blood has been shed by Indians. I pray they dont either. Issue is we have a huge border with Afghanistan and the sacrifices our everyday people have made for Afghanistan have never been appreciated. I think it is a really difficult task which India will have to go in with both eyes wide open and be prepared for a long ride. Can India afford the $$ to carry a sustained long involvement? Could they not use that on better things back home?
I noticed that too mate. Wouldnt the IP address be the same? Surely if it was the same it would be obvious to all they were the same person?

Buddy, hidemyip costs 4 USD a month.. I can set that up and operate 10 ids simultaneously that will look 10 different people from 10 different countries using 10 different IPs from 10 different ISPs :lol: IP tracking means nothing today..
Well India will be able to sustain on its own in Afghanistan as it is very good at fighting war of attrition with its ever increasing 1.2 billion population to boot it doesn't matter to India.Thats wat india is fighting in kashmir.
Do not mistake Afghanistan for Kashmir.

Afghanistan is famous for its legendary resistance. Afghans never back down from fighting.

Every invader thought that it would teach the Aghan clowns a lesson. We all know from the history and current example that how such campaigns ended up.

India cannot afford to fight a war in Afghanistan. No power in the world has been able to tame and control Afghanistan for a long time.

And Afghans are master of fighting the war of attrition. Much better then you are.
I am sure it's a Noble cause from the Indian prospective and all sounds honky dory..... a few hundred Indian instructors or otherwise is the least of our worries, however, lest you realise that to implement any such exercise, some security parameters need to be in place, and when the likes of CIA's own office become vulnerable to attacks, the rest leaves little to imagination.

You are wrong It won't be a few hundred instructor.... they are just to provide proper grounds for a larger Military base with 1000s of soldiers and a few squadron of combat jets.... and don't worry about the attacks a few more mehrans would see that it stays in control.... else you know how nigh-outs happen in abottabad.
I am sure it's a Noble cause from the Indian prospective and all sounds honky dory..... a few hundred Indian instructors or otherwise is the least of our worries, however, lest you realise that to implement any such exercise, some security parameters need to be in place, and when the likes of CIA's own office become vulnerable to attacks, the rest leaves little to imagination.

True! In an asymmetric war, every military target is a fair game.. Whether its an embassy in Kabul, CIA offices in Afg, Naval bases in Karachi or Army headquarters in Pindi.. Fully agree with you
Do not mistake Afghanistan for Kashmir.

Afghanistan is famous for its legendary resistance. Afghans never back down from fighting.

Every invader thought that it would teach the Aghan clowns a lesson. We all know from the history and current example that how such campaigns ended up.

India cannot afford to fight a war in Afghanistan. No power in the world has been able to tame and control Afghanistan for a long time.

And Afghans are master of fighting the war of attrition. Much better then you are.

He is one of your own
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