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India to join US-led anti-ISIS war

Before talking about India joining the Global Alliance, please remember that the US drone strikes in Pakistan did not kill a single terrorist who is/was involved in anti-India activities. The US wants us to bear their burden, we must ask how do we benefit. Because once the strikes are over, we will become legitimate target, while Uncle SAM sitting across the ocean will watch us burn with a binocular. The US is partially responsible for the menace we have been facing in Kashmir, CIA money was used to raise several anti-India groups.

ISIS so far has not been a threat to the Indian interests, why should we care? Let those who have been effected deal with the menace.

Lol, CIA money was used to kill NATO and US soldiers in Afghanistan 3000 have lost their lives to afghan taliban and haqqani and we all know who supports them. They are stupid to have not seen that happening in front of their eyes.

how many people died in iraq war? how many died in the hands of assad's army? i am against yazidi killing but i dont see any difference

I am talking about IS snd what they are and intend to do.
I am talking about IS snd what they are and intend to do.

they are saying their goal is israel and kick saud family out of arabia. they are not fighting for america's interest thats why US is against US would support them if they fought against assad. so i dont care
Before talking about India joining the Global Alliance, please remember that the US drone strikes in Pakistan did not kill a single terrorist who is/was involved in anti-India activities. The US wants us to bear their burden, we must ask how do we benefit. Because once the strikes are over, we will become legitimate target, while Uncle SAM sitting across the ocean will watch us burn with a binocular. The US is partially responsible for the menace we have been facing in Kashmir, CIA money was used to raise several anti-India groups.

ISIS so far has not been a threat to the Indian interests, why should we care? Let those who have been effected deal with the menace.

You are right but we should care. We will not criticise or oppose the alliance. We can help with any intelligence we may have. We will not fight this war for them. That is the job of the middle east potentates who thought funding terrorists will gain them another subservient Sunni Afganistan. The middle east is going to be at war and at each others throats for many many decades to come. Real peace cannot come to the middle east until Mecca and Tehran can settle a blood feud that is centuaries old. We have no ISIS problem yet but the surest way of having one is to join an alliance that has failed again and again in the middle east and south asia by allying with the very people who funded and encouraged the terrorists
they are saying their goal is israel and kick saud family out of arabia. they are not fighting for america's interest thats why US is against US would support them if they fought against assad. so i dont care

If given the chance they are going to fight against everybody dude. They are primarily ideological and against state concept. They will attack one state after the other.
If it's true (which I doubt it is). It would sign the end of the many masterstrokes of foreign policy management by our eastern neighbour.
You are right but we should care. We will not criticise or oppose the alliance. We can help with any intelligence we may have. We will not fight this war for them. That is the job of the middle east potentates who thought funding terrorists will gain them another subservient Sunni Afganistan. The middle east is going to be at war and at each others throats for many many decades to come. Real peace cannot come to the middle east until Mecca and Tehran can settle a blood feud that is centuaries old. We have no ISIS problem yet but the surest way of having one is to join an alliance that has failed again and again in the middle east and south asia by allying with the very people who funded and encouraged the terrorists

Surprising that you aren't taking the terrorist threat seriously. Militant and radical islam ideology is a reality today and india too is very much in the cross hairs...If not today than tomorrow when they grow stronger. Their reach is phenomenal. IS runs 3000 social media links and reportedly there are many indIan Muslims who have joined them.
If given the chance they are going to fight against everybody dude. They are primarily ideological and against state concept. They will attack one state after the other.

i dont think they have that much firepower. what's happening in mid east for black gold this kind of groups will keep rising.

i wish people can invent engine that doesnt require oil anymore maybe then we can hope for a peaceful mid east
i dont think they have that much firepower. what's happening in mid east for black gold this kind of groups will keep rising.

i wish people can invent engine that doesnt require oil anymore maybe then we can hope for a peaceful mid east

Many things happening was beyond our imagination a few years back ' but is a reality now. They are taking on whole armies for extended periods of time.

If it's true (which I doubt it is). It would sign the end of the many masterstrokes of foreign policy management by our eastern neighbour.

Please elaborate.
Surprising that you aren't taking the terrorist threat seriously. Militant and radical islam ideology is a reality today and india too is very much in the cross hairs...If not today than tomorrow when they grow stronger. Their reach is phenomenal. IS runs 3000 social media links and reportedly there are many indIan Muslims who have joined them.

I have taken the terrorist threat very seriously for 3 decades and in 3 continents. Radical Islam is not a new phenomena. It has been around since Islams birth. It is part of its DNA. We have to be ready if and when (assuming) the alliance fails which it will because everyone in that alliance is working for their own interests. The USA and Europe will eventually walk away after spending a lot of treasure and perhaps blood. They will declare a victory as dubia did. They live far away and in well managed rich societies. Not much is going to happen to them. India on the other hand will be drawn into a war in India that will tear it apart. We must prepare. We must be vigillent. We will not invite ISIS by fighting an Islamic schism that is centuaries old
I have taken the terrorist threat very seriously for 3 decades and in 3 continents. Radical Islam is not a new phenomena. It has been around since Islams birth. It is part of its DNA. We have to be ready if and when (assuming) the alliance fails which it will because everyone in that alliance is working for their own interests. The USA and Europe will eventually walk away after spending a lot of treasure and perhaps blood. They will declare a victory as dubia did. They live far away and in well managed rich societies. Not much is going to happen to them. India on the other hand will be drawn into a war in India that will tear it apart. We must prepare. We must be vigillent. We will not invite ISIS by fighting an Islamic schism that is centuaries old

I dont think they are waiting for an invitation. We are strong enough to take care of it if they do. This works perfectly in the global footprint for us. I agree many will be against it though.
India will join the fight against ISIS it is only a matter of time before we fight them.
Either we can choose to fight them in iraq or confront them in our border when pakistan is taken over.
The announcement is not being made because we still have 40 Indians as hostages in Isis lands, once we get them and our people in Middle east secured then India will make a public declaration until then it not public.
Please elaborate.
You folks have been blessed with excellent foreign policy management, even under the much criticised congress. You've kept your nose out of conflicts that weren't yours, ie in the ME. Yet, conflicts where your interests were at stake, ie Afghanistan, you interfered, but not in a damaging way, very calculated. And in Afghanistan, all it takes is one bad move to mess up your own interests, India has so far managed it really well.

It has also been upholding it's image as a responsible democracy at international levels, involving itself more and rightly being identified as a global power, a few examples come to mind.

You've also grown a lot closer to the US. Which is a masterstroke, having both Russia and the US by your side, while an inevitable relations with China, India is setting the stage for itself.

HOWEVER, all that is needed is a few bad strokes, like directly involving yourselves in war that isn't yours, not only is it bad internally, you begin to attach yourself to everything else the rest of the world perceives about what goes on there, which is as you know not so peachy. If India is wise, it will limit it's involvement against ISIS, condemn it but not become involved, the party can continue if that should happen.
You folks have been blessed with excellent foreign policy management, even under the much criticised congress. You've kept your nose out of conflicts that weren't yours, ie in the ME. Yet, conflicts where your interests were at stake, ie Afghanistan, you interfered, but not in a damaging way, very calculated. And in Afghanistan, all it takes is one bad move to mess up your own interests, India has so far managed it really well.

It has also been upholding it's image as a responsible democracy at international levels, involving itself more and rightly being identified as a global power, a few examples come to mind.

You've also grown a lot closer to the US. Which is a masterstroke, having both Russia and the US by your side, while an inevitable relations with China, India is setting the stage for itself.

HOWEVER, all that is needed is a few bad strokes, like directly involving yourselves in war that isn't yours, not only is it bad internally, you begin to attach yourself to everything else the rest of the world perceives about what goes on there, which is as you know not so peachy. If India is wise, it will limit it's involvement against ISIS, condemn it but not become involved, the party can continue if that should happen.
I dont think India will be involved in any war away from home... swamy is being a jerk as usual...
You folks have been blessed with excellent foreign policy management, even under the much criticised congress. You've kept your nose out of conflicts that weren't yours, ie in the ME. Yet, conflicts where your interests were at stake, ie Afghanistan, you interfered, but not in a damaging way, very calculated. And in Afghanistan, all it takes is one bad move to mess up your own interests, India has so far managed it really well.

It has also been upholding it's image as a responsible democracy at international levels, involving itself more and rightly being identified as a global power, a few examples come to mind.

You've also grown a lot closer to the US. Which is a masterstroke, having both Russia and the US by your side, while an inevitable relations with China, India is setting the stage for itself.

HOWEVER, all that is needed is a few bad strokes, like directly involving yourselves in war that isn't yours, not only is it bad internally, you begin to attach yourself to everything else the rest of the world perceives about what goes on there, which is as you know not so peachy. If India is wise, it will limit it's involvement against ISIS, condemn it but not become involved, the party can continue if that should happen.

Many would agree in India that it would be a policy mistake to get involved in a distant conflict. But, what we are up against (if we decide to) is a brutal stateless entity. Indians did fight (many voluntarily) against Germany and Japan in the world wars, but that wouldn't be an ideal parallel here, because of the empire being the primary stakeholder during the wars.

I wonder who will be against this move here? The arabs? The Chinese?, the russians? The turks? The Muslims in the sub continent? . No one has a stake - at least directly - with the Islamic State. So who will object to it?...not the Iraqi's or the kurds or the Syrians.

Though, our direct involvement is unconfirmed and has been denied.
Many would agree in India that it would be a policy mistake to get involved in a distant conflict. But, what we are up against (if we decide to) is a brutal stateless entity. Indians did fight (many voluntarily) against Germany and Japan in the world wars, but that wouldn't be an ideal parallel here, because of the empire being the primary stakeholder during the wars.

I wonder who will be against this move here? The arabs? The Chinese?, the russians? The turks? The Muslims in the sub continent? . No one has a stake - at least directly - with the Islamic State. So who will object to it?...not the Iraqi's or the kurds or the Syrians.

Though, our direct involvement is unconfirmed and has been denied.

Everyone has their own interests in this great game. All that WE need to know is that, supporting or being against the current involvement is not ONLY about ISIS. It's about the chosen method of dealing with ISIS and weighing that alongside the facts that powers like Russia, US, Iran, Saudi Arabia all have opposing interests, even though they're all against ISIS.

To oppose or support action is irrelevant, what is actually being discussed is whether the methodology is proper.
We citizens of earth are being misled and being led to believe that all countries who oppose, must be default support ISIS, and this simply isn't true.
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