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India to join US-led anti-ISIS war

Actually India is supporting...logistically. But no boots on ground.

we are not but we should,if we want become a global player in the region we must go ahed and declarewar against these terroris's remember ISIS is not just against the west but it wants to dominate the entire world under it's caliphate they kidnapped our nurses and our people they are recruiting young indian Muslims which will eventually turn against us ..it's al qaeda brunches are already active inside india as per our Ib claims so we must be very careful now remember al qaeda consider kashmir as it's unfinished agenda against india and once the united state withdraw it's troops from Afghanistan then you will not be able to take them down on your own ..we must join hands with them now !!!i'm not saying we should put our boots on the ground lets not put boots on the ground but we could use our air power to strike against these terrorists
All true, but isis is a bigger threat to us than for US.

Whom or what should we be afraid of? Islamic terrorists? They have been targeting us already since decades. We have rid the world of 20000 or so of them already.

Even if ISIS is a threat to us, we must deal with them selectively, like the US deals with "Terrorists" or Pakistan deals with "Taliban". Indian Armed Forces are extremely capable. Besides, where will ISIS get to hide and regroup in India? India is not Syria, Iraq or Pakistan.

I take it US aircraft are taking of from Indian bases ?? US ships loading weapons in Indian ports ??? Indian planes flying over Iraq on recon ?? Dont make statements that are absurd and untrue :hitwall:
What kind of an idiot tells these things to media? Do you think they'll inform you before agreeing on something like that? Given ISIS's threat video about India, do you think India doesnot take any action? Why do you think NSA is there with modi? As of now, every thing is a speculation....and it will remain so. Some things will be best off when they are not made public.

India's parliament would have to discuss such a course of action. You may not have noticed but India is a very vocal argumentative DEMOCRACY and such unilateral decision would cause a major ruck in Parliament. Another institution you may have vaguely heard of
Not everything will be debated in parliament. Was the "secret" understanding between India and pakistan in resolving kashmir which was almost finalized ever been discussed in parliament? And better keep your vents shut about things you know zilch.
we are not but we should,if we want become a global player in the region we must go ahed and declarewar against these terroris's remember ISIS is not just against the west but it wants to dominate the entire world under it's caliphate they kidnapped our nurses and our people they are recruiting young indian Muslims which will eventually turn against us ..it's al qaeda brunches are already active inside india as per our Ib claims so we must be very careful now remember al qaeda consider kashmir as it's unfinished agenda against india and once the united state withdraw it's troops from Afghanistan then you will not be able to take them down on your own ..we must join hands with them now !!!i'm not saying we should put our boots on the ground lets not put boots on the ground but we could use our air power to strike against these terrorists
That would have a catastrophic effect brother. You must not engage them directly. Even the countries which have been targetted by ISIS are contemplating strikes till now but very few came forward. Remember, we have a burning issue in the form of kashmir. At a time when things are settling down, we should not stir up a hornet's nest. Countries like Russia and China are not committing their military for this purpose...I dont see why India should. Maybe if ISIS directly confronts us/our interests...then we can embark on some kind of an assault operation.
Even if ISIS is a threat to us, we must deal with them selectively, like the US deals with "Terrorists" or Pakistan deals with "Taliban". Indian Armed Forces are extremely capable. Besides, where will ISIS get to hide and regroup in India? India is not Syria, Iraq or Pakistan.

Islamic jihad is global terrorism with a global footprint. Individual approaches will not work and will only face failure. These scum have to be tackled by a concentrated effort by all concerned parties. Any laxity will only lead to these scum crawling into another region or another country.
That would have a catastrophic effect brother. You must not engage them directly. Even the countries which have been targetted by ISIS are contemplating strikes till now but very few came forward. Remember, we have a burning issue in the form of kashmir. At a time when things are settling down, we should not stir up a hornet's nest. Countries like Russia and China are not committing their military for this purpose...I dont see why India should. Maybe if ISIS directly confronts us/our interests...then we can embark on some kind of an assault operation.

that is precisely what i was saying we should engage with the us and go for a Limited Airstrikes Against the ISIS without having our boots on the ground ,this will not only deepen our ties with the US but also eliminate any possible threat against India
What kind of an idiot tells these things to media? Do you think they'll inform you before agreeing on something like that? Given ISIS's threat video about India, do you think India doesnot take any action? Why do you think NSA is there with modi? As of now, every thing is a speculation....and it will remain so. Some things will be best off when they are not made public.

Not everything will be debated in parliament. Was the "secret" understanding between India and pakistan in resolving kashmir which was almost finalized ever been discussed in parliament? And better keep your vents shut about things you know zilch.

Really. that's the best you can come up with. We are going to war but we are not telling anyone.:cheesy: How long can you keep such a "secret" in India. You appear for some reason to mistake Pakistan for India. You appear like many Pakistani posters who come up with "My uncle whose driver whose daughter is married to a soldier who was serving tea to a general whose friend told him and its all true"
NSA is there because we need joint action against LET and others and to setup a proper channel of information sharing with US intelligence. NSA needs to build personal links with the intelligence community in the US so the inforamation flow is easier and bidirectional.

The "secret" understanding was a non realistic bit of Musharaf theatrics and the Indian parliament would have discussed it publicaly to death before any Indian PM would put his John Hancock on it.

As I said you appear to think you are living in Pakistan. Maybe you are. Its difficult to tell whos who on the net.
That would have a catastrophic effect brother. You must not engage them directly. Even the countries which have been targetted by ISIS are contemplating strikes till now but very few came forward. Remember, we have a burning issue in the form of kashmir. At a time when things are settling down, we should not stir up a hornet's nest. Countries like Russia and China are not committing their military for this purpose...I dont see why India should. Maybe if ISIS directly confronts us/our interests...then we can embark on some kind of an assault operation.

If not ready to face ISIS NOW than get ready to confront it on OWN SOIL. Be it Caucasus for Russia, Xinxiang for China, and India even its MAIN LAND forget Kashmir. More you hesitate to take ISIS more you are inviting TROUBLES.


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I have no issue if India joined USA and the coalition..

Especially air strikes and special forces raids.

Good experience Wil be learned and we Wil pick up good Intel on these terror groups which may wish to hurt our interests in this region

Lets destroy them all
NSA is there because we need joint action against LET and others and to setup a proper channel of information sharing with US intelligence. NSA needs to build personal links with the intelligence community in the US so the inforamation flow is easier and bidirectional.
Really??? And How do you know that? Does your uncle whose driver whose daughter is married to a soldier who was serving tea to a general whose friend told you and its all true

As I said you appear to think you are living in Pakistan. Maybe you are. Its difficult to tell whos who on the net.
Oh...10 posts on this forum and you start judging senior members and call me a pakistani? :lol:
If you want to know under whom I work or to whom I report to or on what I work...I cannot reveal it here. You may get to know about it from members who have met me in our last get together in hyderabad. :azn:
The kind of hush up and the denials coming out inadvertently in the media points to something that is brewing. I will not do a "Bangladeshi" about it. But something gs surely fishy.
If not ready to face ISIS NOW than get ready to confront it on OWN SOIL. Be it Caucasus for Russia, Xinxiang for China, and India even its MAIN LAND forget Kashmir. More you hesitate to take ISIS more you are inviting TROUBLES.


Not so simple bro. It is not clear till now even the minutest of the details like who is funding them, who is providing them with arms, how many sympathizers they have in our country etc etc . ISIS will be dealt with...but we'll never get to know about the details.
Go for it India if you have the guts that is.

Oh I'm sorry, we are not scared of trash

It seems that he cannot distinguish his personal fantasies from reality.

True. Plus the real issue is not going after ISIS- it's going after ISIS with the US. I mean they just screw up every single such thing. Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan- they've messed up so much.
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