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India to Lift Army Impunity Laws in Kashmir .

I hope we are able to remove all over valley. Considering Geelani now wants to talk, it seems something big news coming soon.

No talks with Geelani. He is on his death bed and would not compromise from his position. He would like to die sticking to his position

GoI rejects Geelani’s conditional talks offer

New Delhi, Oct 20: The Home Ministry has reportedly rejected “conditional talks” offer by Hurriyat Conference chairman Syed Ali Shah Geelani.

Geelani had asked the government to accept his series of demand, which includes acknowledgement of Kashmir as an international dispute, demilitarisation Jammu and Kashmir, revocation of AFSPA, release of political prisoners and prosecution of security forces allegedly responsible for killing of civilians before coming to a dialogue table with government.
“Geelani’s philosophy is not at all acceptable to the government,” Home Ministry sources said. “Govt is not willing to talk with anyone who sets conditions on the Kashmir issue,” they said.
Reacting to the development noted academician Radha Kumar, one of the interlocutors on Kashmir, said it would have been better had Geelani set no pre-condition for talks. Kumar, however, said there is an international element in Kashmir. The Kashmir interlocutor was referring to Shimla agreement and Pakistan administered Kashmir (PaK).
The three-member interlocutors’ panel on J&K recently submitted a report to Union Home Minister P Chidambaram, suggesting a “roadmap” to address the Kashmir issue.
It is learnt that while avoiding the "pre-1952 status" phraseology, the report advocated for ensuring a "meaningful autonomy" for J&K.
Sources informed that the report is said to have recommended the withdrawal of the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) and the Disturbed Areas Act from the state.
that's a good step by the GoI! we don't need to talk to these stupid pro-whatever leaders anymore... lets get in touch with the kashmiri populace directly and help them to mingle with Indian diaspora by addressing their concerns and promoting development....
Kashmir banega Pakistan.
This is what we call Wet Dream...kher just make sure kahi Kashmir ko Pakistan bnane ke chakkar mein Pakistan 1989 se 2005 ke beech ka Kashmir na ban jaye......

On Topic......to be frank Terrorists activities are like cancer to the society and the only treatment to cancer is chemotherapy [Army Impunity Laws]....Painful but you don't have any other choice...
Can't believe this terror-loving government rejected Geela-ni. Guess Sonia got hit up on her head when she was descending her stairs. :lol: Well.. what can I say.. this is great!
Stupid dumbfucks :angry:

What is a 'peaceful' area ? Jammu? Udhampur ?

Damn those militants cross into India all along LoC even in Jammu sectors and move up North into the Valley as the security presence is extremely high along the Northern parts of the LoC in Kupwara,Baramulla sectors.

Now the human rights activists aka publicity ****** will be licking their fingers in anticipation of some major head hunting. I knew this govt was dumb..but did not know this much dumb.
This will not happen because army still oppose to withdrawal the special power...

Army still opposed to withdrawal of Armed Forces Special Powers Act from J&K

NEW DELHI: The Army, backed by the defence ministry, still remains largely opposed to the "withdrawal" of the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) and the Disturbed Areas Act from Jammu and Kashmir.

"But if the Union government decides to revoke it from certain areas after careful consideration, as is being declared by J&K chief minister Omar Abdullah, it will be binding on all," said a senior officer.

The home ministry has already declared that the districts identified by the state government as having being largely violence-free can be denotified as "disturbed areas", leading to the automatic revocation of AFSPA from those parts.

A defence ministry official, in turn, said, "This issue is under discussion for last several months at various levels of the government. Defence secretary Shashi Kant Sharma will be visiting J&K once again this weekend."

The Army, however, will not be too happy with any move to withdraw the AFSPA -- considered draconian by many civil rights activists -- even from some areas in J&K since it will adversely impact "its operational flexibility and legality" in the battle against militancy in the strife-torn state. "The areas concerned could become safe havens for terrorists, like it happened around Imphal in Manipur," he said.

The terror infrastructure in Pakistan and *** is "still very much intact", with over 40 terror-training camps directed against India. "Pakistan continues to control the terror tap. If 12 terrorists were killed while infiltrating in September, another seven have met the same fate so far this month," he said.

"Counter-terrorist and insurgency operations cannot be equated with normal law and order duties. Soldiers need requisite legal protection against being dragged to civilian courts," said another officer.

Given all this, both MoD as well as Army are also sticking to their position that there should be "no significant change" in Sections 4 and 7 of AFSPA, under which sweeping powers and legal safeguards are given to security forces for undertaking counter-terrorism operations.

The Army feels the proposed change in Section 4 to reflect "minimum use of force" will lead to differing interpretations in courts about what exactly constitutes minimum use of force.

As of now, Section 4 gives Army powers to search premises and make arrests without warrants, "use force, even to extent of causing death", destroy arms dumps, hideouts and to stop, search and seize any vehicle.

Army still opposed to withdrawal of Armed Forces Special Powers Act from J&K - The Times of India
I will not claim to be an expert on this issue- far from it, but I'd say that on first glance my nejerk reaction to reading the privilege of the SFPA would be unease given the wide scope of the act and the far reaching powers placed in the hands of soldiers who could, potentially, use this power to do unspeakable things. However kn doing some further examination into the topic I have found out this act is ESSENTIAL for Indian soldiers to be effective in carrying out their role as CI forces in J&K. In fact their is an argument for expanding the act- as is, the IA has to verbally announce their presence and ask for terrorists to surrender in a potential hide out before they can storm it. We an see the potential flaws in such rules. Also if you read the view of senior IA officers (retd, obviously) you will see that they argue that removing the powers would like asking IA to fight terrorism with "one hand tied behind their back". Also for all those who say it has been used to commit abuses will see this argument is absolutely ABSURD. Of the 100,000s of claims of human rights abuses by IA less than 0.001% have been found to be correct. Yes any abuse is disgusting and when correlated with figures this accounts for around 20-30 cases of proven abuse but it is fact the IA takes a VERY, VERY harsh line internally on anyone found to have done such things. And if you look into it all armies who have ever carried out similar roles have had to have legal backing to carry out their role (N.Ireleand, Iraq, Afghan).

It is blatantly purely a political move which comes at a time when J&K is finally turning a corner and blooming. Hopefully such moves don't lead to disater. not to mention this arguably puts the life of the IA soldier at greater risk- but as successive GOVTs have shown they don't give a ****.

It is interesting to note that this move comes when (as mentioned above) J&K is seeing a decrease in violence and when the troubles were at their height with gory images being flashed around the world no one in GOI cared and were willing to let IA get on with the task of combating such SCUM.
Now the human rights activists aka publicity ****** will be licking their fingers in anticipation of some major head hunting. I knew this govt was dumb..but did not know this much dumb.

Who do you think promotes terrorism in our country, bro? It is these "human" rights activists. By condemning the military and supporting terrorists they want to weaken our defense. See most of the so called HRC is just a tool of western politicization of the world. I think we should learn this aspect from China and kick them out. Who the hell cares what list our name is in and at which rank by another country, as long as we are sincerely good with the innocents and evil against the real evil? I think we should have that much maturity to see it through and kick out these fake human rights terrorists against the nation.

Always hated these shytebags for supporting terrorists. Whenever common civilians die in terror attacks, these b@$t@rds are always absent from the news. :angry:
Not going to happen.The Armed Forces Special Powers Act has to be a given for our Army to give them a bare-minimum legal cover in order to carry out their daily operations in the valley.The Army itself has carried out Court-martial proceedings wherever it thought the powers deliberated by the AFSPA has been exceeded.That's the best the Army can do given the circumstances.
haha.. Omar is just been told who is the boss!! Defence ministry is opposed to lifting AFSPA!! Looks like Omar Abdullah is suffering from foot in mouth! this is going to be fun.. lets enjoy the fresh set of onslaught by Mehbooba Mufti..
haha.. Omar is just been told who is the boss!! Defence ministry is opposed to lifting AFSPA!! Looks like Omar Abdullah is suffering from foot in mouth! this is going to be fun.. lets enjoy the fresh set of onslaught by Mehbooba Mufti..

Nah! he will come across as the one who made Defence ministry back down.. Elections are coming up in a couple years.. The stunts start now :)
Nah! he will come across as the one who made Defence ministry back down.. Elections are coming up in a couple years.. The stunts start now :)

maybe that's what he is trying to do! but to be honest... i can't see this AFSPA going away, unless there is a drastic change in the atmosphere!!
maybe that's what he is trying to do! but to be honest... i can't see this AFSPA going away, unless there is a drastic change in the atmosphere!!

Its going away from some parts of J&K.. Win win
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