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India to deploy Tejas aircraft on the western front by mid of this year (likely Srinagar)

other,than the block 52.f16 which number a, just 18 planes the,tejas,beats,everything else in your airforce period

your 100 or so mirage 5 and f7 are ancient with outdates,airframe weapons and radar..
your block 1 and 2 thunders,are poorly equipped for dog fighting with no hobs missle or hmd.. you hope the thunder can win in bvr but the radar has barely 100km.tracking range were as tejas has hmd hobs and israeli elta radar is 170km range...
you will.not receive the 30 new thunders until.summer 2022..
so that leaves,55 older f16
but the apg 66 radar is ok ish but 150km is barely same as elta 170km.so.f16 mlu has good weapons choice but no hobs or hmd like tejas,mark1.

you really are limited when you break.it down
Finally some variation. MiG-21 crash reports were aging faster than Indias airfleet.
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other,than the block 52.f16 which number a, just 18 planes the,tejas,beats,everything else in your airforce period

your 100 or so mirage 5 and f7 are ancient with outdates,airframe weapons and radar..
your block 1 and 2 thunders,are poorly equipped for dog fighting with no hobs missle or hmd.. you hope the thunder can win in bvr but the radar has barely 100km.tracking range were as tejas has hmd hobs and israeli elta radar is 170km range...
you will.not receive the 30 new thunders until.summer 2022..
so that leaves,55 older f16
but the apg 66 radar is ok ish but 150km is barely same as elta 170km.so.f16 mlu has good weapons choice but no hobs or hmd like tejas,mark1.

you really are limited when you break.it down
Ooooo mav your back, hope the family in India is all good friend.
Now to the main topic ……. You delusional again with weirdo numbers …..

paf -f-16s went through the mlu program and most if not all can use the aim-120c

paf mirage 5 and 3 have radars installed and can use r darter and other wepons to defend themselves as part of the strike package

paf jf-17 thunders can all shoot sd-10 and soon pl-15. There maybe a new program soon to start upgrading block 1s as part of the first overhaul program to use pl-15s with a new radar

So most of the Indians against flying are toast the only aircraft that are a threat to the PAF are the rafaels but our new j-10cs are purpose built to take those out.

other,than the block 52.f16 which number a, just 18 planes the,tejas,beats,everything else in your airforce period

your 100 or so mirage 5 and f7 are ancient with outdates,airframe weapons and radar..
your block 1 and 2 thunders,are poorly equipped for dog fighting with no hobs missle or hmd.. you hope the thunder can win in bvr but the radar has barely 100km.tracking range were as tejas has hmd hobs and israeli elta radar is 170km range...
you will.not receive the 30 new thunders until.summer 2022..
so that leaves,55 older f16
but the apg 66 radar is ok ish but 150km is barely same as elta 170km.so.f16 mlu has good weapons choice but no hobs or hmd like tejas,mark1.

you really are limited when you break.it down
Do you think that we will allow tejas to operate openly without any jamming or do you think that you can use maximum range without any counter measures from Pakistan? you haven't learned anything from Feb. 27 but your air force learned a lot.
paf jf-17 thunders can all shoot sd-10 and soon pl-15.
Any confirmed report on PL-15 being available on all JFs? Will PL-15 be compatible with Blk 1&2 with much shorter radar range?

There maybe a new program soon to start upgrading block 1s as part of the first overhaul program to use pl-15s with a new radar
I guess that’s a normal progression for the JF development cycle. But upgrading the radars is a costly and complex process. It may be time consuming too. The fact that Blk 3 is taking a little time may be due to structural modifications required to support the new systems. Those structural changes may not be possible on the existing JFs hence restricting the upgrades in line with Blk 3.
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Any confirmed report on PL-15 being available on all JFs? Will PL-15 be compatible with current radars on Blk 1&2 with much shorter range?

I guess that’s a normal progression for the JF development cycle. But upgrading the radars is a costly and complex process. It may be time consuming too. The fact that Blk 3 is taking a little time may be due to structural modifications required to support the new systems. Those structural changes may not be possible on the existing JFs hence restricting the upgrades in line with Blk 3.

it won't be upgraded in line with block 3
you can't change the fcs from single axis or add composites to airframe
at best cockpit updated with new weapons
it will block 2.5 version
other,than the block 52.f16 which number a, just 18 planes the,tejas,beats,everything else in your airforce period

your 100 or so mirage 5 and f7 are ancient with outdates,airframe weapons and radar..
your block 1 and 2 thunders,are poorly equipped for dog fighting with no hobs missle or hmd.. you hope the thunder can win in bvr but the radar has barely 100km.tracking range were as tejas has hmd hobs and israeli elta radar is 170km range...
you will.not receive the 30 new thunders until.summer 2022..
so that leaves,55 older f16
but the apg 66 radar is ok ish but 150km is barely same as elta 170km.so.f16 mlu has good weapons choice but no hobs or hmd like tejas,mark1.

you really are limited when you break.it down
After reading your comments, PAF has decided to retire. You guys can come and take the command here.
It has been quite a while since i hae eaten a good quality samosa, i am already licking my lips with the chutney (sd 10).
After reading your comments, PAF has decided to retire. You guys can come and take the command here.
It has been quite a while since i hae eaten a good quality samosa, i am already licking my lips with the chutney (sd 10).
Be careful, this Samosa may set your rear on fire!!!!:cheesy:

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