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India to order rafale F4 in 2022 after 36 F3 deiivered

guy guys,guys

the thread had about the second batch of Rafale fighters . .
A rolls Royce of a entry in this world
it's not about 2019
what happened too a ancient mig 21 by a 30.year old legacy f16 is irrelevant
the new decade is heralding
reaper combat drones,
more p8 Poseidon
mr60 helicopters
more Barak 8 sam

thus far pak has responded by
we are getting 30 block 3 thunders soon
I repeat 30 soon

Well, it cannot be denied that India has purchased quite a few shiny toys. Pakistan, in the interim is and will continue to take steps to maintain 'Deterrence'.

Despite the bravado of certain analysts or the random 'fan boy', the reality is that Pakistan does not want to engage in military conflict with India...Pakistan will however continue to have the ability to deter India and to strike back successfully if provoked (Feb 27).

Despite these purchases the ground reality and more importantly the strategic equation will remain the same.

Now, lets assume a scenario where Pakistan's military capabilities remain the same (which it won't) and India's increases after it inducts the above hardware;

Will India be able to establish & sustain a no - fly zone in Pakistan?...The answer is no

Will India be able to invade & occupy Pakistan?....The answer is no.

Will India be able to 'capture' Gilgit Baltistan?...The answer is no.

Will Pakistan be able to undertake retaliatory strategic strikes inside India?...Yes

The equation will remain the same. Any aggression delved out by India will be countered with a measured response to punish India.

Pakistan and India are two nuclear countries, with massive amount of fire power...there will NOT be a large scale war. Pakistani government does not want it...Indian government knows its limitation, the Indian public wanted it pre-Feb 27...there was a lot of useless chest thumping which very quickly turned into anxiety and fear after Pakistan's counter attack...this manifested in #Peace trending in India on twitter.

Please stop perversely day dreaming about dominating Pakistan...it won' happen...you've tried for years and have had a numerical advantage for decades...it didn't happen then and it won't happen now..
This is just a matter of time ,the numbers could go even higher.

good enough to handle chinese stealth ones.

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