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India to join US-led anti-ISIS war

If it's true (which I doubt it is). It would sign the end of the many masterstrokes of foreign policy management by our eastern neighbour.

1. India has clearly refused to join any such coalition against the ISIS. This is not our war, we don't care.
2. India has clearly said that India can settle her differences with China through bilateral dialogue. US' attempt to pit India against China has proven to be a "mission impossible".
3. India will not compromise on interests of her poor people to bring in FDI.

India will never become an ally of the hegemonic west, India will always remain an enigma for them. PERIOD.
who in their right mind would take Swampy...i mean Swamy seriously - except a few dot-headed jingos who are never even accurate about anything they write

the guys a nut-job who probably suffers from sickle cell anemia :laugh:

on a side note - anyone who goes against ISIS filth has my blessings but i think india already has its hands full dealing with naxalites and all the other seperatist/militant outfits littering its entire northeast
Go for it India if you have the guts that is.

the air strike campaign has already begun....USA, EU and some Persian Gulf countries are involved

if india were to get involved it would probably just be foot soldiers and i doubt the indians have the political will or the guts to send foot soldiers. Its politically risky for the BJP

however i know they wont...this is probably just a twitter rumour being peddled around
India Wil nod and agree with USA for diplomatic support.

Modi is only interested in fdi from the USA and their political support to get India a bigger role in united nations.

Indiab growth is about to return to 7%

We don't want to be involved in a war
So when India couldnt handle the mess itself, it went running to Papa....there shoukd be a correction, the war is not against ISIS but against AQIS...
So when India couldnt handle the mess itself, it went running to Papa....there shoukd be a correction, the war is not against ISIS but against AQIS...

Just because your country considers US as Papa does not mean every other country behaves the same way .
LOL at this. India is ready to join any misadventure into Muslim countries with the US and Israel. Another quagmire for you.
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