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India to deploy Tejas aircraft on the western front by mid of this year (likely Srinagar)

And the Truck?

Here digest these . This is the real Tejas Today





Pakistan laments the news and terms it a continued policy of escalation.

India has no right to pour weapons in a disputed territory.
erm...right now, the truck ki laal batti is that fading dream of india becoming a supa pawa as the truck leaves the covid19 riddled indians far behind in the dust gasping for air due to lack of oxygen tanks...so shush, no like, seriously, just put that baby tejas in your mouth and shush, remain silent. 🤐

You took that from Step Brothers! Easily my favorite Will Ferrell movie.

When are they equipping the Eastern facing bases with Tejas?
it's,the old Smokey engines,from.russia they used on the first 120 thunders.
they went for low cost options by paying 2 or 3 million per engine rather than go for French or british engine which was double the cost but twice as efficient..
they cut corners,on flight control and just using alloy airframe so now fatigue sets in earlier.
these,first 120.thunders are stuck with these shortcoming barring a 5 year programme to change them at cost of over the 10 to 15 million each to upgrade

well.at least the 30 new thunders,in block 3 will be better and get a full hmd and hobs missles which are vital in dog fighting

I can understand your frustrations mate, that how good Pakistan handled their Aircraft with the help of China. There must be a feeling of irk that how brilliantly Pakistan has been leading this Program. Pakistan have been able to make a design which is brilliant, adaptable, efficient and streamlined it. Pakistan tailored this Aircraft brilliantly, when Pakistan needed the initial push they kept it simple and smooth and with extremely smart compromises without loosing any significant performance, started churning out the planes. The next phase was learning and improving of the systems and smoothing out the small creases i.e. sorting out engine smoke, environment support, improved wiring etc etc with high focus on avionics and network centricity as that's the heart of attack ability of an aircraft now, cherry on top all this had the ability to be trickled down in previously produced examples as well. At this point Pakistan has churned out decent number of Aircrafts and there was no ageing fleet left in PAF, mean while the Aircraft had been matured and all the quirks has been removed, and PAF had trained the hell out of this aircraft with brilliant ability to maintain it rigorously. At this point PAF decided to go to the next step and make this Aircraft 4.5 generation and the Design was so brilliant that it's ability to adopt was so smooth and PAF got a brilliant next Aircraft. All the new stuff will be trickled down in the earlier examples as well in one form or another and even if something can't be integrated i.e. physical changes etc etc we can just churn out the Spanking New examples and sell the old ones to other AForces which will have same examples. I don't mean to say that design of JF17 does not make any compromises but well every design is the pick and choose of compromises but JF17 is extremely nice design even though i would have liked few more improvements i.e. blended wings etc etc and a bit more time on the drawing board i.e. more refinement in DSI etc etc but hey i am not complaining and AL-ḤAMDU LILLĀH for this success after all the successes belong to HIM and HIM Alone.

On the other hand Tejas is good and eventually will become a nice product but the design limitations can't be removed unfortunately and there are lots of compromises in that department but India has learnt a lot from this project.

You can put JF17 and Tejas against each other, JF17 will eat Tejas for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner with ease in overall design but Tejas can have savoury which is still cool.

JF17 Block-3 can handle everything which can be thrown at it by IAF extremely brilliantly in defence and For Offence well we can always churn out more examples and beat you there besides that we are already working on our Offensive capabilities in few years PAF will have a major change in offensive posture as well and braid Indian AF on daily bases just like a newly married groom does it to his newly weded wife on the first night that even though there is pain but she doesn't lift her head infront of her husband.

Cheers ☺

@SQ8 @Bilal Khan (Quwa) @Chak Bamu @JamD and others.
I know it's a measuring contest but sometimes it's not bad to savour your success i guess.
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JF17 Block-3 can handle everything which can be thrown at it by IAF extremely brilliantly in defence and For Offence
Can you post any confirmed details of this version? Capabilities wise. A reliable source would be nice.

the design limitations can't be removed unfortunately and there are lots of compromises in that
Can you elaborate on these aspects? What exactly are these limitations and are these standalone limitation or they put it at disadvantage to JF -17 too. Please be specific.
Can you post any confirmed details of this version? Capabilities wise. A reliable source would be nice.
There are quite many links available and material is out there you can go through it if you want to learn. So you can do it yourself.

Can you elaborate on these aspects? What exactly are these limitations and are these standalone limitation or they put it at disadvantage to JF -17 too. Please be specific.
Too small size, High wing loading, Not optimised Delta configuration etc etc there are already things are being done in next configuration extension in length, canards, bigger wings etc etc.

I hope you can now look about it in detail from other resources and learn as spoon feeding is not a beneficial thing to do.

I will give you a example you can check the empty weight difference in Tejas and JF17, it will tell you quite much, even though JF17 is a larger Aircraft and mostly built by simple construction while Tejas is significantly smaller aircraft and there is alot more composite material used in airframe, JF17 is performing equivalent or better.
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Too small size, High wing loading, Not optimised Delta configuration etc etc there are already things are being done in next configuration extension in length, canards, bigger wings etc etc.
And how come some of these are not the limitations on JF-17?
Learn about it and you will know. Internet is full of all this stuff.
I disagree.

Tejas did languish initially due to various reasons. But that is the past.

In various parameters like - HMDS, engine performance in terms of maximum thrust as well as efficiency, payload, Better fly by wire, A to A missiles, internal fuel, number of hard points, take off and landing run distances, Tejas is ahead of current JF versions.

One area where JF seems to be ahead is integration of sea strike weaponry.

I will give you a example you can check the empty weight difference in Tejas and JF17, it will tell you quite much, even though JF17 is a larger Aircraft and mostly built by simple construction while Tejas is significantly smaller aircraft and there is alot more composite material used in airframe,

That is the advantage of composites. Inspite of similar weights, Tejas Airframe has been given adequate strength to carry more payload than larger JF-17.

Have you considered why Tejas carries more payload and internal fuel than JF-17? This inspite of the fact that JF is bigger in size.
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Yes. Please also deploy the Tejas in the Eastern Air command and withdraw the sukhoi's.

The idiotic BD must be taught a lesson in obedience .

4 squadron of mighty Tejas is perfect to them the lesson and make them join Quad.
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Our pilots will love to eat this samosa in combat for sure.
You were unable to digest the first samosa aka Mirage 2000, how will you be able to handle the second..??
Hope you don’t get Dysentery…!!
You were unable to digest the first samosa aka Mirage 2000, how will you be able to handle the second..??
Hope you don’t get Dysentery…!!
Abhinanananadan se pucho usko hamari chainkesi lagi. You only have wet dreams and claims. We caught your pilot red handed; sorry red nosed.
Hope you don’t get Dysentery…!!
We won't have anything Inshallah. But your bharat matta is sick with coronavirus. Give her some cow juice and dung to cure her.
since last 70 years:lol:
Wasn't your Tejas behind truck ki batti since last 40 50 years??
Well they will need plenty of trucks to take Tejas to kashmir.
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